Notably, a night scope image of an apparently triangular object can be seen in the lower left corner. The boat is a beautiful custom-fitted runabout built to commercial Survey, and its name - Longevity - is apt in many ways. The issue of planes, ships and people having been lost in the strait over time has spawned a number of theories. The Alaska Bering Sea crab fishery . 1980. The oil and gas is sent via pipeline to gas processing facilities and oil refineries at Longford (Longford gas plant), Western Port (Westernport Refinery closed 1985), Altona (Altona Refinery scheduled to close in 2021) and Geelong (Geelong Oil Refinery), as well as by tanker to New South Wales. Briefing slides can now fill some of these gaps. But we've already seen that Tasmanian canoe-rafts became unmaneuverable and sank after about 10 miles of travel in calm seas. Andrew McAuley was the first person to cross Bass Strait non-stop in a sea kayak in 2003. Some incidents were assessed to be collection operations while others were attributed to local fishermen operating personal quadcopters. In the case of the naval incidents, some ships indicated that they did not yet have any operational C-UAS technologies. Why is Bass Strait so rough? Bass Straight oil production still amounts to between 17% - 19% of Australia's oil and 42% of LPG. After a dash to Flinders Island, the crew of the 40-foot cutter Anastasia joined David for a nice hot "cuppa". Finally, the USS Ralph Johnson (RJN), another Arleigh Burke class destroyer, also prepared briefing slides about the incident. Among the new documents released to us is this briefing slide, which depicts the course of the Bass Strait relative to the Arleigh Burke class destroyer USS Paul Hamilton, also abbreviated here as PHM, as it transited to a scheduled port call in Long Beach, California. Most large fields were discovered in the 1960s, and are located about 50 to 65km (30 to 40mi) off the coast of Gippsland in water depths of about 70m (230ft). CTO Jared Page added that definitely in the last two years there has been a marked increase in activity related to swarms. The companys threat intelligence database has registered approximately 151 swarm incidents in that time. The existence of the strait had been suggested in 1797 by the master of Sydney Cove when he reached Sydney after deliberately grounding his foundering ship and being stranded on Preservation Island (at the eastern end of the strait). The ships travel daily in opposite directions between Devonport and Spirit of Tasmania Quay in Geelong as overnight trips, with additional daytime trips during the peak summer season.[18]. The shows co-creator, Vikki Madden, has stated that she experienced many strange incidents in the area while growing up there. He reported that the strong south westerly swell and the tides and currents suggested that the island was in a channel linking the Pacific and southern Indian Ocean. As the the author explains, however, if you wait for the appropriate weather window, you can enjoy Sometimes then, youll have the westerlies and southerlies interacting in and around Bass Strait in ways that can be quite tricky to predict exactly, he says. Our initial investigation leveraged automatic identification system (AIS) ship location data in conjunction with deck logs to reconstruct the incidents. According to Page, public reports started to escalate in late 2019. It is not man-made like the canals. The email further states that no counter unmanned aerial system (CUAS) measures were deployed during the first phase and that the USS Ralph Johnson was not at that time equipped with DRAKE or other C-UAS equipment. DRAKE refers to Northrop Grummans Drone Restricted Access Using Known EW (DRAKE) system, a portable anti-drone platform. In June 2017, the Government of Victoria announced a three-year feasibility study[17] for Australia's first offshore wind farm. The smaller airports in the north of the state and on the islands in the strait are served either by Regional Express Airlines, QantasLink or King Island Airlines. Even aboard a cruise, the waters around the Drake Passage are still known as one of the most dangerous maritime routes in the world. This is in part because traditional deck logs were not available from Littoral Combat Ships (LCS) due to their use of digital records. So the tides need to squeeze through the Bass Strait every day, going backwards and forwards and that may be in a different direction to all the other currents rushing around.. Jennings, J. N. (1958). They described intermittent radar tracks of the objects. Yes, largemouth bass are getting harder to catch. Bass boats are made to float on the water. [4] After the glacial period ended, sea levels rose and flooded the Bassian Plain to form Bass Strait at around 8,000 years ago, leaving them isolated from the Australian mainland. We previously reported the close presence of several civilian vessels in conjunction with these sightings, notably the Hong Kong-flagged bulk carrier MV Bass Strait. [16]:484 These oil fields include the Halibut Field discovered in 1967, the Cobia Field discovered in 1972, the Kingfish Field, the Mackerel Field, and the Fortescue Field discovered in 1978. The team at DroneSec also spoke to the complexity of comprehensively defending against drone threats, emphasizing that no single technical solution exists yet. The terseness of the deck logs and limitations in AIS data left several unanswered questions, such as the origin of the drones and the specifics of their flight behavior. We had eight people inside [the hull of the boat] with water up to our knees discussing what the next plan would be, he said. Indeed, the strait became so notorious for ships going missing that few dared to make the north to south journey until Melbourne was established in 1835, and even then at least seven major vessels vanished without a trace . Meet 'Fluffy' - the stunt-performing powerhouse that boasts more than 1,400hp. In 1858, the British ship HMS Sappho met the same fate as it ventured into the straits apparently deadly waters. The vessel was part of a salvage operation for the Sydney Cove, which had recently become wrecked on the rocky coast. [14], During Pleistocene, low sea level stands the central basin of Bass Strait was enclosed by raised sills forming a large shallow lake. [3] Perhaps most intriguing, however, was a small piece of the floor of the plane. Finally, a photograph of one of the drones was included with the report: While our initial investigation focused on the cluster of drone events in July described above, these new records also indicate that at least two other significant drone swarm events occurred in the waters off Southern California earlier in 2019. The first incident occurred on March 30, 2019. The gulf is found on the northeastern most part of the Atlantic Ocean, right between Cape Lopez in Gabon and Cape Three Points in the Western Ghana region. Jennings' study of the submarine topography of Bass Strait[13] described the bathymetric Bass Basin, a shallow depression approximately 120km (70mi) wide and 400km (250mi) long (over 65,000km2[25,000sqmi] in area) in the centre of Bass Strait, a maximum depth is the channel between Inner Sister Island and Flinders Island, which navigation charts indicate reaches 155m (510ft). Our previous analysis of deck logs indicated that other events occurred several weeks after the initial events of July 14th and 15th. It has the capacity to carry up to 630 megawatts of electrical power across the strait. : 1881 - 1895), Sat 26 Mar 1892, Page 30 - THE SEALERS OF BASS STRAIT. The fastest and often the cheapest method of travel across Bass Strait is by air. Formed 8,000 years ago by rising sea levels at the end of the last glacial period, the strait was named after English explorer and physician George Bass (1771-1803) by European colonists. Theres no better example of this than at the eastern edge of the strait, right where the Sydney to Hobart adventurers pass: the Bass Canyon. Interestingly, in their absolute desperation for information, family members of the crew even visited a clairvoyant, who stated that the crew had come upon an island south of their last known location. (The East Australian Current is the one from the movie Finding Nemo.) Alinta owns a submarine gas pipeline, delivering natural gas to large industrial customers near George Town, as well as the Powerco gas network in Tasmania. But when he and his crew started getting slammed by 12-metre waves and 80km/h winds as they journeyed towards Tasmania, Oxley knew something wasnt right. [32][33][34] Fewer sea kayak crossings have been made via King Island, due to the 100km (60mi) leg between Cape Wickam and Apollo Bay. Bass Strait is shallow. Deck logs further revealed that radiofrequency data was captured from the drones during the incident. Further analysis suggested that the area had been in flames, and other material appeared to show someone had tried to intensely stamp it out. And that creates the hazard for yachts., In terms of treacherous water, its got to be up there with the most treacherous in the world., Its why Peter Langman, who will lead one of the smallest boats to Hobart, gets nervous thinking about it. It might look like any other stretch of ocean big, blue and mostly empty but hidden just below the surface is another world of mountains and canyons, lakes and cliffs. The Australian Hydrographic Service does not consider it to be part of its expanded definition of the Southern Ocean, but rather states that it lies with the Tasman Sea. According to Deputy Director of Naval Intelligence Scott Bray, the video was definitively identified as an unmanned aerial system (UAS) following a second swarm event that occurred off the East Coast of the United States this year. The War Zone previously laid out this reality and its implications in great detail in this feature. There appeared to be a burned patch only several centimeters wide. Although the following incident isnt immediately linked to the Bass Strait, given the fact that it happened near the northern coast of the Bass Strait Triangle and that descriptions of the object match other accounts of UFOs over the stretch of water in question, it would be perhaps a little shortsighted to not include this (and our next entry) on our list.[5]. The project, which could have 250 wind turbines within a 574km2 (222sqmi) area, is projected to deliver around 8,000GWh of electricity, representing some 18 per cent of Victoria's power usage and replacing a large part of the output of Hazelwood Power Station, which was closed in early 2017. Hendrich, J.H., Palmer, I.D., and Schwebel, D.A., 1992, Fortescue Field, Gippsland Basin, Offshore Australia, In Giant Oil and Gas Fields of the Decade, 1978-1988, AAPG Memoir 54, Halbouty, M.T., editor, Tulsa: American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Jack Loney, Mysteries of the Bass Strait Triangle, Neptune Press, 1st ed. About 30,000 years ago an ice age began, which caused sea levels to drop about 120 metres and created a continuous land mass that stretched between Papua New Guinea and Tasmania. Ive seen it pretty gnarly, he says. bass strait can be one of the roughest stretches of ocean in the world. Battlefield commanders in Syria and Afghanistan have both had to constantly contend with drone threats. Footage of enormous waves has been captured in Australia's Bass Strait, with severe weather meaning that the Spirit of Tasmania ferry company has stopped all crossings through the Strait. Notably, the public affairs statement characterizes the behavior of the drones as dangerous, and not in accordance with the rules of the road or internationally recognized maritime customs.. The second thing to know is that this very spot is where the East Australian Current stops. In Mori it has the name Raukawa or Raukawa Moana. But literally anything could happen Weve got to be prepared for whatever.. The stories of the ancient world made the whirlpool into a much more deadly threat. These incidents have come to be woven into an ongoing discussion about unidentified aerial phenomena, traditionally known as UFOs. It is part of the Australia-New Zealand border and is a major shipping route. Anyone who has seen the Australian television show The Kettering Incident will perhaps be aware that many parts of the shows story lines are based, in part, on real-life accounts, particularly of life in Tasmania along the coast of the Bass Strait. Why is the Cook Strait so dangerous? Any crossing of Bass Strait inevitably involves big swell and wild weather. As you might imagine, there were numerous accounts of strange events in the Bass Strait during World War II. Hopefully, this year will be smooth sailing. If there is something in this stretch of water, perhaps some naturally occurring phenomenon that we simply dont yet understand, it is unlikely to be a recent occurrence and more likely has been happening for centuries. Flinders Island has the largest population. Pirates here mainly target tankers . Also, the strait has international commercial shipping traffic, as well as fishing ferries of both private and public organizations. These images were captured by the Ship Nautical Or Otherwise Photographic Interpretation and Exploitation team, or "SNOOPIE team." Articles may contain affiliate links which enable us to share in the revenue of any purchases made. In 1920, while sailing into the Bass Strait, the SS Amelia J. disappeared without a trace shortly after entering the infamous stretch of water. The USS Paul Hamilton reported observing and identifying the drones visually via technical means. Although an unknown vessel is referenced, it is unclear if this is the same ship that was operating near the USS Russell. The USS Gabrielle Giffords also queried what it believed to be the UAS "homeplate" a term used to indicate an aircraft's home airfield or ship. The treacherous waters of Bass Strait have claimed hundreds of ships and more than a thousand lives. [35], Tammy van Wisse swam part of the strait in 1996, from King Island to Apollo Bay in Victoria, a distance of about 100km (60mi) in 17 hours and 46 minutes.[36][37]. He has been a guest speaker on numerous national radio and television stations and is a five time published author. The Bass Strait oil and gas fields are primarily structural traps and occupy culminations along major anticlinal axes. Two years earlier in 1942, an Australian fighter pilot took his plane over the Bass Strait after orders to investigate reports of strange lights made by fishermen. The actual whirlpool in the strait is only a danger to very small vessels, and even then only in extreme circumstances. There are now 23 offshore platforms and installations in Bass Strait, including the new Marlin B platform and Kipper subsea wells, which feed a network of 600km of underwater pipelines and keep the oil and gas flowing, 24 hours a day. Many sea kayakers have since made the crossing, usually by island hopping on the eastern side of the strait. "Purists occasionally spark up and say that, strictly speaking, we don't actually cross the strait, as we are still in the Tasman Sea," wrote Oxley, a veteran round-the-world racer who is also a marine biologist. [2] There were 11 people on board, nine passengers and two pilots. What makes Bass Strait a gnarly part of the Sydney to Hobart yacht race? A month later, the USS Zumwalt, the Navy's most advanced surface combatant, encountered a set of six drones on April 24, 2019. Frederick Valentich was flying a small aeroplane over the strait when he reported to personnel at a local airport that a strange object was buzzing his plane. In the coming days the sea will remain rough. View adam kehoe and marc cecotti's Articles, congressional hearing on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena. Carbonate mud sedimentation on a temperate shelf: Bass Basin, southeast Australia. Read more explainers here. These concerns are shared broadly throughout the military and United States government. Perhaps more intriguing were several reports from other witnesses, who stated that the larger craft was trailed by five other independent craft, either giving chase or acting as a guide unit, depending on which report you listen to. Please try again later. Bass Strait (/ b s /) is a strait separating the island state of Tasmania from the Australian mainland (more specifically the coast of Victoria, with the exception of the land border across Boundary Islet).The strait provides the most direct waterway between the Great Australian Bight and the Tasman Sea, and is also the only maritime route into the economically prominent Port Phillip Bay. [6] Tasman was on a mission to find the Southern Continent, not more islands, so he abruptly turned away to the east and continued his continent hunting. And public organizations # x27 ; - the SEALERS of Bass Strait a gnarly of. Throughout the military and United States Government at DroneSec also spoke to the complexity of comprehensively defending against drone,! Television stations and is a major shipping route the complexity of comprehensively defending against drone threats much deadly... Vikki Madden, has stated that she experienced many strange incidents in that time Sydney Cove, had... 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Christine Darden Character Traits, Articles W