I believe these plans can come to nothing if we do our part. Protect their families against persecution. Welcome to the prayer against evil spirits. Father, I pray that the tide will be turned from parents who teach their children they are to get whatever they want, to parents who believe in discipline and teaching their children to respect authority, and other peoples possessions. Required fields are marked *. Show us that our differences are small and that our relationships are more important. For those who teach have an unbearable responsibility to exercise your truth while delivering your grace to the repentant soul. Let us thoroughly repent, turn from our wicked ways, then He will heal the land. You must be logged in to post a prayer. Your law brings order. I am having so much trouble resisting my urges. In Jesus name. God You are calling the Bride of Christ as One New Man (Jew and Gentile) to discipline ourselves to pray and praise 7 times a day for our Nation, the next 3 years and You will remove the chaos in our land! Prayer for Protection from the Spirit of Rebellion Jesus, my awesome Savior, I worship You. One teenager told my daughter no one has ever loved me. Beautiful prayer Jeanette my husband and I join you in your prayer! Lord shine your light in the darkness in this nation and drive it out. Lawlessness is always accompanied by hate - a toxic hatred of all that is good and godly. The Spirit of Wisdom. Amen and Amen. Lord, help me do that. For Hard Times For Financial Prosperity For Physical Health For Emotional Health For Protection For a Marriage For Babies and Pregnancy For Family For Spiritual Warfare For Spiritual Health For a Death For the Workplace For Bedtime, Bible Commentary Bible Verses Devotionals Faith Prayers Coloring Pages Pros and Cons, Philippians 3:14 Meaning of Press on Toward the Goal, 40 Most Powerful Bible Scriptures on Gods Will, 50 Biblically Accurate Facts About Angels in the Bible, 50 Most Profitable Youth Group Fundraising Ideas for Your Church, 250 Ice Breaker Questions for Teen Youth Groups, 25 Important Examples of Pride in the Bible, Why Jesus Wept and 11 Lessons from His Tears, 25 Different Ways to Worship God and Praise the Lord. Just as You set the captives free, set me free. As you will see below, all over the nation, young people are brazenly flouting the law, obstructing and assaulting law enforcement officers and committing criminal acts in large groups. You know all that is happening LORD, and you have told us in your holy word to watch and pray, and to pray without ceasing, give us the strength to do so LORD as our hearts are melting over all that is happening in this world. May we see a great revival of love for Your Word and Salvation in Jesus Christ take hold of whole families in America and across the world.use the Decision America tours of sharing Christ in every city Franklin Graham visits..let the church arise and become the bold and joyous Bride Jesus will come and receive. 1. Change the cultures of poverty in So. Prayer for Protection from the Spirit of Delusion King Jesus, I worship You. In the name of Jesus. 2. Come, Holy Spirit, fill my heart with Your holy gifts. Please call people out of darkness and into Your Light. Place the fear of You, oh God, in my heart as Joseph had. He will save his own body. Protect me with Your Holy Spirit and keep my thoughts on the truth of Your word. Thank You for Your word and prayer. (5) Surely you recall that I used to tell you these things while I was still with you. 3. Pray for a spirit of prayer and repentance to be poured out on the church, so that the country will turn back to the Living God (Jonah 3:8). I have been led to do the same thing at other events. Protect me from the devil, who will try to manipulate me into straying from Your will. As we move into receiving the guidance for all this, we have been led again and again to pray, Lord, expose which high level demonic spirits are at work capitalizing on human sin and human ideological movements. The word keeps coming, This is the hidden power of lawlessness that is already at work in the world. This is based on 2 Thessalonians 2:3-12; study the whole section for the full import. I nullify you in the name of Jesus. 4. My Southern ancestors owned over a hundred African slaves on our plantation, so this has been a deeply personal work that I must do. You alone are worthy of worship. GIVE TO THE POOR NEEDY AND & WIDOWS AND ORPHANS LIKE THE SCRIPTURE TELL US IN ISAIAH. You say that the fate of the people who practice these things is in the fiery lake of burning sulfur. In Jesus name. Build a holy fortress in my mind to protect me from my anxiety. You can eat the fruit and you wont have to pay for it!. Thank you for the victory, Father. Of course many of these young criminals will end up in prison, but in many cases, that will just mean they will learn how to be even better criminals from those they are incarcerated with. SJW confront Ben Shapiro at the University of Wisconsin. I went and looked at it and agree! The Spirit of the Lord. Purge the spirit of pride from me. It means you disregard and oppose the law - God's law. So please pass on information and guidance you receive either as individual intercessors or as cohorts. I am suffering and am weak. You are so righteous and holy, oh Lord. The word, work is the same Greek word as in I Thessalonians 2:13 which speaks of the Word of God at work in us who believe. Pray for the voice of God to be heard from the church concerning justice (Psalm 72:2; Low self-esteem: This also allows the spirit of fear. We say NO to the evil being perpetuated over the youth who lack a knowledge of You and Your love for them. Amen. THE SPIRIT OF LAWLESSNESS IN AMERICA NEEDS PRAYER - Intercessors for America News Prayer Action Watch Resources Community Espaol Login Sign Up Donate Get IFA Updates Thanks for Praying! This week, when ICE officials showed up to arrest an illegal immigrant in Nashville, the mans neighborsformed a human chain around himin order to keep that from happening: When U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents arrived at a Nashville home Monday in an attempt to detain a man there, neighbors and activists gathered to support the man, who remained shuttered in a van with a child for hours before the agents left. Make my flesh and mind strong so that I can overcome my desire to use drugs/alcohol and stay sober. Let me fear no mere mortal or be intimated by any person's presence. Preserve your devoted followers and . Prayer for Protection from the Spirit of Corruption Righteous Savior, I adore You. Instill hope in my heart that the future is bright. Father, we stir up the churches in every community to begin to regularly pray against lawlessness in their town, and to seek you for the protection of their city. They are finding many willing human agents who are cooperating with them because hatred and division gives both the demons and their human collaborators spiritual and political power. I cannot even begin to tell you how alarmed I am by some of the videos I have been watching lately. They were still there a few hours later, and so the president of the . In Jesus name. 8 Not for your sacrifices do I rebuke you; your burnt offerings are continually before me. The Apostle Paul in writing about the second coming of the Lord mentions about the mystery of . My inner man receives energy in the name of Jesus. As we stand in the gap over the lawlessness in our land, we pray for Your mighty arm to push back the forces of darkness and usher in the light of Your glory! O Lord, cleanse my spirit soul and body by the blood of Jesus. Click below to log in. You say to be strong and courageous. The violent video sparked outrage when it was shared online. In Jesus name. Cause the sin of rebellion to come to the surface of our hearts to be excised by your Holy Spirit and replaced by the gifts of the spirit to do your good works so that the enemy will long for your mercy and let loose his grip on the unsaved. Amen. We are Your Nation and Your people and are called by Your name. Amen. Tel: (719) 487-7888 | Fax: (719) 896-5410 Just considerthese numbers: After a week that saw President Trump and his foes toss toxic words at each other, there is now a warning that the next phase could be violence.. Tragically, many lukewarm Christians are succumbing to this spirit of lawlessness. It will take much discipline because of busy lifestyles, but by You Holy Spirit, we can do this! Incline Your ear Oh Lord and hear our confession from our hearts and have mercy on us. Bind the Spirit of Lawlessness Our authority, in Jesus Christ, for binding and loosing is found in Matthew 18:18, Mark 3:13, and John 20:23. Release me from the darkness. Stop me from focusing on my issues, my feelings, and what I want. O: Let us pray. There are other factors at work in leading us to this discernment: Laura told me that she had watched a video of students at the University of Wisconsin shutting down the freedom of speech at a lecture that Ben Shapiro was giving. Christ Jesus, I come before You and ask for protection from the spirit of corruption. We have perverted Your perfect order for one of our own which has chosen death instead of Life. Cleanse us, restore us, put a right spirit within us and use us Holy Father. Amen. Jesus, I have more of a craving for food instead of a craving for the Word of God, and for this, I repent. Help me to be faithful in all things. dozens of teens vandalizing and stealing from a South Street Walgreens on the Fourth of July. Fourth, usually it is during events taking place in the natural realm that one begins to identify both the leaders and the nature of the demons at work. Let us who believe in your word set a standard of obeying the laws of your word and of the land along with showing respect for those in authority! We humbly ask for forgiveness as we seek Your face, to turn from our sins and walk in holiness and righteousness, pursuing Your ways and Your truth. ], (Excerpted from Charisma News, article by Michael Snyder. I try, Jesus, but I still have doubt. This is the characteristic of the spirit of lawlessness -- deception -- and it must, and will be destroyed, by the coming of Jesus, the Son of Man who destroys the destroyer of earth. Again, ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you who these demons are. Absence of the truth brings delusion. Prayer for Protection from the Spirit of Death God of Heavens Armies, I repent of all my sins. Instill in me the shield of faith against the spirit of deception that roams the earth today. I pray they fear God not man and that they make decisions according to his word, will and way. A few of you intercessors may be led to engage at this higher level. Keep me close to You always, forever confessing Jesus as the resurrected Son of God. Ask for angels to HELP in this structure of lawlessness that is operating in this part of the earth. As always, we need to pray for the gift of discernment to see clearly what Satan is doing and what the Lord is doing. Motivate me to spring out of bed in the morning with vigor and ready to work. First the eroding of the truth brings deception. Isaiah 22:22 Lord, shut the doors of violence over American cities and open wide the doors of your great grace over our law enforcement, Ice agents and those given the job to keep law abiding citizens safe. We Produce our. Prayer for Protection from the Spirit of Greed My Righteous Savior, You say the love of money is a root of all sorts of evil. I pray for this nation and the uttermost ends of the earth that the light which is shining on darkness gives way to revelation and understanding of what sin looks like. In reflecting on this, Jon Gurley adds an insight that is powerful affirmation of the role of prayer in holding back evil: Many have debated about who the one who holds him back is. This is not a natural problem, but a spiritual one.Please let your heart overflow with love toward our land, and pray with us for the will of God to be done. Protect me, oh Jesus, from believing lies and being deceived. 10 For every beast of the forest is mine, the cattle on a thousand hills. We are desperate My Father, please hear our prayers as we pray them to You in the name of Jesus Your Son, Amen! Destroy my sense of self. Restore us to Your Law and Order, remove the chaos and confusion from the minds of our youth and clearly show them a better way, Your way. Many groups are already praying about these threats and I urge all who read this Discerning The Times to gather around like-minded believers and intercessors to be co-laborers with Christ in this battle. Turn my attention from selfies and the urge to tell everyone who I am and what I am doing. Authority in Christ for Binding and Loosing Matthew 18:18, Mark 3:13, John 20:23. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit and mold me as You desire. Sanctify this space from evil and cast your protecting light upon us. It's easy to accuse rioters, for example, of operating from a spirit of lawlessness. Third, in the Name of Jesus, while seated with Jesus Christ in the heavenly places bind the spirit of the lawlessness. Lawlessness has gained a foothold. So far, I have not been called into this direct engagement with the high-level entity suggested in 2 Thessalonians to be Satan himself. Lift my spirit from the oppression weighing on me. some worthless men have gone out from among you and have seduced the inhabitants of their city, saying, Let us go and serve other gods (whom you have not known). (KJV) VIOLENCE shall no more be heard in thy land, wasting nor destruction within thy borders; but thou shalt call thy walls Salvation, and thy gates Praise. Forgive me of all my sins and forgive America of hers. The Spirit of Knowledge. If you are the site owner (or you manage this site), please whitelist your IP or if you think this block is an error please open a support ticket and make sure to include the block details (displayed in the box below), so we can assist you in troubleshooting the issue. Fix my eyes on others. Focus my thoughts on You as the stronghold of my life. Call to Pray Against the High Level Demonic Spirit, the Lawless One As we move into receiving the guidance for all this, we have been led again and again to pray, "Lord, expose which high level demonic spirits are at work capitalizing on human sin and human ideological movements." In Your holy name, I pray. Shield me from the temptations of the flesh that hit me from every direction in my daily life. Pray for those that are serving as refuge cities Houston, Baton Rouge, and others. For you are like whitewashed tombs which on the outside appear beautiful, but inside they are full of dead mens bones and all uncleanness. Grow my hope in You for victory in eternity. Help me become closer to You, be disciplined in reading Your word, and walk this earth by faith and in Your image. Fourth, this will lead us into an engagement with the human beings through whom the high level demons are working. You alone are everything I need. In the name of Jesus, I confess that I don't have the spirit of laziness and procrastination. Turn off the news, Turn off the frequency of Satanic Music and Negative News. Let my heart and flesh cry out to You instead of crying for the things of this world. In Jesus name. Nearly 8 of 10 Americans told the Pew Research Center that supporters for both sides could act on the politically charged rhetoric with violence. To read more please visit our website: PRMI.org. Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! These things do provoke Gods wrath, but the mystery of lawlessness goes much deeper. All I ask you to do, is to agree with me as I pray, and together we will seek our Heavenly Father. As God was sending plagues down upon Egypt, he was preparing to deliver the righteous seed of Abraham from slavery. Prayer for Protection from the Spirit of Doubt Jesus, my Rock and my Redeemer, You died on the cross because I fell short of the glory of God. Operating in this part of the earth take much discipline because of busy lifestyles, I! I adore you of lawlessness goes much deeper for it! to protect me from every direction in heart. Son of God resurrected Son of God to manipulate me into straying from Your will fill my heart with Holy! And way of crying for the things of this world ; t have the Spirit of Delusion King Jesus my... Cry out to you instead of life Jesus Christ in the world and have mercy on.. 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