If the coverage is voluntary, then the retiree has to inform DFAS of his or her intent to provide coverage to the former spouse. ? This blog is strictly for informational and entertainment purposes only. Thanks in advance and looking forward to your reply! If I pass prior to meeting the 70 year age requirement and have not met the 360 month payment period does my spouse collect anything?? Hi Kate. I received court ordered 1/2 of retirement military pay from my former spouse. There are commercial annuities that may allow a change of beneficiaries, but they would be many times more expensive than SBP. Unfortunately, one of the reasons SBP is so affordable is that there is no provision for refund of premiums if the beneficiary passes before the retiree. Written documentation regarding the death of FS; A copy of the FSs death certificate; and. Those payments would be made on his full retirement pay, not the offset amount he has received. Or is it just the military running it? Because of their varying needs, some families may want or need life insurance, some families may want or need an annuity, some families may want or need both. Your SBP coverage can be any amount from full coverage down to as little as $300 a month. Spouse-and-Child (ren) 4. Someone called once and she answered some additional questions. Everything I read says you can receive dic and SBP is ofser. Especially the United States DOD. If your financial need is to pay off a house, SBP is not the right product to fulfill that need. They also send a claim form for SBP for me to fill out. The chief complaint about SBP is the Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC) offset. I am an active duty service member who is coming up on my 20 years. The request must be received within one year of the law's. A surviving spouse or child may receive a special lump-sum death payment of $255 if they meet certain requirements. You should present all the facts. When I quit SBP can you recommend an annuity or another insurance product that would be protected from lawsuits? I am nearing my 5 year mark and received a notice from the VA that I was eligible for the SBP-DIC offset. If so, you should be able to contact them to ensure that nothing has changed. Is that because of you were awarded Dependency and Indemnity Compensation? Military pay, including active duty pay and allowances and retired pay, stops upon a Soldier's death. When a Social Security beneficiary dies, his or her surviving spouse is eligible for survivor benefits. My question is: If the coverage is required by the divorce settlement, then the spouse must provide DFAS with a copy of the court order. In the meantime, you can make arrangements for your SBP premiums to be made from your VA pay using Form 2891 or you can make payments directly to the VA using the address listed on this webpage. His former spouse filed a claim and my benefit has stopped. Is that a correct assumption? Its somewhat irrelevant to your specific question, but it may inform the big picture. It may have turned out to be a brilliant idea, depending on how things unfold. The SBP can be assigned to a former spouse as part of divorce proceedings. Many people miss that window to reinstate coverage. She never received SBP prior to. This certainly is a unique situation. To the best of my knowledge, there is not a separate form to request the refund. Insurable interest coverage is more expensive than other coverage, and provides smaller benefits. I dont like that if my husband dies first I get nothing out of all of the premiums we paid to SBP which in my opinion is way to expensive for a 50% chance of getting nothing. I will have been paying into the child only SBP for 15 years by then. I receive SBP with DIC offset and SSIA (which is changning I am happy to find out). Think about an insurance policy like this, if your preretirement income was $50,000/yr, than thats only 8 years of replacement income but not including housing/medical benefits. It can be frustrating not being able to concentrate and go about life as you did before. How many children do you have, and how old are they? When I buy food, it isnt a loss, its trading money for a goods or service. SBP is for when the survivor lives a lot longer than you planned.. Why do they impact each other when they are 2 different pools of money? All references to third party products, rates, and offers may change without notice. Depending on your husbands medical situation, you may be eligible for Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC) if he pre-deceases you. In the 2018 National Defense Authorization Act, the SSIA rate was set at $310 per month for 2018, and was made permanent. Please review this FAQ to see if your question has already been addressed, or visit NCA's helpful FAQ list here. I plan on doing it the first week. Nancy, great service you are providing. Hi! I am sure the person who sold him on the VGLI didnt explain how the premium would go up dramatically as he got older. I tend to look at this coverage as income insurance, not life insurance. In particular, life insurance/survivor benefits and renting a house. I am now divorced and my ex-wife is remarried. Note: The RCSBP annuity is paid until the spouse dies, unless the surviving spouse remarries before age of 55. Divorced 1992 with SBP required in divorce decree. Hi, I cannot seem to get a clear answer from anyone at DFAS on anything related to my husbands pension (SBP) since he died. I have not asked DFAS yet. SPOUSE ONLY: This is the spouse you are married to when you die. We all know of older folks who sacrifice their own comfort because they are afraid of running out of money. Former spouse coverage must be elected to retain coverage. The retirement officer never explained that. I have never understood this perspective perhaps you can help me? I like to look at lifetime income planning like a bucket. Yes, thats the reasoning behind the offer. We have been married the entire time (44years) and I know I never signed any forms giving up my right to his pension when he dies considering he was 10 years older than myself. Thank you so much for your help. Putting children on the plan (minors only, or under 22 if students) in inexpensive and may be worth it. Even though this post is over 2,000 words long, I still havent covered all the nuances of special situations. My Mother passed away in August of 2006, and my Father, a retired Veteran, passed away at the end of December 2017. You can get both, but the amount of SBP is reduced by the amount of DIC. I cannot get any answers from anyone and struggling to survive. Yes, the requirements for SBP to be paid in full are the same for everyone. It would stop if/when your spouse dies. My husband hasnt made an SBP payment since he was declared 100% P&T disabled in 2009. This process requires an application and proof of medical disability that prevents them from being self-sufficient. If the spouse dies after the retiree, if all children are over 21, child coverage stops. Thank you, Shellie. Obviously you have done the math, compared the tax consequences, and anticipated what is right for your family and its particular situation. Premiums paid vs SBP received? He never told my mom he did any of this. The next question is, what in your plan provides for income for your survivors? If it is forced by the process, then another option may be needed. In addition to its relatively modest cost, SBP provides an attractive income stream because it is inflation-adjusted each year and it continues until the death of the beneficiary. This change affects surviving spouses who are, or who will become in the future, eligible for both Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP) payments and Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC) payments, and who were previously subject to a full or partial SBP-DIC offset. Nancy, heres what Ive found: Non-resident alien SBP beneficiaries living in foreign countries are subject to a withholding tax by the U.S. government on their monthly annuity. You also assume that everyone is insurable at such low rates. If the spouse remarries before the age of 55, they forfeit their SBP monthly payments until and unless that marriage ends. or any other amount between the full amount of retired pay and $300. Assuming the eligible beneficiaries are still eligible, the only window to terminate SBP coverage is between the 25th and 36th payment. "Your surviving spouse may remarry after age 55 and continue to receive SBP payments for life. How do I find out if my dad has SBP? I am receiving military retiree pay after 21 years of active service. The VA though was aware that my Mother had passed as I applied in 2015 for Emergency Financial Assistance for my Father. <> Jerry, yes, you should automatically stop paying premiums when your child turns 18, if the child is not in college. My question is list my only son 36 years old now as beneficiary. (Full retirement age for survivor benefits differs from . Heck, you could die in the first month of retirement and theyd be fully covered. To the best of my knowledge, there is no provision for SBP benefits to ever be non-taxable income. Basic Employee Death Benefit Surviving Spouse. Also, a Veterans Service Officer might be able to track down more details. One month later I put my mom in for dic and in January 2018 it was approved. Im glad I was able to answer your question. So Im doing more research that I should have done prior to paying in. There is no requirement to make a minimum number of payments or have coverage for a certain amount of time. I am sorry to hear about your wifes condition. I cant even pick which one is bigger. Have you ever heard of something like that? I have completed the 360 SBP payments and am over 70 years of age, therefor I no longer am being billed for these payments. So, I guess DFAS denied the former spouses claim and then the Appeal Board overturned it. How frustrating for you. I found out that I did not get paid the right amount of SBP.That it is no more an off set decission of Sharp vs US government. VGLI may seem expensive as you go up on age, but usually thats when your health deteriorates more and commercial insurance companies can deny you coverage. Heres hoping you can clearify this (possibly) unusual situation for me. his current monthly payment is around $13.00 dollars. She went to the site and reapplied. Jessica, this is incorrect. blessings Also keep in mind that life insurance vs. SBP is not an either-or question, nor is it an all-or-nothing question. 1. Kate If Your Former Spouse Dies and You Are Retired Under CSRS or FERS Call OPM to report the death of your former spouse. What if SBP payments were made and I was a spouse but divorced . SPB was stopped once she remarried and my husband obtained her marriage license. A FSs right to military retired pay terminates upon the FSs death and is not transferable by Will or other means. You have had a service-connected disability rated by the VA as totally disabling for 10 or more continuous years. 3. Added to this difficult time often is the additional stress of not fully understanding what should or should not be done with your significant other's estate. Social Security will pay a one-time death benefit of $255 to your spouse as of 2023 if they have been living in the same house as you. An SBP election only covers retired pay if the insured dies. SBP benefits are taxable to the recipient, whereas life insurance proceeds are generally non-taxable. Linda, there is no provision to change beneficiaries on SBP. The more questions you ask, the more everyone learns. If your father maintained former spouse coverage on your mother, she may be eligible for SBP benefits. SBP (a portion of your retirement) will be paid with no questions asked to your spouse at least till he/she deceases. SBP is not a form of life insurance. As discussed in a. Because this is such a valuable benefit, it's important to be sure you understand how the SBP works, especially if there is divorce. This was just a terrible wrong.". There is no refund of premiums. We were wondering about applying for spousal benefits, but were told we were supposed to apply for it within the 1st year of our marriage. Cancellation requires spousal concurrence just as it did at the time of retirement. You didnt actually answer her question. Spouse/Former Spouse: This is the primary category of SBP coverage, and may also include coverage for a former spouse. My question is this My mother is still alive but DFAS says that the word spouse is in the contract and because she is divorced from him and not his spouse she is not entitled to the SBP. And then the payout summary reflects the amounts I provided previously. And this all happened a long time ago. Dont want her to cash check just to later go through hardship to pay it backDoes Does SBP work with dic before cutting check? Can you give me any advice on what to do? I am about to remarry to a foreign national who will, eventually get her citizenship. I am retired Navy. Thanks for what you do! I asked many questions and wrote everything down to the T. I remember being so surprised that thats how it worked because it sounded too good to be true which now I know it wasnt. I strongly advise to NOT waste one nickel on an SBP. I carry automobile insurance, and yet I hope to not make a claim. However, there is no return of premiums if you withdraw from the plan vs. return of premiums if you continue with SBP and your survivors are impacted by the offset. The base amount covered may be any amount from $300 per month up to the entire amount of retired pay. Since she is getting part of his military retirement she gets her own RAS from DFAS, correct? I dont blame them though because even though its their job, I know they have a lot on their plate and tend to where many hats. My parents divorced in 1985. Make up a chart that reflects the earnings of a surviving spouse of an E7 with 22years. If the retiree was not married at the time of their former spouse's death, but later marries, the new spouse can still be listed as the SBP beneficiary. On Military.com it states the following: 2. Will they ever try to collect past due? J is receiving SBP via his fathers service. The child category includes not only natural children, adopted children, and step-children, but also may include grandchildren and foster children who meet certain eligibility criteria. I do wonder about the amount youve chosen. She said she was denied SBP payments because he hadnt paid in long enough. Your Military Familys Everything-You-Need Binder. Ill let you know what I find out. Taking care of him brings me joy but breaks my heart because he feels the system is truly unfair. Once he elected SBP, those payments come out of his retirement pay automatically. With my retired salary (and a follow-on job for a consultant), I think the Term Life plan is a tad bit better. If your current investments are enough to make SBP unnecessary, great. Pat, Im sorry to hear that this has turned out this way. Your email address will not be published. Your husband was awarded 100% service connected disability while he was alive or posthumously? Have I a leg to stand on at all? My question is I just recently found out I wouldnt be getting my husbands retired pension because he didnt elect to take out SBP when he retired from the military back in 1993 after serving 30 years in the Navy. If you dont need another lifetime stream of income, SBP is paying money for something that you dont need. If you look on his retiree account statement, it will show SBP premiums being deducted from his military retirement pay if he enrolled in SBP. I read your post with interest and have a question for you. All my kids are over 18. If we have regular life insurance is it over doing it to pay premiums for both? He is fighting the SBP situation because he paid the full amount and now has been fighting for 6 yrs. I was talking to an older lady the other day, her husband retired when SBP was just starting. I have a disability rating of 80% so not all of the payment is taken out of my pay. Only retirees pay into the Survivor . 1-Spouse: The surviving spouse is the beneficiary of RCSBP upon the death of the Soldier/Retiree. Father died oct 2014. I could really use some help where to start. My youngest attends college full time and will turn 22 in 2 months(december). Whether or not it is unfair isnt particularly interesting to me, because it is what it is, and it has always been this way. His mother (my niece) died a couple years ago. Contact your finance or admin folks to get exact costs. Odom said the fact that DFAS made no public notice of the policy change rankled retirees, advocacy groups and some lawmakers. Instead of throwing my hands up I am considering trying to get some kind of life coach training to be able to assist other military wives that are transitioning into retirement-it feels like it is more difficult than it needs to be and I often wish there were more people like you to turn to for questions that just dont make you want to call the assigned number, talk to a computer, be transferred ten times and annoy someone until they are finally willing to help. Im curious that they continued to take out premiums when they didnt know that you had court-ordered former spouses coverage, but then again Im rarely surprised by anything I discover when it comes to SBP. Thank you for this article it is very informative. Ms. Horrell And what kind of documentation should I submit? Key features of SBP that distinguish it from other products include: It makes sense to consider whether your specific needs will be better served by a single payment option like life insurance. It is wonderful. It took about a year. Thanks. That may change your needs over time, but relying on that second career is risky. 1-Spouse: The surviving spouse is the beneficiary of RCSBP upon the death of the Soldier/Retired Soldier. If she dies after he retires (and before he dies), can he then name me as his beneficiary in her place? This problem makes the DFAS SBP worthless. Unless you have a $1.5M house, why would you require a $1M term life policy to pay it off? Had it been the other way around (e.g., Her SBP was higher than DIC, she wouldnt get the offset, but would get a little bit of SBP and DIC). I am also confused about your retirement pay and subsequent SBP premium calculations. If you choose to replace SBP with life insurance, be sure to have a plan for how those insurance proceeds will be invested in a way that deals with how quickly inflation can erode the purchasing power of a dollar, and also a plan for how your beneficiaries can be assured of not out-living the proceeds from the insurance policy. Will I get it back in a lump sum? "We thought it was common sense to ensure service members are able to pass their benefits on to their loved ones,." The Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP) is a program through which the Department of Defense provides monthly, cost-of-living-adjusted income to eligible survivors of Soldiers who die on Active Duty in the line of duty, including Reserve Soldiers and National Guard Soldiers who die on Federal Active . I stay with her every day and have another lady at night. The annuity for the surviving spouse can be reinstated if the remarriage ends. She said, I guess I am trying to figure out what the term spouse cost is defined as and then if the the premiums do not continue if something were to happen to my husband.. endobj My question is Will I receive back pay from June to present day? I think maybe you are misunderstanding something, Anne. DFAS told me that it is listed all the time in the ECHOES publication and that he should have known to do that. the back amount debt would be paid by the SBP premiums + interest. Sorry, I have not taken the time to read all the questions and responses. http://www.moaa.org/uploadedFiles/MOAA_Main/Main_Menu/Publications/Books_and_Guides_-_MOAA_Info_Exchange%C2%AE/Former_Spouse_Benefits/formerspouse_final.pdf. In fact, Im pretty thankful that I havent been involved in a situation that required a claim. This post is part ofThe Comprehensive Military Retirement Checklist. I understand that you mean well, but trying to convince people to sign up for SBP is wrong. Hi Katheryn. Think of the Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP) as an insurance policy, focused on protecting a survivor's income flow from the military retirement if the retiree dies first. However, spousal SBP ceases to exist when you divorce. She received a check for backpack and I dont understand y. It pays your eligible survivors an inflation-adjusted monthly income. All Rights Reserved.Site development by Olive & Ivy Design. Single father retired and divorced. beneficiary loses eligibility (spouse dies, or member and spouse divorce). This post may contain affiliate links, from which I may earn revenue to support this free site. x[n_"'\ }g.Ex}GD')$u>)-I;0pc;;^x\7^x.bg>|PX!OXAO9_=+^ei)VMj{jIW>o#OrnuY~^ohuo I have no other eligible dependents. She was living overseas when this happened.. Fast forward to today, she could now use the pension and the benefits. Thank you for your understanding of this complex issue. When a FS passes away, their property right in the military retired pay ceases to exist. The request for the change originally came from defense officials, said Dustin Walker, spokesman for the Senate Armed Services Committee. BENEFICIARIES A beneficiary is a person who receives the RCSBP annuity payments when you die. Term insurance is an excellent product for that purpose. The former spouse of a member of the military does not forfeit her portion of military retirement pay should he remarry - instead, the Uniformed Services Former Spouse Protection Act requires that, if she begins to receive benefits under the Survivor Benefit Plan upon her former spouse's death, she will lose those benefits if she remarries before reaching his 55th birthday. If spouse A dies and doesn't use their exemption, it doesn't roll over to the surviving spouse. Although I am eligible to participate in SBP as member of the uniformed services, does my nonmilitary spouse have any say in the election process? Im asking around. This nice lady was not bitter and still talks of fondly of her military memories. My husband is paying for 7yrs SBP, he is 61 yrs old, I was worried if he cant paid 360 months. My question is how can the military do that after he gave 30 years of service as retired as an E9 Master Chief in the Navy and get away with it? Thank you much and appreciate the information you put forth on this site. Shouldnt I receive some kind of refund for the 360 payments he made to DFAS? My husband and I would have made another choice if we knew about the SBP/Offset ruling. Is it possible for me to request a refund of payments in this circumstance and if so how would I go about doing so. My child is the beneficiary, when my child turns 18 and not in college do I get to stop paying SBP payments? Im not sure he knew to do that. I can not emphasize enough how vitally important it is to thoroughly understand the Survivor Benefit Plan if a member of your family will remain in the military until retirement. About SBP- If annuity payable amount is 55% and base amount is approximately $2350.00 will the monthly spouse cost of $277.00 come out of the approximate payable benefit of $1292.00 if spouse hasnt met the 360 month and 70 year requirement? Coverage for active duty service members is automatic and does not require any action or payments. No one changed the rules mid-way through the game. I am a retired Marine, approaching 70 yrs in 2019. Whoever briefed you from casualty affairs should have automatically had you sign the forms for SBP and DIC and had you make your election after explaining the benefits accordingly. 2. The base amount is chosen at the time of retirement and can not be modified. Thanks for clarifying. It is an annuity, which means that it is a stream of payments, with premium payments made from the retired pay, and a large portion (between 40-50%) of the cost is paid by the government. All of pay is non taxable and I have SBP 55 percent for my spouse. What happens to all the years worth of payments I have made into the program (7 years worth) since Ive retired? I guess I am trying to figure out what the term spouse cost is defined as and then if the the premiums do not continue if something were to happen to my husband. If the survivor is eligible for DIC, the amount of their SBP will be reduced by the amount of DIC that they receive. Which means you have NO LEGAL RECOURSE should DFAS dig in their heels. So, am I understanding that if we apply for SBP benefits it will automatically be deducted out of his monthly disability payment? SBP payments are not reduced by any other source of income (except for Dependency and Indemnity Compensation. Was a spouse but divorced as beneficiary trading money for something that you dont need make up a that... The system is truly unfair you were awarded Dependency and Indemnity Compensation ( DIC ) if he pre-deceases.. 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