Daniel then tells Dwight he wants to cut his hair, claiming it will make him look more presentable. "100" to "Sleigh Ride" "We have no water to spare," she tells Madison. Ofelia's most notorious trait is . They're skeptical, but he makes the case they won't be able to help anyone without it and suggests they should find it first before his former crew. He laughs at his good fortune until the bridge under him collapses too. Griselda tells Ofelia that even though his decisions may seem wrong, he has always guided them the right way, such as surviving the grim Salvadoran civil war in the 80's by joining the ranks of junta. Although Daniel doesn't know who was broadcasting, he is certain that he recognizes the voice. She immediately recognizes Daniel. Madison opens a door to find Ofelia and Daniel, who have kidnapped Andrew Adams, a soldier with whom Ofelia previously flirted. At the facility, Daniel asked Liza where his wife was and got some bad news, but Liza tried to comfort him and Ofelia by assuring him that she was put in good hands and got the best medical care possible. Strand insists Lola has it taken care of. Daniel meekly apologizes to the others, as Riley chuckles that he told them there was no escaping it. His training and survival skills have shaped him into a formidable combatant. Suddenly, Virginia drives up and offers to help, explaining she's been following them and can't believe they used extra resources to help Grace. He hears people running in the hall. "If you come back, the next one will be in your face," he tells him. I don't know how but I got out." The following day, still suspicious of Strand, he begins searching the captains room of the boat, eventually finding a sealed compartment. Madison assures Walker, Daniel will help them. FanSided.com; Our 300 . "People don't change. You will rot here, like the dead, Ofelia is dead. Lola elects they will deal with them later. Daniel is disgusted by Strand's lies, but Strand insists that he's just trying to save the closest thing to a daughter that he has left which he believes is something that Daniel can understand. The next day, the convoy stops their truck because they realize its too heavy to make it across a bridge. Daniel catches a eel and explains that they will have it for dinner Travis later walks over to Daniel and asks what him and Chris talked about. Daniel appears to think highly of Alicia, telling Victor that she is as resourceful as Madison, someone he greatly respected. This list shows the victims Daniel has killed: Daniel is Griselda's husband, and the couple trust and love each other greatly. Although they aren't seen together much at first, Daniel and Luciana have a close friendship, particularly after Daniel begins developing his psychological issues. Later on, Morgan decides the group should leave in the morning. By Kristi Roe-Owen / June 30, 2022 1:14 pm EDT. To Daniel's dismay, Walker tells him she is a soldier. On the road, Daniel continues to lead the herd away as Sarah and Wendell arrive in Al's truck and release the machine gun lever but it doesn't shoot, so he hides underneath. Right then, Sarah finishes her repairs. Lola still doesn't believe the people would revolt against her until they see an angry mob approaching. Charlie then hugs him and Daniel explains that he has finally been able to make peace with the loss of Ofelia. The flames barely start to touch Daniel's feet as he watches the cellar burn, entranced. She insists she needs more janitors to help keep the water clean. So fans and other FTWD characters wondered what happened to Daniel in Season 6's "Welcome to the Club" when it seemed like Rubn Blades' character had lost his memory. As Reed stops her from doing any more damage, Travis slips a crowbar behind a seat cushion. Troy offers his help in laying charges despite Daniel's doubts. Nick insists he and Troy tried to redirect the Infected after spotting them on the outskirts. When the National Guard arrives at the neighborhood, Daniel peers out a window and says that "it's already too late". Although reluctant, Daniel agrees to the change in plan. Daniel asks why she didn't go to the fish shack. Later, when the two talked alone, Lola explained why she couldn't trade with them. Before Riley can answer, the van comes to a screeching stop was the breaks malfunction. from episodes released early on AMC+ may not be added to the wiki until the episode officially airs at 9pm EST on the Sunday it is scheduled for. Daniel asks if its for Madison and Strand breaks the news about her and Nick to Daniel's visible sorrow. Daniel says goodbye to Charlie and Morgan and tells them not to worry, and rides off with Strand while taking Skidmark with him. Daniel sits in a jail cell and performs a cognitive test. And, sure enough, some people lived,. He also found and adopted a cat naming him Skidmark. The group manages to get inside of the Tower as the walkers rush it, but Strand betrays Alicia when he realizes that she won't ever forgive him and the fight between them sets the Tower on fire. Just then, the group sees a helicopter landing, and rush over to meet it, although Wes stays behind to spray-paint a message. She offers refuge for the night. In "Ofelia", Luciana believes that Daniel is the one person who can predict Strand's moves and stop him as Daniel has experience facing off against Strand that everyone else lacks. Later, Victor betrays Daniel and the dam to the Proctors and shoots him in under the chin, and the bullet passes through his right cheek. Daniel is later present when they find aircraft luggage on a nearby island. Walkers claw at the gate to Valley Town and reach the tunnel entrance. Lola refuses to make a deal and orders Madison to leave the next morning. He is portrayed by Colby Hollman. Daniel insists he did not raise a soldier. Daniel fades in and out of consciousness. J.C., Dante's head of security, questions Lola's decision to hire Daniel as a new janitor. Because he does not make it out in time to reunite with his family, they think he perished in the fire when in reality he was able to escape. Kneeling down and taking Alicia's hand, Daniel promises that he will see her again before getting called away by Sherry. Daniel later finds Dante interrogating Efran. Daniel fires a couple of shots into the air, insisting Strand to leave now. Even though they first encounter each other in a scene Madison's living room that sees Daniel killing Peter Dawson, Madison is rather open to his ways quickly. There's just something about . They ditch their trucks and make the journey on foot. Daniel first appears this episode alongside Travis and Madison. Following Ofelia's death, Daniel interrogates Nick on what happened at the ranch, believing that Troy lead the herd. Dwight asks Daniel how far away they are, but Daniel isn't sure, he just knows that Strand and Alicia are turning the light off as they speak. Daniel covers him with a blanket and leaves on the rainy night. Lola questions whether or not he is going to go back with Madison to see Ofelia but he swears his allegiance to Lola and vows to fulfill his promise to Lola by staying at the dam, and he believes Ofelia is better off without him. By the end of the first season, it appears as if Madison and Daniel have developed a sense of trust between each other. She also stated how sorry she was for his loss. He searches the premises of Celia's home and discovers she keeps walkers in her basement as she believes they are still alive but changed. Daniel and the rest of the group clear the tunnel for Alicia, but Josiah warns her that they can't be sure that the tunnel will be stable for long. This list shows the victims that Lola has killed: Lola's relationship with Daniel seems to be an almost father/daughter relationship. Alicia tells Strand that she didn't ask Daniel to come and Daniel demands to see Ofelia. After Luis Flores shoots both Ben and Breannah with an assault rifle, this gives time for Daniel to slip his binds and grab his gun back from Reed's hand as Ofelia slams him on the door before Madison stabs him with the crowbar. Daniel insists they are going to find Efran and Lola and kill them. Strand notices that the person is Daniel, who tells Strand that he told him he'd be his guardian angel, referring to a time he had said as much to Strand while growing suspicious of him on The Abigail. Lola insists, there is nothing left to discuss. Strand's group and Sherry's group start to leave Valley Town. Earlier, he says he believes he's killed 96 people. According to Ofelia, Daniel once told her that all of their relatives are dead in El Salvador. "I woke up in a fire," Daniel said, which is where he heard Ofelia calling for him. Former Chief Security Officer for the Gonzalez Dam, The casting call for this character used the name, Daniel was described as "60s. Lola also demands that Ofelia show up at the exchange. After Episode 15 of Fear the Walking Dead aired, several clips were released in the lead-up to the Season 6 finale. After Victor returns with the rest of Morgan's group, Daniel greets him without animosity and admits that he was wrong about him. Daniel stabs Reed and pins him to a wall, leaving him alive. Daniel does his best to comfort Ofelia as she starts crying. Daniel and the others race over and discover that someone set off some dynamite. Daniel tells his interrogator that he wanted Valley Town to be a community where Grace's baby could grow up. She realizes the entrance in unprotected. He is later present at dinner when he and everyone else hear Chris jump overboard, for a swim. Daniel observes the people they are helping. He infers that Daniel is a "sombra negra" and was in the fearsome El Salvadoran military. Daniel first appears when Madison thinks that her daughter Alicia is at the Trans' house again after finding Mrs. Tran's suicide note. Back at his warehouse, he puts away the rations, tears off a day from his calendar, and cooks dinner with Skidmark. With Lola's death, none of the main characters introduced in the third season are still alive. As they reach the island Daniel with his M9 beretta in hand tells everyone to remain in eye length with one an another. Then, Daniel informs Madison that Nick has arrived at the dam. Walkers reach the inner gate. When she hesitates, he asks if she thinks the traitors in Tank Town should die. Finally, Nick covers for Troy by claiming that Jake Otto was the one who lead the herd to the ranch, to which Daniel finally lets him go, despite not believing him. They teeter on the dam bridge as water fills the valley. On the edge of the dam, Strand is joined by Daniel while watching people load the water truck. He goes on to give Strand water. Later that night, Lola talks with Daniel. She tells J.C. to do his own job, while she does hers. "The ceiling was collapsing. Daniel complies. He's searching for water with little luck. With a smile, Daniel suggests that he still might not be, causing Sarah to laugh. Daniel is now a barber and was cutting Virginia's hair as Strand and Alicia watched. When Daniel's wife was taken away, Daniel was extremely worried, but presumably rested a little easier knowing that Liza was with her at the medical facility. His name may be a homage to Miguel Salazar, a soldier who suffered from an emotional and mental breakdown in George Romero's Day of the Dead (1985). If not, I'll have you in my sights." Daniel tells his interrogator that anyone could have been a traitor. As Ofelia says her farewells to her parents, Daniel tells her that he can't guess how long he will be away. Strand guns them down. Daniel is treated by Lola. Grace then reveals she wishes she could help Morgan more but Daniel assures her she already has. Daniel assures Charlie everything will be fine and is separated from Skidmark. He snaps out of his daze when Ofelia arrives, and together they escort Reed out of the room to deliver to Connor's Pirates to save Alicia and Travis. Daniel tells his interrogator that he sent Charlie to accompany Grace while he tracked down the weapons. She tells them they've come for water. Daniel thinks hes too dangerous to stay with them. Dante Esquivel, portrayed by Jason Manuel Olazabal, is the leader of Gonzalez Dam. Daniel wakes up: It was a nightmare. She then tells him to wait as she goes to find Efran. (S3E10). Before she can do further damage, she is shot twice by Proctor John, with the second bullet going into her head and killing her instantly. However, Strand and Alicia take out the Rangers on the roof and Alicia kills five Rangers on the ground that rush at the group. After mutinying against Strand, Wes orders the Ranger guarding him to kill Daniel. Daniel is a highly intelligent, caring, cautious, and formidable man who is a strong, determined survivor. He is thinking about Ofelia but she tells him the world is gone in every direction. During a conversation with his daughter later that night, he said he remained on the boat because he was not "invited" into the house by the Geary family, which seemed strange to Ofelia. Daniel plays music over the radio as a storm approaches. She insists that they will die fighting Virginia, but Alicia wants to fight back. Daniel distracts J.C. from the fountain by directing him to Efran's hideout. Strand approaches with a gun drawn and orders her to step away. Hearing this, Daniel suddenly realizes something, and asks Luciana for her gun in Spanish. Daniel and Morgan sit by Grace's side as she experiences contractions. Together they sing the chorus of "End of the Line". He successfully picks the lock and discovers a hidden compartment. In a voiceover, Daniel explains that each weapon was logged and locked away, and that only he and Morgan had keys. As Daniel goes on, Strand reveals that he had locked June, Grace and Wendell on the top floor after Mo's escape and that when they're freed and on their side, Daniel will have to relent. Then the group evaluates Daniel, with a woman named Lola ruling he is going to lose his leg. Moments later, Daniel invites them inside. Charlie asks if she can come along but he says her friends need her more. Strand admits he secretly kept a gun but insists he didn't take the other weapons. Later on, Daniel notices more infected have gotten in. In the present, Daniel sits in the cell. After freeing the others, Daniel leads them outside to reunite with their friends. "I am going to save her from you," Daniel tells Strand. Just like his beloved cat, Daniel Salazar seems to have nine lives on Fear the Walking Dead thanks to his intelligence and his intelligence career. Daniel, Madison and Strand are the only Season 1 characters confirmed to be alive. Daniel serves soup to Morgan. Strand aims his gun while Daniel orders he hand over the gun. In an interview by Althea, Daniel admits he is glad to have joined the group full time jokingly saying that is better than being alone with his cat. This is the last time Daniel is seen for the rest of the second season. Before The Fall Daniel lived quietly in the US, owning and running a barbershop, until the apocalypse. Daniel abandons Strand and walks away. "Nothing breaks me, Lola," he tells her. He owns and operates a barber shop. Daniel meets Morgan and smiles when Alicia runs up to hug him. They then tie them all together. They take Daniel to Lola, who works at the dam. After Daniel keeps insisting that Ofelia is alive and in the Tower, threatening Strand's life, Strand claims that she's on the top floor and that they just need Daniel to help them get to her. After Adams shoots Ofelia, however, it can be assumed that Daniel detests him and was not opposed to Travis's assault of him. They discuss a possible problem with the water filtration system on the boat. Angrily yelling that Charlie isn't his daughter, Daniel pistol-whips Strand and prepares to kill him. Female He is not happy to see him, but Madison emerges and asks Daniel to lower the gun. Daniel orders Nick to sit down and he does. Dante and J.C. take Efran, Lola, Strand and Pablito to the dam catwalk for execution. Daniel ultimately accepts Strand's offer and departs with him. Walker lowers his first. As a child, he witnessed the brutal nature of civil war in El Salvador, and was present when many members of his village were forcefully abducted by the military, later to be murdered with their corpses being washed up a river. He watches as Travis' girlfriend Madison Clark is about to kill a zombified Susan Tran, but stops after Travis persuades her not to, and mutters that she is "weak" as a result. He grabs a hammer for his next act. After receiving an answer from him, she waves on the rest of the caravan to keep moving before returning to her assigned vehicle. Madison agrees to provide them with the required arrangements in exchange for 10,000 gallons of water a week until the rains come. Suddenly, Charlie calls out for June to run over and help Grace, who has passed out. Continuing his interrogation, Daniel wonders why Riley would stay alive if destruction is the whole point, to which the latter replies that it's only to see their faces when everything turns to ash. Daniel has questions about Ofelia's death. His inner lips were also tattooed with the mark of the squad as seen in "100". Daniel joins the rest of Morgan's group in traveling to the beached sub near Galveston, Texas in order to stop the Doomsday Cult's plans to launch the Pennsylvania's compliment of nuclear missiles. In "The Beginning", Luciana at first doubts Daniel about the coordinates on the radio due to his ongoing psychological problems. Daniel stops the truck and tells Charlie to drive the truck back to Strand to give him the instruments while he deals with the walkers. He thinks it is a walker until the man uses a nail and hammer to put down a walker. Nick informs Daniel that Ofelia needs Amoxicillin, Oxycodone, or something similar. Daniel writes down a number. Sometime later, Daniel and the group formed a convoy to travel throughout Texas to help others and invite them to join their community, while establishing additional outposts to recruit the survivors reaching out to them over the radio. Their relationship seems to be seriously strained at "Cobalt", as after Ofelia sees him torturing Andrew, she runs out of the house crying, and he tells Madison that she may never understand why he had to do it. Daniel places a hood over Reed's head, devising a plan to use the undead Reed. She notes that they ran out of antibiotics and Daniel sternly tells her not to tell Madison insisting that they have to care for one another. "She saw him once, for a moment, and it frightened her". "Our camp is running out of water but we have resources that can benefit you," she says. Cause of Death Lola wants to continue providing water to the people but Daniel wants to be more careful. Daniel is in Fort San Vicente with the rest of Morgan's Group that were rescued when Sarah finally wakes up. Daniel yells out for water. Madison ignores his advice. Daniel is knocked back, unconscious. Later, Madison talks with Lola. Suddenly, she gets a call over the radio from the convoy about losing the oil fields and updates Daniel. He is thinking about Ofelia, but she counsels Daniel to stop looking for Ofelia. of Episodes 16 Main Cast; Character Actor Madison Clark . Daniel says he doesn't know if he burned his daughter alive and begs forgiveness from Efran. Morgan announces that he wants the killing to stop, despite Sherry's demand that they hand Virginia over. Fear the Walking Dead airs Sundays at 9 p.m. on AMC. Following directions from Al's tape, Strand locates Daniel's warehouse. When more arrive, Morgan is forced to move everyone across. Daniel hears the gunshot that killed Liza as he sits with a sleeping Ofelia. In this episode, titled "100," we find out how Daniel Salazar survived the fire he set . The crowd disperses when an Infected herd approaches. This article is about the Fear character. He pulls Daniel's lower lip down to reveal a tattoo indicating "Sombra Negra". Lisandra Tena In the letter, Daniel explains that he found the jumper inside one of the Pioneers' vehicles. Liza has trouble answering, and Daniel realizes that Griselda is dead. Walkers infiltrate Valley Town. There is a clear divide between them on how the dam should be operated. Lola is down there, now. Daniel Salazar is a main character and a survivor of the outbreak in AMC's Fear the Walking Dead. Liza reunites with the group, trying and succeeding to unlock the doors with her key card. In Grace's dream, Daniel is living in Valley Town as a barber and is seen finishing a haircut for Victor Strand, his close friend much to Grace's pleasure and surprise. He punches Efran repeatedly and commands him to confess. 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