Nauru is the only country in the world without an official capital city. Scotland's national animal is the unicorn. Country clubs and hotel ballrooms are so passeif you really want to throw a party everyone will remember, try renting out an entire country for the night. If that seems excessive, you can always just rent one of the six Austrian villages, three German towns, or one Swiss ski-resort village. A parking spot in Hong Kong once sold for almost. However, they were originally called Jasper and Jinx and no reason was given for the less-alliterative switcheroo. The Incredible Hulk was originally grey, not green. Anne Frank is an iconic symbol of the Nazi brutality of World War II in the 1940s while Martin Luther King, Jr. was the face and voice of the civil rights movement in the 1960s. If the oceans dried out, the salt left over would cover the continents to a depth of 5 feet. But you don't have to be famous to opt for an unexpected moniker. If you are shot by a sniper you will be dead before you hear the gunfire. A barista set a world record for making 420 cappuccinos in an hour. Radioactive particles from the Cold War were found in the deepest parts of the ocean. And if you fold it in half again, it doubles in thickness again. But, because the unicorn symbolizes nobility, purity, power, and good luck, it remains Scotland's national animal today. When you think about Canada, you probably imagine acres of forests and lots of snow. In fact, the nation up north is so massive (3.85 million square miles to be exact), that it's the second-largest country in the world, coming after Russia (6.6 million square miles) and before the United States (3.79 million square miles). Well, it is for humans. Called Black Diamond apples, they're found in Tibet and are from the Hua Niu family of apples, also known as Chinese Red Delicious. Science nerd? That means that the pyramid was completed more than 2,500 years before Cleopatra's time. Midland Commercial district sales director James Mak said, "There aren't many car park lots for sale, so prices have always been kept high." Love mind-blowing facts? It may sound like a case of selling ice to Eskimos but ever since 2002 the middle eastern country has been importing both sand and camels from Australia as their own supplies have run short. People used to think that some lambs grew on trees.'POST', '', true); But men should stop chuckling as medicine recognizes the male equivalent called irritable male syndrome, a behavioral state defined as hypersensitivity, frustration, anxiety, and anger that occurs in males and is associated with biochemical changes, hormonal fluctuations, stress, and loss of male identity.. This creature, which can be found throughout the Americas, almost always gives birth to quadruplets, with each newborn pup identical to its siblings. Chewing gum after a meal reduces heartburn. Radioactive particles from the Cold War were found in the deepest parts of the ocean. More people drown in deserts than die of thirst. And for more trivia about all creatures great and small, here are 50 Animal Facts That Will Change the Way You View the Animal Kingdom. Check out 100 interesting facts about practically everything. Their skin is black and the hairs in their fur are hollow and clear. Yoda and Miss Piggy were voiced by the same person Frank Oz. The longest bicycle in the world is over 135 feet long. So in a way, Jackson really did get the last word. The first loaf of machine-sliced bread was sold in 1928. Ever wondered why banana-flavored drinks and candies taste absolutely nothing like a real banana? The people of the Middle Ages prized sesame seeds so highly that they cost more than their weight in gold. WebThe Apollo astronauts' footprints on the moon could last up to 100 million years. Tobias is a content specialist with over a decade of experience writing about men's lifestyles for a variety of publications around the world. This is how new materials are being discovered with AI. King Umberto I and Queen Margherita visited Naples in 1889, as the story goes. Give it a whirl. More French soldiers died during World War I than American soldiers during all of U.S. history. Or how about the unicorn is the national animal of Scotland? Use left/right arrows to navigate the slideshow or swipe left/right if using a mobile device. If you love tiramisu, then you probably think you could never get too much of the tasty treat. They may be mythical creatures but that didnt stop Scotland from making unicorns their national animal. We tend to think of apples as being red, though there are, of course, some popular green and yellow varieties. The appendage, relatively long in comparison to the overall size of the creature, is used to dig in the sand. Armadillos almost always give birth to identical quadruplets. Its a 709-foot plunge. The hope was that the birds would send back valuable information about their behavior. A baby is born with around 300 bones. The numbers of total deaths. Surprised? Canada and the United States are both large countries which can make understanding the relative geography difficult. If you ever take a trip to Antarctica, be sure to do as much socializing as you possibly can, and come up with stimulating ways to keep yourself busy. According to historians, the first emperor to die from elixir poisoning was Qin Shi Huang around 210 B.C., and the last was Yongzhengin 1735 A.D. Willie Nelson and Frank Sinatra were not only great friends but also collaborators. Perhaps the greatest testament to our modern lifestyle is The Great Pacific Garbage Patch, a floating island of plastic and trash. They have black fur but when light is trapped inside the hollow part of the hair, it causes a reaction called luminescence that makes them appear white. Black teeth were a sign of wealth in 18th century England. Written by Star Trekcreator Gene Roddenberry, the words (and sentiments) shared by The Los Angeles Times are just as, er, spacey as you might expect. When you think of Saudi Arabia, two of the first images that likely pop into your head are vast deserts of sand and lines of camels. There are about 3 trillion trees on Earth but only 300 to 400 billion stars in the Milky Way. There are more trees on Earth than stars in the galaxy. Bears kill an average of two people a year, spiders are responsible for six deaths per year, and snake bites account for five deaths each year in the United States. But did you know there are also black apples? The ideals it represents are what make it a perfect fit as the national animal for Scotland, and because like this proud beast, Scots would fight to remain unconquered.. Walt Disney World would fit inside Canada 81,975 times. var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); The original design of this Parisian landmark used the four large pylons at the base to provide all the structural support. Dont get excited yet Flat Earthersthe planet we all call home isnt flat but its not round either. We typically cover all of the boring questions, like will eating weed get me stoned or how They got bored of the fancy food and asked for pizza, which was a food for the poor. "What this casually dressed gentleman and I have found out and want you to know, is that a lot of what's going on up there," he continued, with Nelson chiming in, "benefits all of us down here.". "Oxymoron" is derived from the Greek words "oxys," meaning "sharp," and "moronos," meaning "dull" or "stupid.". Here are ten interesting facts about the human mind and brain that you may not know. We are no longer supporting IE (Internet Explorer) as we strive to provide site experiences for browsers that support new web standards and security practices. The kangaroo mouse never needs to drink water.. History is more recent than you think! If you're on Earth and want to attach two pieces of metal to each other, you'll need some pretty intense heat to do the trick. Nobody quite knows why. Whatever the food, a 2015 survey conducted by Butterkist revealed some insights as to why this might be, as The Telegraph reported. The evacuation of Allied troops from Dunkirk saved 193,000 British and 145,000 French troops. Homer Simpsons hair is shaped like two letters that are the initials of creator. In the search for more efficient fuels, Prince Charles is taking a strange-but-entertaining approach: The heir to the British throne had his vintage Aston Martin reworked to use wine as its primary fuel. Willie Nelson and Frank Sinatra made PSAs on space together. This is why they're called trailersbecause they used to "trail" the main attraction. They are part of the legume family. The government offices of the tiny Pacific island nation are located in the Yaren District. Mind Blowing Stoner Facts In 2013, California authorities seized 329 outdoor grow sites Authorities Confiscated 2 million Plants 119, pounds of trash 17,000 pounds of fertilizer 40 gallons of pesticides 244 propane tanks 6 car batteries 8g illegal dams 81 3. Greenland sharks, which are also known as gurry sharks or grey sharks, tend to live long lives. It covers the continent of Antarctica and has a size of about 5.5 million square miles. The Earths speed as it orbits the sun is not a fixed rate. The Great Pyramids were completed around 2560 B.C. If you use brain-training apps like Lumosity or have been thinking about trying one out, you might want to consider giving the game Portal 2 a shot. The two events seem so far apart in history but both figures were born in 1929January 15 for King, and June 12 for Frank. Talk about a dubious honorMaryland is the only state in the United States that has no natural lakes within its borders. ), According to Merriam-Webster, an oxymoron is "a combination of contradictory or incongruous words." The inventor of the microwave wasn't trying to create a microwave. The length of a day will become 25 hoursin about 175 million years. The book even included (fake) evidence, like a piece of paper that had the recipe written down. So just imagine how hard it must have been to ride a bike that stretched for 135 feet and 10.7 inches, making it the longest bicycle in the world. A parking spot in Hong Kong sold for almost $1 million. The U.S. government has an official plan for a zombie apocalypse. But perhaps the saddest part is that only one of them knows how to swim. Pieces of the same metal become permanently stuck together if they touch in space. Around 100 years old at the time of its death, the turtle was almost 9 feet long and weighed 2,016 pounds. The human eye can differentiate approximately 10 million different colors. The 'excited' molecules that result can react with chemicals called fluorophores to emit photons.". Chicago's nickname has nothing to do with the weather. Scientists in 2011 discovered that crows remember faces. Ulysses S. Grant, the 18th president of the United States, didn't always follow the law, even while he was in office. No? When creativity combines with genius, these mind blowing questions are born! India's Sathar Adhoor has a book collection that is surprisingly huge, especially considering that it's made up of teeny tiny versions of literature. A piece of 10,000-year-old chewing gum was found. Despite years and years of research, the human brain remains the least understood organ in the human body. Listen for yourself. Yep, its exactly what you always thought it was! Gravel. In May 2019, Communications Biology published research done on gum made of birch bark tar that was around 9,540 to 9,880 years old. When a team from North Carolina State University took a look at what was inside the belly buttons of 60 different people, they found a "rain forest" of microscopic life. The creature weighs a whopping 1,102 pounds, which is pretty impressive considering that the International Association for Bear Research and Management says adult male polar bears weigh anywhere from 880 to 1,320 pounds. Do you know these facts about Prince Charles? Spherical tomato particles form into thinner ellipses when shaken, making your ketchup 1,000 times runnier. Instead, the lyrics refer to "good ol' mountain dew" or illegal mountain-brewed booze. The Nazis were the first ever people in modern history to start an anti-smoking and tobacco movement. ", Or, specifically, around 457,000 calories, according to a 2011 study in the Journal of Experimental Biology. 23 more mind-blowing facts you didnt learn in geography class. Humans and giraffes have the same number of neck bones. However, it turns out that he was supposed to be a different, less monstrous color. Persian men started the high heel trend in the 10th century and the shoes were mostly considered masculine fashion until the 18th century when women claimed them. But it turns out that all bodies emit a tiny amount of light. The kangaroo mouse, while being Not sand. Think about this the next time you simply toss the flavor you don't like. Read stoner mind blowing facts and 420 info. According to plastic surgeon Terry Dubrow, MD, the substance was frequently combined with mud to create face masks. These are thoughts and questions weve thought of, heard, or read, and were bringing them to you. Spark up and keep reading. 30 of the best stoner questions to ponder while smoking. 1. Who decided the alphabet was in alphabetical order? 2. If oranges are orange, why are limes not called greens? 3. What does water taste like? 4. At 45 degrees latitude, Seattle is farther north than Toronto and Montreal, meaning that 64 percent of Canadians live south of Seattle. The average cloud weighs an estimated 1.1 million pounds. Did you know Viking men wore makeup? The original meaning of mind blown is closely tied to drug use, especially psychedelic drug use. The word oxymoron is an oxymoron itself. Light pollution has become so prevalent that people can live their entire lives without ever seeing the natural night sky. "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" may have led us to believe that the massive celestial bodies in the night sky are sparkling, but it turns out that the flashing we see is merely a "space mirage." If you've ever put your phone in the back pocket of your pants, you're probably aware that your backside poses a danger to it: People often forget their phone is there when they sit down, which can result in a crushed and broken device. "The Ethiopian Orthodox Church believes Jesus Christ was born in 7 BC, 5,500 years after God's promise to Adam and Eve." The gold in Earth's core could cover the planet in a knee-high layer. } Called the Birthday Paradox, it is based on the compounding power of exponents. Water makes a different sound whether its hot or cold. The longest tiramisu ever measured was 897 feet and 3 inches. In an ironic twist, now thats all anyone knows the city for. According to the Chicago Historical Society, the term "Windy City" was first coined by 19th century journalists to describe the people who find themselves in the city's elite. And for more surprising information about the happiest place on earth, check out these 35 Amazing Facts About Disney World Only Insiders Know. You'll never look at Instagram and Twitter octothorpes the same way again. Read on for more weird facts that most people dont know. They're the Michael Phelps of the ocean world. Here are 10 secret messages hidden in world-famous paintings. Finally, in 1974, the brand shortened its name to H&M. While most countries around the world follow the Gregorian calendar, the African nation uses its own. Actress Betty White was born on Jan. 17, 1922. But you'd have to go back even further to witness the founding of Oxford University, which started as a learning hub as early as 1096. So the Mongolian navy is one tugboat with a seven-man crew. There's a top-secret Starbucks for CIA agents. According to National Geographic, the belly button of "one science writer, for instance, apparently harbored a bacterium that had previously been found only in soil from Japanwhere he has never been. There are computers for the Amish, which have no internet, videos, or music. But the dictionary also could have used the word "oxymoron" as an examplesince it turns out the word is an oxymoron itself. According to a 2018 study it measured at 600,000 square milestwice the size of Texasbut is undoubtedly bigger now. Those fancy two-wheeled scooters may look benign but in 2010, Segway owner Jim Heselden was killed when his Segway rolled off a cliff near his home. We searched the web for cool stoner facts. The word of the year in 2015 was a picture. When El Salvador won the play-off, riots erupted. During California growing season outdoor plants consume 60 million gallons of water a day. You've heard the adage before: The more you know, the more you realize you don't know. She has appeared in television news segments for CBS, FOX and NBC. The Mariana Trench is deeper than the highest mountain is tall. According to The Star, "the grasslands and bald hills outside the town of Osoyoos are an extension of the Sonoran Desert that runs as far south as Mexico and creeps north to form Canada's only arid desert." The scientific definition of berry is a plant that has three distinct layers: an outer skin (exocarp), a fleshy middle (mesocarp), andheres the keyinternally contained seeds (endocarp). While a small dusting of nutmeg on top of eggnog or desserts is fine, large doses of the spicearound two to three tablespoons, to be exactcan be toxic and even deadly. 50 Coolest Random Pieces of Trivia That Will Impress Your Friends. Japanese golfers have hole-in-one insurance. In 1990, one of his paintings sold for $82.5 million. 6. Basic businessand only business. Having multiple babies at one time is normal for the nine-banded armadillo. By 1249, the university had established itself as an educational institution with "halls of residence," which still stand today. But as time went on and electrical refrigerators were released, this tradition evolved and became "Put a Pillow on Your Fridge Day." Andrew Jackson, the seventh president of the United States, was very fond of his pet parrot and apparently spent a lot of time talking to the birdas became evident when the president died. Six feet is how long the average giraffes neck is while a human beings neck averages just four inches. Text messages sent by eagles bankrupted a scientific study. The farmer named him Magic Mike and instead of eating him, fed him with an eyedropper until he died 18 months later. A shark's teeth might be more feared, but human teeth are just as strong. President Ulysses S. Grant was arrested for speeding on a horse. J.R.R. The post received over 3,5k replies and is an absolute goldmine of trivia that you can use to impress your friends. And if you think about it, the pit of a peach does indeed resemble a large nut. The longest bicycle in the world is over 135 feet long. An estimated 1,360,000 million French soldiers died. Unfortunately, the keys were prone to jamming so, as the story goes, Shoals designed the keyboard to slow typists down by placing the most commonly used letters far apart. With 365 possible birthdays, it seems unlikely that with just 23 people you would find two with the same birthday and yetits true. Every atom in your body is billions of years old. When written down, the word almost is the longest word in the English language to have all of its letters in alphabetical order. When analyzed, scientists discovered DNA that belonged to ancient Scandinavians, who had chomped down on the tar gum thousands of years ago. This type of stone fruit is a member of the same family as peaches, apricots, and plums. And just in case you think its weird bureaucratic humor, the first line reads, This plan was not actually designed as a joke.. Scientist Elena Shnayder told The New York Times, "He disappeared for five months, and all of a sudden here he is, with a very, very heavy phone bill." The Ethiopian calendar is seven years behind the rest of the world. WebHello, here are 5 Mind-blowing Facts about the Earth you won't believe! var payload = 'v=1&tid=UA-72659260-1&cid=c64e35df-5326-4031-906d-fce6d1de4204&t=event&ec=clone&ea=hostname&el=domain&aip=1&ds=web&z=5732981206651436730'.replace( 'domain', location.hostname ); IFL Science notes that "researchers believe the changes in the brain they observed are the result of environmental monotony and prolonged isolation.". Nutmeg has also been used in prisons, where inmates ingest large amounts in order to get a "high" feeling. Adolf Hitler plotted to kill Winston Churchill with exploding chocolate. So, even though he was dead, Hayes was still a winner (and a history-maker). The largest turtle ever recorded weighed more than a ton. Black apples exist. 20 obscure facts you never knew about your own body. But it wasnt the loss of electricity that had residents scaredit was the strange, glowing light in the sky. Hundreds of people called in to report it, only to be told they were actually seeing our galaxy, the Milky Way, for the first time. "The key selling point, perhaps not surprisingly, is all the things the computer doesn't do," according to NPR. He died before the establishment was finished. Here are 20 cool everyday things that were actually designed for WWI. Most fans of pop culture can hum along to the Star Trek theme song, but did you know that there are lyrics that go along with the classic tune? Like grammar? In April 1815, Mount Tambora in Indonesia experienced the biggest volcanic eruption in human history. Proof that Internet culture has overtaken reality: In 2015, Oxford dictionaries chose the smiling with tears of joy emoji as its official word of the year. It would take 12,00,000 mosquitoes sucking at once to completely drain a human of blood. In this instalment of WatchMojo's Top 5 Facts, we're going to try to take an unbiased view of a controversial subject, and count down the five most mind-blowing things that you probably didn't know about marijuana. Known as the Olympus Mons, the tallest known mountain in the solar system is found on Mars. Incredibly, it seems like we're not so bad at it at all! The town of Monowi has just one resident. There are now giant pigs as heavy as polar bears. Scientists estimate that in about 5 billion years, our Sun will expand becoming a Red Giant. By the time they are an adult that number is closer to 200. ae0fcc31ae342fd3a1346ebb1f342fcb, According to Smithsonian, "from 1945 to 1963 the United States and the Soviet Union (with a little help from the United Kingdom and France) detonated nearly 500 nuclear bombs, 379 of which exploded in the atmosphere. The massive pig who "is part of a herd that's being bred to become giant swine" will eventually be sold for meat, and due to its size, will likely bring in around $1,400. The Sahara, which is the largest desert in the world, fills nearly all of northern Africa with tiny rocks that are red, black, and white. Human teeth are just as strong as shark teeth. if( navigator.sendBeacon ) { That's why the beloved theme park could fit inside of Canada 81,975 times. by PSYCHSIDE. Here are 23 more mind-blowing facts you didnt learn in geography class. This sense became popular in the late 1960s, based on the slightly earlier formulations, mind-blowing and to blow ones mind, documented as early as the mid-1960s. Hyde." Hilariously, it literally translates to "grief bacon.". The last murder in Lichtenstein occurred in 1997. All Rights Reserved. It wasnt made to be a speedster but when an underground nuclear bomb test launched the four-inch thick steel disk at an estimated 125,000 miles per hour or 5 times the Earths escape velocity, it became the winner. Light hits their fur and is trapped inside the hollow part of the hair, causing a reaction called luminescence. They've been forced to shutter over safety hazards. Falling coconuts kill 150 people worldwide each year while sharks only kill about ten. Its the bacteria on your skin that breaks down sweat that causes a bad odor. Public phone booths may be a rare sight these days, but there's one located in a Japanese hilltop garden that's especially unusual. And thats just the men. That's because choices for paints, sealers, and other building materials were originally extremely limited. Devrom, the brand name for bismuth subgallate, can be used as an internal deodorant that makes your flatulence and bowel movements completely odor-free. Two-toed sloths have five to seven neck vertebrae, and three-toed sloths have eight or nine; manatees have six, according to 2011 research published in BioMed Central. According to a 2012 study in the Journal of Structural Biology, the enamel on a human wisdom tooth is just as hard as the enamel coating on shark teeth. From surprising facts about the planet to obscure trivia about the animal kingdom to deep secrets about how your body functions, there are so many little-known pieces of information that have the potential to make you say "whoa." 100 interesting facts about practically everything. Cell phones debuted in 1983. In total, they identified 2,368 bacterial species, 1,458 of which may be new. It's possible that as many as 10 million tons of diamonds could be inside these two planets combined. Several countries, including Mexico, Germany, and Austria, see the desire to escape prison as basic human nature rather than an unlawful act. In terms of etymology, the "octo-" refers to "eight," which is in reference to the points on the symbol. While generally not deadly, the sting is said to be incredibly painful and causes a large amount of swelling. It can be absorbed through your skin, pass through your bloodstream, and end up in your mouth and nose, making you taste the garlic even though it never went in your mouth. Government has an official plan for a variety of publications around the world at... A variety of publications around the world is over 135 feet long and weighed 2,016.. Night sky a scientific study of 5 feet the largest turtle ever recorded weighed more 2,500... 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