At the point where the Abingdon 9) Its later About a quarter of the land in this parish is under This map, drawn to accompany Henry Acland's Memoir on the cholera at Oxford, shows how many houses had been built in New Hinksey by 1854. complained to the king that the mill had been The Jarvis family, for example, built at least 35 houses on Marlborough Road, and the Phipps family at least 26. Addy and John became life-long friends, and John later married Addys sister Judy. The causeway over the flooded fields on which the scholar is spotted here is the path called the Devil's Backbone, that leads westwards from New Hinksey over Hinksey stream to the meadows and South Hinksey beyond. this parish consists of the yearly sum of 6s. Could I carry anything in my toes or my mouth? We have some really exciting plans for 2023: up to 300 metres of new/renovated boardwalk, plus other enhancements as we continue to build a better Trail for nature and people together. This received condensed steam from the engines so that it could be returned to the boilers for reuse, free from limescale. The Cuckoo is back! 18). blocks and keystones, all of the 18th century. Catholic. In 1875 some of the affected families in New Hinksey were said to be 'in a wretched condition, being confined to their upper rooms, with no firing, very little clothing and many with scarcely any food to eat. Moreover, Oxford's firemen were regularly obliged to clean out blocked valves on their steam fire engines and one crew had recently removed two bushels of mussels. [3] Hinksey Stream runs past the west of Oxford, a branch of the River Thames. The opening of the diving board at Hinksey Pools in 1936. This website is a guide and cannot guarantee full coverage of venues, nor accuracy of the information provided. I had a strong memory, a teenager, scared to trust my own path. To make a donation, please visit this link: calling, I shouted at crows, I left I could do nothing. part. The depressed state of building activity in Oxford in the mid 1870s delayed the sale of the land but, in the speculative boom of 1879, the Oxford Building & Investment Company (a building society) bought nearly 13 acres of reclaimed marshy land between the river and Whitehouse Lane from the GWR for 3,894. The nave and chancel appear to have been built A new pumping station (now the South Oxford Community Centre) was built at the western end of the road leading to the lake - Lake Street - and it opened in 1856. Most had frontages to Western Road (the former station approach road, called Grandpont Road initially and then renamed after the Great Western Railway) or to Marlborough Road, which followed the course of the old railway line, from Whitehouse Lane to the river. The stench, too, in their houses arising from the flood is in some cases very offensive.' The church of ST. LAWRENCE (fn. moulded capitals. The Radburn family outside 50 Chilswell Road in c. 1905. Occasionally I would write reflective passages on my state of mind. Newly-developed Osney Town off the Botley Road - and later New Osney - thus became more convenient places for railway workers to live, and these areas prospered from the expansion of railway employment at the expense of New Hinksey. In the churchyard, to the north of the nave, are The only road access to the village is via the bypass. This was a childhood swimming place for me. short distance to the north-east called New Hinksey belongs to the ecclesiastical parish of South Hinksey, but the 5) New Hinksey on the Ordnance Survey map of 1878, an 'island' suburb surrounded by open fields. 15) This Oxfordshire location article is a stub. Taunt's campaign bore fruit: in 1883 octagonal filter beds were dug out at the waterworks, in which the water was cleansed through sand dug from the riverbed at Cold Harbour. in length. Reproduced by kind permission of Mrs Sylvia Foreman. When, however, the partition of the latter's estates This led to the pleasing variety of house styles which we see on the streets of Grandpont today. The South Oxford Community Association also directly runs a number of projects including: Art events, classes and exhibitions organised by a group of local artists known as New Hinksey Arts. By partnering with Ridgefield Consulting in this way we can maximise our investment in the Trail while ensuring that we have the best accounting advice just a phone call away.. The Centre Administrator produces a quarterly Newsletter with event lists and news: The latest edition can be found here. A ceramic plaque, above a bricked-in doorway on the side wall of 202 Abingdon Road (on the corner of Vicarage Road), which says 'RP June 29 1849'. head and two quatrefoil drains. was granted to George Owen in 1547, (fn. Pedestrian and cycle access to the village from Oxford is via the Devil's Backbone; a historic raised pathway across the neighbouring flood plains that features in Matthew Arnold's poem The Scholar Gipsy. 13th-century chancel arch is low, narrow, and pointed, (fn. 41 Lake Street is a grand double fronted detached residence, sitting at the north-western corner of the New Hinksey suburb and at the end of a no through road. Insurers have told residents in an Oxfordshire village it could take up to six months to fix flood damage. In 1877 Charlotte Faulkener, by her will proved at These swims were both ordinary and extraordinary. The city corporation waterworks opened at Lake Street in 1856. It was a daily practice I really took to, suggested in a book called The Artists Way by Julia Cameron. They relied on a waterwheel to power a three-barrelled pump. [5], Hinksey Halt railway station served New Hinksey in south Oxford during 190815. A record amount of new boardwalks and other improvements and repairs to keep our wonderful Trail open to all. early in the 13th century. Thereafter houses appeared in blocks dotted along either side. obtained from him by force. (fn. Wherever my mind is going I picture myself there having just swum in the river with a glowing gold aura all around my body. Its avenues of Giant Redwood and Pine trees create a unique space and picturesque venue for picnics, play, sport and relaxation. However, there is still quite a backlog of repairs to be made to the boardwalk, so please continue to take extra care on those sections. I appreciated every moment and marvelled how much summer there is still in the winter waters, in colours, smells and sounds. As I rested there moor hens came out of hiding, I was forgotten me. 12), At the Dissolution South Hinksey came to the The first houses were built in 1880 at the northern end of Marlborough Road, nearest the river, on the eastern part of a piece of land originally owned by University College and known as Friars Mead. Workmen washing sand in the waterworks filter beds in 1914. 2 . taken to build the church of St. Peter in the East The parish of South Hinksey covers 765 acres in Building in Norreys Avenue began immediately but lots in the more distant Sunningwell Road only became attractive as Norreys Avenue filled up, in around 1900. Volunteer co-ordinator Nick Thorn said, As a small not-for-profit we try and pour every penny that we receive from grants and donations into the materials and equipment needed to keep this amazing local nature site open to visitors throughout the year. The font is of the The following year, land to the south of Norreys Avenue was laid out for Charles Gillman, an Oxford photographer and printseller (of Gillman & Soame) by the Oxford surveyors Galpin & Son. one time a mill in South Hinksey of Most of these railings were removed during the Second World War with the idea of melting down the metal for re-use, but on streets where the houses had semi-basements, and there was a danger of people falling in during the blackout, railings were retained. RF2KABKD5 - Drone photo of South Oxford, showing Hinksey outdoor pool, Hinksey lake & railway yard, looking south. The surroundings of pumping stations were often landscaped to inspire ideas of cleanliness, purity and confidence in the public water supply, and what is now Hinksey Park began life as the landscaped grounds of Oxford's waterworks. In the 19th century John Ruskin tried to organize the making of a road between the two villages, as the ground between them was very boggy. boundary, and a branch of it, known as Hinksey How to hold conscious intention with a yet unknown outcome? I remember Hinksey Pools as four pools, filled up from the lake. The waterworks are in the top left-hand corner. the Oxford Corporation. 6) The mill remained in the possession 8d., are applied in the payment 32) and is now parish is that leading from Oxford to Old Vicarage, Solth Hinksey, [3], Hinxey Hall was located in Oxford during the 14th to 16th centuries. Time passed, ducks and geese slipped past me down river. Many people came from outside Oxford, drawn to the city by the employment opportunities offered by the expanding university's demand for goods and services, and by the house-building boom. Opposite was the wayside chapel of St Nicholas, where alms were collected to pay for the repairs.). bells. Odd irrational thoughts and perceptions would be dotted around on the pages, as if food for future trains of thought, and doodles and images would appear, which then sometimes turned into paintings. The Centre is home to the thriving South Oxford Farmers Market and hosts the South Oxford WI. The 15th-century tower arch is pointed and of two Hinksey Lake footbridge is located 1.6 miles (2575m) from Oxford Railway Station and 4.5 miles (7,242m) from Radley Railway Station. The belfry is lighted by a two-light I slowed down floating on my back. (fn. (fn. Stream, leaves the main stream at North Hinksey, Last year, OSS member Helen Edwards decided to embark on a dip day for a whole year. [2] The Hinksey villages were not mentioned as separate villages until 1316. Meanwhile the colleges were clearing houses in the city centre and replacing them with student accommodation. as Langford Mill, 'near Oxford Bridge,' and was The scheme was approved by the City Council in 1937 but must have later fallen foul of spending cuts, as sadly it was never realised. 6d. In 1902 the eastern section of the grounds nearest Abingdon Road (known as Hinksey Step) was handed over to the Corporations Playground Committee (and is still the site of a playground and sports field today). Picturesque gravel pit, next to Hinksey park. The tower is three stages high, with a plain moulded Brenda Horwood was involved with the Community Centre for the rest of her life. Below she shares her year of magical swimming with us. Housing development south of New Hinksey In 1891 William Farthing, a London architect and surveyor, laid out a housing estate immediately south of New Hinksey. Hinksey Mill. The footbridge links the village of South Hinksey with the South Oxford suburb of New Hinksey and provides a Public Right of Way (PRoW) between the residential areas (Figure 1.1). The narrowness of the site meant that - unusually for Grandpont - the houses were built right up to the pavement and have no front gardens. New Hinksey, was built in 1870 and rebuilt in 1900, This brought back memories of that daily practice. The Nature Reserve, covering more than 12 hectares, is home to diverse wildlife, including robins, magpies, cuckoos, green woodpeckers, bullfinches, deer and red kites. each to two poor widows, and as to the a window was inserted in the north of the nave, the (Click image to close), Looking west along Edith Road, probably in the early 20th century. Oxford's first waterworks were established just south-east of Folly Bridge in 1694 and in the mid 18th century they were supplying water to about 200 houses in the city. plastered. 2s. These new waterworks were built just north-west of Folly Bridge in 1825, as Folly Bridge itself was being rebuilt. I also noticed I would write down any world events or current issues such as the plight of those homeless, refugees, terrorist events. a plain round-headed north doorway with chamfered However, the waterwheel did not work well when the river was flowing slowly, or in times of high water and flooding, and so Oxford's water supply was very unreliable (as well as being of poor quality, as the water was taken directly from the river, and was unfiltered). Customer comments 1.0 A Welcoming Place Hinksey Park lies just to the south of the city centre, on the Abingdon Road, which forms one of the main arterial routes in to Oxford. The village of South Hinksey is in the centre of the Hinkseys as separate vills occurs in 1316, when The full force of mountain water on skin came with a smell like forever, and inner peace began glowing in my heart. For old photographs and memories of the South Oxford Community Centre see: For more information on the Lake Street waterworks see: For more information on the history of Oxford's water supply see: The hexagonal tower of Friar Bacon's study and the adjacent waterworks at the southern end of Folly Bridge. Look out of the window and see nature, I am already there. erection of this new church accounts for the change The Centre works in partnership with Activate Learning to bring the college to the community. The Centre has a number of rooms for hire, all reasonably priced for small or larger family occasions, group meetings, exercise and recreational classes, training and seminars. Image Oxfordshire County Council, Oxfordshire History Centre, ref: HT10300. My father, the artist and my mother, the rather reckless lover of nature and the fells. (Click on image to close), Plan of Grandpont Villas, built c. 1859 on the eastern side of Abingdon Road, from the 'Vellum Book' Schedule of the property of the city of Oxford, The Oxfordshire History Centre. Piano practice was my first daily practice. One cold November day, amid global political change, on my way to swim, I felt the plight of homeless people in Oxford city centre in the bitter cold to be particularly upsetting. Several more engine houses were added to the pumping station, to house more and more up-to-date engines, as shown in the lower right-hand corner of the plans below, drawn by industrial historian Wilfred Foreman. In the late 1850s a row of 11 houses (10 semi-detached, one detached) known as Grandpont Villas was built on a small area of land owned by the City Corporation; these are now nos. into decay. South Oxford Community Association, Registered Charity Number 304351. In 1832 Oxford had suffered the first of three devastating cholera epidemics. 17) I set off to the river, walking, comforted by the imminence of my every day swim, my home swim. of the abbey, and it appears from the rules that a Hotels. I swam amongst water lilies glimpsing light through their roots and water surface canopies. Stream. The park has been designated an Oxfordshire County Wildlife Site since 2000. Photos courtesy of Jenny Atkinson, Ruth Stavris and Nick Thorn. Image Oxfordshire County Council, Oxfordshire History Centre, ref: HT132. In May 1900 he sold the lots fronting Whitehouse Road to the builder Thomas Kingerlee for 875, and Kingerlee's firm built all the houses on that (southern) side of the road as a single terrace. The living of New Hinksey The Duke of Monmouth, 260 Abingdon Rd, Oxford OX1 4TA. is a vicarage annexed to South Hinksey. It is Instead they decided to hold their own inquiry which was, ironically, delayed by another outbreak of cholera in 1849. During a cold new year break the Gresswell and Brimble families opened up the near-impenetrable permissive footpath from the farmyard to the top of the Harcourt Hill bridleway, which became the nature trail that exists today. Here is a remarkable BBC Radio 4 documentary on the natural history of the cuckoo to whet your appetite. (The bridge is to the left of the image). The registers previous to 1812 are as follows: Other plots were formed on the riverside meadows near Folly Bridge with frontages to roads named Brook Street and Buckingham Street (after former landowners) and Cobden Crescent (after Richard Cobden (1804-1865), the British Liberal politician whose defence of free trade was greatly admired by the Oxford Building & Investment Company). For the first time in 16 years, Oxford Scuba Diving Club was forced to cancel its New Year's Day dip at Hinksey Lake. In 1854 the city corporation, finally spurred into action, bought the lake at New Hinksey for use as a reservoir. 31). Light and ventilation were also needed, and the high, round-headed windows at Lake Street pumping station, some set in recessed brickwork, are typical of pumping house architecture. up all claim. in 1712 as resembling 'military fortifications.' In September 2014 she unveiled the two local history boards at the Marlborough Road and Lake Street entrances to Hinksey Park. Plots were put up for auction in October 1882, and were advertised as offering excellent opportunities for building superior workmen's dwellings or business premises. the same descent, through the Norreys and Bertie On the eastern side of Abingdon Road, where most of the land was owned by University College and Brasenose College, regular flooding prevented development and there were few buildings other than those of Eastwyke Farm and the nearby toll house. 25) The great tithes It is sometimes called 'the local list' and gives buildings a degree of extra protection in planning terms should proposals be put forward to radically alter or demolish them. Three styles of houses: 146-140, 138, and 136-134 Marlborough Road. in the 18th century the chancel was largely reconstructed. The Corporation bought the lake in 1854 for use as a reservoir in association with its new Lake Street waterworks. noticeable that in the Act of Inclosure South Hinksey Hill Farm lies on Hinksey Hill, close to South Hinksey. (fn. (i) mixed entries 1670 to 1715; (ii) mixed entries (Click image to close), Plan of Folly Bridge and its surroundings, July 1844. In 1936 the former filter beds of the waterworks were converted into swimming and paddling pools, known as the Jubilee Pools. First, Cobden Crescent is curved because it follows the line of a culverted stream. For me the swim is the whole journey not just the moments in the water, but the way there also. But in 1856 the city waterworks were established at the end of Lake Street (now the South Oxford Community Centre), with grounds (now Hinksey Park) extending north as far as Eastwyke ditch. Note the presence of East Wick Farm, the Berkshire House and the New Hinksey Inn, the city waterworks, and the original chapel-school (marked 'St John's Church') and vicarage. Salter laid out the estate in 105 lots with frontages to the Abingdon Road, Whitehouse Road, Kineton Road and an extension of Chilswell Road. Abingdon. A roof-top caf was added in 1960, though it was removed again in the late 1970s. The semi-circular arches above the windows of the older engine houses and boiler room are of rubbers (slightly softer bricks) with stone keystones. Hinksey Lake is a long narrow lake supplying coarse angling via season ticket in New Hinksey. is the City Hospital for Infectious When the Community Centre's lower hall was refurbished in 2016 it was named the Brenda Horwood Room. estate, the sum of 90 only was paid in respect of In 1854 the city corporation, finally spurred into action, bought the lake at New Hinksey for use as a reservoir. since 1909. 13) and was afterwards granted with North Hinksey Image Oxfordshire County Council, Oxfordshire History Centre, ref: d252223a. the lake is split in two, but sides holding fish, the narrower end with many features such as lilies. Hinksey Lake footbridge is located 1.6 miles (2575m) from Oxford Railway Station and 4.5 miles (7,242m) from Radley Railway Station. Last January I raised money for Oxford Homeless Pathways with Dip a Day January, highlighting the impact of encountering cold, which tapped into deep felt concerns about the impact of relentless cold weather on those homeless through the winter and cuts to services. Image Oxfordshire County Council, Oxfordshire History Centre, ref: HT134. Hengestesige (x cent. He enlisted help from the clergy, school teachers, political parties, trades unions and local tradesmen in converting the building into what was to become the forerunner of the South Oxford Community Centre. 20) of the 12th century by William de Seacourt, to A quiet, beautiful lake, near the city centre by the railway line, yet clean, full of fish, wildlife and water lilies and surrounded by trees. [9] He found the path muddy and organized a party of undergraduates to improve the roadway in the Hinksey area. At the north-west corner of the square of streets The railway line running north from Hinksey Lake, together with the station site and approach road, had all been raised above flood level upon embankments and the ground was therefore ideal for house-building. Diseases. Lake Street Studios, . As the houses were built, so were shops and pubs, St Matthew's church, and Oxford's first football ground. Outdoor Swimming Society 2023 Terms & Conditions Shop Terms & Conditions Delivery & Returns. (fn. Taunt claimed that in less than three hours of running the city water from his household tap through muslin, he had caught no fewer than 37 freshwater shrimps. We look forward to seeing you. The force between us silent as stone. modern lancet lights with ancient external jambs. South Hinksey. The railway came into Oxford parallel to, and just to the west of, the Abingdon Road, and terminated at a station just south-west of Folly Bridge. I wrote comments about the water; temperature, flow colour, transparency. More pressing was a calling to vast watery life from deep within me, and how to give expression to this deeper instinct. Greenaway's land was bounded to the south-east by Madam's Lane, which went from the Abingdon Road, via a dog-leg, to the pathknown as the Devil's Backbone, which leads to the village of South Hinksey. According to the census, a man called Robert Palmer lived on this stretch of the the Abingdon Road with his family from at least 1851 until 1871; he was a brick maker. The roof-top balcony and caf can be seen in the background. O. W. Craven presented in Thames and Hinksey Stream was in Moments of mammalian gold creep all over my body, The water dips suddenly, so suddenly that my shoulders rush around myself from all sides, In my lungs a rushing once drowsy comes deep and downy, Innocent light runs into my eyes blinding me, Lost to the course of life which runs through a distant memory and into life. 13th century, and has a circular bowl tapering slightly Oxford West and Abingdon County Constituency, List of parliamentary constituencies in Oxfordshire,, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 13 February 2023, at 11:59. There was a fixed building line, so that the houses are all set back ten feet from the pavement, except those on Western Road, where the building line was at nine feet back. I didnt really have any days when I didnt want to swim. The parish was part of Berkshire until the 1974 boundary changes transferred it to Oxfordshire. Oxford, Parochial Charities. It is first mentioned in the 10th century in the form Hengestesige, and probably means "stallion island". At the west end The road was named after the Duke of Marlborough, who had originally owned much of the land in the area. 3) After the death These he later displayed at the Town Hall under a microscope. amounting to 2 6s. lights. Building continued in 1881 and 1882, but prospects of an early completion of the estate were dashed by the collapse of the Oxford Building & Investment Company in April 1883. In 1934, Hinksey Park was laid out in New Hinksey. The parish includes the residential area of Hinksey Hill about 0.5 miles (800 m) south of the village. whose land in Bayworth (q.v) it had been attached. OUR STORY. ); Southengseye (xv cent.). (Eventually charges were introduced - in 1960 it was 1 shilling [5p] for adults and 6 old pence [2p] for children, though children could swim for free before 1pm). (Click on image to close), Part of the front elevation of the proposed Gala Baths at Hinksey Park, 12 October 1935.Reproduced by kind permission of Oxford City Council, ref: 15516. was to be given to every poor widow, and any (fn. Volunteers from the local community are giving up their time and putting in a lot of hard work to ensure that the trail can continue to be accessible to all who use the trail responsibly. in the dedication of the church of South Hinksey, It closed in 1929 and the licence went to the newly-opened Duke of Monmouth (see above). "The lake is about 4,000 square metres - it is a huge battery. Go to the water and get in please just go there, I said to myself in my distress, feeling helpless. Ferry Hinksey Road is a road in west Oxford. Memories of the seasons past, present and future live in each daily swim and approaching winter solstice this year. 16) South Hinksey It was known The Nature Reserve, covering more than 12 hectares, is home to diverse wildlife, including robins, magpies, cuckoos, green woodpeckers, bullfinches, deer and red kites. families. Hinksey Lake, at SP513046, is surprisingly productive for a small suburban lake next to a railway, and can provide good views of confiding species. That river forms its eastern Development by Steve Perry Creative. A commotion as I crossed the lock made me look round. 1) but neither Browse unbiased reviews and photos to find your ideal South Hinksey hotel. road crosses the stream is the New South Oxford Community Centre occupies a large Victorian building in Lake Street, off the Abingdon Road, about one mile from Oxford city centre. That day I sat by the lake as if dreaming, insects hovering around me. (fn. endowed a vicarage in South Hinksey with certain Two houses on Chilswell Road were designed by John Salter's cousin, the architect Stephen Salter. Skyscanner. Hub project officer Adriano Figueiredo describes Hinksey Lake as a "huge battery" with energy just going to waste. Off to the river Thames the background and 4.5 miles ( 800 m ) South of the diving at... Repairs to keep our wonderful Trail open to all chapel of St Nicholas, where alms collected... Three-Barrelled pump by another outbreak of cholera in 1849 this brought back memories of the,... Opened at lake Street waterworks left of the village days When I didnt really have days... Fix flood damage just going to waste Chilswell Road in c. 1905 replacing them student... As separate villages until 1316 to this deeper instinct New Hinksey for use a... 1 ) but neither Browse unbiased reviews and photos to find your ideal South Hinksey by the imminence of every... 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