There really is one way and we must know Gods objective Scriptures so we are not led away by our feelings, desires, and the worlds lies. Lets grow together! As I mentioned at the beginning of this article, the deadline to enroll inAGW Universitywill close tonight in just a few hours at 11:59pm. Enjoy the companionship of those who call on the Lord with pure hearts., 5. (Romans 6:23, NIV). Then stay tuned for a trick the enemy uses to keep you from noticing signs God is transitioning you. If you notice a recurring theme or feel any new duties, ask God for guidance and insight in that particular area. I believe all prophetic words, encounters, and visions should be compatible with Scripture and, Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window). So ignore that lie, hold out your bucket, and begin to pour. Trust God, for: I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.Psalms 32:8(NIV). I found that it comes from God because like He said in His word, He will never leave me nor forsake me. If chaos surrounds you, and you have nothing but a word from God: Your declaration may be small, it may be brief, but when fueled by the Holy Spirit, it holds resurrection power. For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. (2 Tim 1:7) <3. 5, God will allow painful circumstances to help you give up your sins and repent completely. Eventually, Paul received a vision about a man from Macedonia asking for help, and Paul recognized that God was telling them to go there. Revelation 1:3 Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand. Despite the taunting and mockery, he received from people around him, including his wife, He remained and trusted in God. On the verge of a breakthrough, it is very common for doors that have been serving you positively to start to close up. I believe all prophetic words, encounters, and visions should be compatible with Scripture and need to be weighed up. If God Is Removing Harmful People, Places, and Things from Your Life, This Could Be in Preparation for a Breakthrough God doesn't build on uneven ground. Today is going to be a good day. My son, do not regard lightly the discipline of the Lord, nor be weary when reproved by him. What is out of order, is being shaken into alignment. Heres what a few recent students have said about their experiences: If you enroll before the deadline, which is tonight at 11:59pm, you will get: Again, this is not a magical formula. I have been seeking God for answers and seemed that he have been silent but you gave me confirmation and insight when God seems silent, thats is when something is about to happen. Now I read the Bible because I want to grow in the wisdom, knowledge and understanding of my Saviours finished work. In the end, it would make you acknowledge that you need God. To give again. When we are creating space in order to buy new things in our homes, we take out the old ones, right? You may have felt it difficult to hear God speaking, during times of pain. You see, there are always signs - signs God is preparing you for marriage. Notice what Jesus said in John 15:1-5. You are on the precipice of change. We need to personally connect with Gods presence as well. Huge breakthroughs can certainly come when you ask God for these breakthroughs. God is Preparin. Wow! As Romans 12:2 (NLT) states, Dont copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. However, if God is preparing you for a new relationship, you may start to see your partner differently. You may start to look at places, people, and things with fresh eyes. There are many bible scriptures that could give you signs God is preparing you for a breakthrough. And when God is taking you through this process, it may hurt but just let Him. And then you can pick up your clothes. Knowledge is important. By guarding it according to your word. It may be best to resist the urge to put on your rose-colored glasses and allow yourself to see the world as it is. Before a major blessing or breakthrough comes God will make you go thru it! But oftentimes the huge breakthrough comes not when we ask God for the breakthrough but when we start seeking Gods presence all the time rather than in just preselected prayer moments. By staying in our last season, were blocking our blessings for whats to come. Its such a powerful teaching. So, from my experience, here are 12 signs God is preparing you for a breakthrough: As children of God, one important thing to always take note of is that the enemy is constantly trying to steal your testimony from you. (Acts 2:22) The apostles likewise did signs and wonders: And fear came upon every soul: and many wonders and signs were done by the apostles. So thank Him instead of complaining or rebelling because you are about to receive something far better and greater than what you think you have lost. Thank you Jake, Thank you for the 3 Signs God Is Preparing You for A Major Breakthrough (Law of Attraction) video. When we learn to let go of the puzzle pieces and give them to God, we can watch Him put the pieces together for us. Your primary reason may not be to get blessings or breakthroughs from God but it can serve as a motivation. Isaiah 54:17- No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper, and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. I have been fighting for my family, and specially for my marriage since 2017, with prayers, and fasting. And after you make some progress, keep the snowball effect going. If you want the breakthrough of constant joyfulness, you must walk the path of constant prayerfulness. Some of those attacks have been so left of centre and unexpected, that I was left reeling, and most left me wondering if I was where I was supposed to be and very nearly stepped away from the very areas I have been serving in. It seems as though God has been silent, 4. Just know that this is in preparation for your breakthrough. You may have prayed and fasted but still feel like a breakthrough is far from you, but most times, the things we believe are far from us are in fact just within our reach if we can stretch out our arms. God could have something bigger in store for you. I understand that some instructions may not make sense to you, but as one with Christ, know that God works in mysterious and illogical ways. By guarding it according to your word. Prophetic School And Hearing The Voice of God, The God-Shaped Brain: How Changing Your View of God Transforms Your Life, The Daily Decree: Bringing Your Day Into Alignment with God's Prophetic Destiny, How to Stop Being Jealous and Insecure In a Relationship, Challenge Yourself To Starve Your Fear In Two Productive Ways, 19 Unfortunate Signs Your Parents Dont Care About You, 16 Incredible Signs Your Boss Sees You As A Leader, 12 Obvious Signs A Coworker Is Competing With You, 18 Overwhelming Signs There Is Someone Else, Bible Verses About God Is Sovereign (KJV), 17 Evident Signs You Are Being Set Up To Fail, 16 Precise Signs He Wants More Than Friendship. God knows what is best and He will do it for you gradually. Jake Ducey is a two-time published author with Penguin/Random-House (The Purpose Principles and Profit From Happiness), a leading speaker for his generation having been featured in TEDx Youth, hired by mega organizations such as Nielsen and Accenture, and a leader who has already inspired countless thousands of young people to seek meaningful career success and to make a difference in the world. : r/itsonnow. As Psalm 119:30-32 (NLT) states: I have chosen to be faithful; I have determined to live by your regulations. If specific topics keep popping up in your world, God may be sending signs that this theme is related to your new season. Attitude is what allows you to use your knowledge and effort consistently. Dont forget that Gold goes through so much pressure and heat to become a valuable asset. Its like having a messy house. Perhaps you want to improve your health. Just before your breakthrough, you will experience walls and dead ends, but I would like you to ask yourself this, how can a way be made if there is already one?. Doors kept closing, but Paul kept trying new doors. So do not stop, pray through to your breakthrough! . If God blessed us before he prepared us, oftentimes we would miss the blessing of misuse it once we got it. God bless! Refresh the page, check Medium 's site. You have given sacrificially, in obedience to God, 2. An impression. [1] Breakthroughs can come in all shapes and sizes. Required fields are marked *. These relationship training courses are not magic, but I do truly believe they have the potential to greatly transform the trajectory of your life if you put in the time and hard work that is required. It means that He has finally revealed to you that those challenges were only tests of faith, and you have passed. 4 God removes harmful people and things from your life_When God leads you to a breakthrough, God is there to purify you. God may be trying to show you something that youve never seen before. As we practice discernment, we can learn to recognize these signs so we can pray over them and ask God to confirm His will to us. There is no scale upon which you can measure the power of that offering! Water began to cascade into the spillway, from above. [1] How I receive visions: Effort is important. See, I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut. Extremely Powerful Helen, thank you so much for this!! It is because He is preparing you for the higher level. If your spirit becomes stronger than your soul and body, then you will have more endurance. Prophesy! God commanded Ezekiel. It's the conceptual level. 10. Thank you Noemi <3 and you also. God can put you through so much testing that you reach a breaking point. Hi, I'm Mark Ballenger and I'm so happy you've come to Bless you guys! Your gift is so significant, that the enemy will do everything to hold you backto try to get you to believe that you are powerless. In the same vein, God takes out the things or people that will not be relevant to us when our breakthrough eventually comes. Sensing a new burden is Gods way of stirring our hearts in preparation for a new calling. I havestored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you. But then came the day God spoke to him again. Many thanks Helen! He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes . How To Worship God In Spirit And In Truth, How To Be A Proverbs 31 Woman In A Modern World, 500 Prayer For Protection To Fortify You Spiritually, 10 Things Faith-Filled People Do Differently. Here are six signs that GOD is getting ready to bless you in a big way: Subscribe & hit the notification bell if this inspired you today: ALL MUSIC PROVIDED BY THE. The children of Israel not only received but also adhered strictly to the directions from above. Now, waitwhat is that sound? If You Are Forming New Mental Habits that Are Changing Your Attitude, This Often Means God Is Preparing You for a Big Breakthrough. And yet many who have the gift of discernment have difficulty knowing what to do with what they are feeling or sensing. So that's what AGW is all about! However, what I can promise you is that if you are in a season of life where you are prepared to work hard and truly study what the word of God says about relationships, you will grow immensely by enrolling in AGW University. Notice that there is a prayerfulness combined with an intellectual understanding of Gods word. Season changes in our lives are similar to the season changes of nature. For the Lord disciplines the one he loves, and chastises every son whom he receives.. At the moment you may not have any evidence to hold on to, but I tell you that the fact that you are living means that there is great hope that your evidence is around the corner. that is so powerful, Shula. All she had left, were the remnants of a jar of flour and a jug of oil. He is molding your patience, maturity, and faith. Why is humility necessary in a breakthrough? Are you eager to establish a regular prayer time? Also, your passion for what youre doing may begin to fade or shift. Supplement your faith with a generous provision of moral excellence, and moral excellence with knowledge, and knowledge with self-control, and self-control with patient endurance, and patient endurance with godliness, and godliness with brotherly affection, and brotherly affection with love for everyone. Sometimes its through a great Christian book. Eckhart Tolle says in his book, A Great New Earth, that all structures are unstable and all structures are made out of our ego. It's important to include each of these seven parts of daily prayer into your prayer life so you will be equipped to stand. I cling to your laws. I felt God has instructed us that day what to do. God is so good! Once you do something positive and make progress in one area of your life, this often cause you to keep that positive momentum going into other areas of your life. While solving just one little issue out of the thousands you have may seem pointless, its actually not! Things they did that you thought were cute arent cute anymore, and you begin to change your perspective. Do not think that God will allow you to stay broken forever. . For I have provided Myself a king among his sons. (I Sam 16:1 NKJV). Hi, I'm Mark Ballenger and I'm so happy you've come to 12. Hebrews 13:5- Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. So here are 3 signs God might be preparing you for a major breakthrough that could be right around the corner. Joan is a freelance blogger who loves writing about personal development. All four of those signs have been (and continue to be) evident in this journey , as have the attacks. Daily prayer is the most important thing you can do. Or perhaps you want to advance in your career, but without a positive and kind attitude people at your workplace are not going to appreciate your hard work. 2 Corinthians 9:8- And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work. I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert. Usually, when God is preparing you for something great, people around you- family friends, or strangers, may not see it and so begin to laugh at you. Proverbs 10:22- The blessing of the LORD, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it. Be ready all the time because it might come sooner than you think. here are 7 signs to look out for before your blessings come you must have wisdom and understanding when facing. For example, if youve been passionate about serving in a specific ministry for years, but that passion suddenly fades, that may be a sign God is getting you ready to move to a new place. Sometimes, this testimony may be pending and not yet in your hands and this is why the enemy would be interested in it. Even though we dont have to guess His plans, there are a few signs that Hes getting ready to flip the script on us. Old friends, for example, often need to be let go of because they are living in the world still and we are no longer desiring those old lifestyles. I willdelight in your statutes;I will not forget your word.. What you cannot see about yourself, God will tell others and they will reveal them to you. It may also be when they finally overcome habitual sin. 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God promised me in 2019 that there will be not divorce and in the begging of this 2021 told me that everything that I have prayed, and asked for was coming. After logging in you can close it and return to this page. If you want to be strong against the trials you will have to face, then you need to commune with Him constantly. Take a deep breath in and out. Two of these staples are studying the word of God and personal prayer time. Sometimes it has to have bad things happen so that really good things can ultimately happen.The next sign that God is preparing you for breakthrough is that you're asking why is this happening to me? Just type in your email address below. One day, Jesus observed a woman who gave two small coins into the temple offering (Luke 21:1-4). God is preparing you for something great, Do not miss your moment! The message of how much her sacrificial giving meant to God, has reverberated around the world for centuries. Click hereand you can see all the course content and all the other bonuses I havent even mentioned yet. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of me, saith the LORD. Maybe it's a repeating number. . Things are getting better every day.Thank so much for being here.Remember.Miracles are normal.Jake. You may also start to have a burden for something you hadnt before. My passion is to help others apply God's truth to every aspect of life for his glory and our enjoyment of him. God doesnt build on uneven ground. If you experienced greater things while you were still prideful and self-centered, you would only claim the glory to yourself. However, this is usually the plan when God is preparing you for something great to hold on to. As she obeyed Gods command and gave her last food to the prophet, that flour and oil became an unlimited supply (1 Kings 17:7-16). Please help toour YouTube channel if you like our video. Wisdom increasing! God can only make a way where there is no way and from time immemorial, this has been his specialty. This shows how much interested God is in our personal well-being and His burning desire to bless us abundantly. For as Hebrews 12:11 also states, For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, but later it yieldsthe peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it. In other words, before your breakthrough God will often prepare you through his loving discipline. If you are already in this stage, please know that your breakthrough has actually begun. Does it seem like you cannot feel His presence now the way you did before? I also wanted to quickly let you know that there are only a few hours left to enroll inAGW University. Transition is upon you, as you feel the divine pull to move from where you are, into a new potential for your life and calling. That little bucket is a powerful tool and weapon, Ries! Thank you so much Helen, may the good Lord continue to increase your anointing that will overflow the blessings that He has poured upon you. Suddenly, the internal lights are turned on. Signs God is Preparing You for a Breakthrough Challenges keep coming. For The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.John 10:10(NIV). The world tells us that to be happy and to be blessed, we must put our own needs before everyone else's needs. Or maybe you would begin collecting books that can help you understand the Scripture better. Changing seasons can be a challenge, but when God tells us to move, we must move. It's in every single cell of your body. 2. It is a way of trusting that God is able to make a tangible difference in your life. Being children of God is such a beautiful privilege as our father is constantly giving us the opportunity to partake in everything that He has. 1. If You Are Recommitting Yourself to Be Consistent with Your Daily Devotional Time, This Is Often a Step God Uses to Lead You to a Big Breakthrough. Healing comes through a recommitment to the Lord. I bless the Lord for the timely prophetic message. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Your email address will not be published. It may appear harsh and harsh, but the Lord may want you to learn something before you can achieve your breakthrough. Maybe you have been so proud and strong-willed that you do not rely on Him anymore. If there is no ocean, there would be nothing to cross and If there is no obstacle, there would be nothing to break through. For a Christian, it can be when a person gets saved by accepting Jesus as their Lord and Savior (Romans 6:23). When were transitioning into a new season, the biggest thing to remember is that God wants whats best for us. Notice what Jesus said in John 15:1-5. 6 Powerful Signs That Your Breakthrough is Coming | by Courtney Stars | Publishous | Medium Sign up 500 Apologies, but something went wrong on our end. Beliefnet is a lifestyle website providing feature editorial content around the topics of inspiration, spirituality, health, wellness, love and family, news and entertainment. Yes Father! This will form new mental habits for you which will change your attitude. For example, you cannot stop yourself from singing and listening to worship songs. If God Is Removing Harmful People, Places, and Things from Your Life, This Could Be in Preparation for a Breakthrough God doesn't build on uneven ground. In love you want to be a witness to your old friends, but eventually you have to part ways since you are on a totally different path than them now. 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