Salem Cardiology Go Back padding: 5px; } .modal { font-size: 12px !important; z-index: 9999; LITHUANIA if((hh >= 4) && (hh <= 7) && (mm <= 59) && (abrev == "PM")){ color: #FFFFFF !important; Nephrology Cousin A boy from small village completed his MBBS, MD, DNB (Cardio) and worked with the most reputed hospitals Fortis as a Cardiologist and Nair Hospital as a Lecturer. $("#radio-btn-video"+doctor_id).append(data); $(".booknowSection1").show(); border: none; .doc-listing-appointment .radio-btn-vc ul li{ Adult congenital and structural heart disease interventions .item_vc span { $(".patient-no-input").css("display","none"); border-bottom: unset !important; color: #b7274c !important; color: #024E9F; if(json.app_num!='' && json.app_num!=null){ cursor: pointer; NIUE Get it from Media Cardiothoracic Vascular Surgery $("#bookNow_date"+doctor_id).css("display", "none"); +91 9001333444 Select Payment Method } */ GREECE MONTSERRAT #navbar-new .bookNow { } Jayanagar - Bengaluru Anesthesia, Critical Care & Pain Medicine, Billing, Insurance & Financial Assistance, Common cause of heart attacks in younger adults linked to gene variants, Un estudio revela cmo la menopausia prematura aumenta el riesgo de enfermedad cardiovascular, Study reveals how premature menopause increases risk of cardiovascular disease, Genetic testing for a lipoprotein linked to cardiovascular risk is as effective as blood work, study shows, MD, University of California, San Francisco School of Medicine, Fellowship, Massachusetts General Hospital*****, Cardiovascular Disease, American Board of Internal Medicine, Internal Medicine, American Board of Internal Medicine, Great-West Healthcare (formally One Health Plan). Fellow of Intensive training program on PCI of CTO lesions (100% Blockages) at Toyohashi Heart Center, Toyohashi, Aichi, Japan #faq h2 $("#bookNow_date_hv"+doctor_id).css("display", "flex"); Awards & Achievements MACEDONIA, THE FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC OF He has Authored several Articles and Book Chapters in Various National and International Publications $(".patient-details").hide(); 080-22221111 font-size: 12px; }, Looking for something else? $(".booknowSection2").hide(); Hebbal - Bengaluru NA/- #faq { if(slots_type == "(HV)" || slots_type1 == "HVVC"){ }) ; } } var startString = new_d.split(":"); Old Airport Road - Bengaluru GHANA Check appointments, communicate with your provider and pay bills online 24/7. $("#slots_status_vc"+val+doctor_id).html("Slots Available"); Learn about career opportunities, search for positions and apply for a job. } UHID For more information about these cookies and the data line-height: 36px; Evening SOLOMON ISLANDS JAMAICA Prof nav: true, $(".consultation"+val_id).css("display","none"); Patient Registration Details 1000: { }else if(screen.width){ Luxembourgers color: #616060 !important; .form-control { GUATEMALA border: 1px solid #fff; span.apply-error { if(json.details2!='' && json.details2!=null){ He received his MMSc in biomedical informatics in 2015 from Harvard Medical School. padding: 4px 0 !important; MAURITANIA Baby of } border-radius: 6px; Please check for another day or call us at 1800 102 4647. padding: 0; $("#slots_status_vc"+val+doctor_id).html("No Slots Available"); padding-bottom: 10px; Go Back var hh = new_for_date.substr(1,2); } } line-height:43px; SLOVAKIA background-repeat: no-repeat; background: none !important; color: #240F39; NAURU if((hh <= 11) && (mm <= 59) && (abrev == "AM")){ // data += '
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AUSTRIA dots: false, this.className + ' active'; } $('.pic_box_text').text($('.pic_box').text()); dataLayer.push({ if(json.app_num!='' && json.app_num!=null){ Temporibus saepe vel perspiciatis itaque debitis illo sed quo hic, sunt enim voluptas repellendus culpa laborum aut at officiis non quidem vitae. margin-top: 15px; var doctor_code=$("#speciality-id").find('option:selected').data('doctorcode'); Vijayawada margin-bottom: 15px; $(".videoc").css('background', '#034EA1'); var new_d_s = new_s_date.substr(0,2); Virtual Tour Uzbeks Any relevant medical information about me including details of my medical history, examinations, x-rays, tests, photographs or other images may be transmitted /shared by Manipal Hospitals with their staff, specialist, business partners for the purpose of record, communications, feedback, enquires, follow ups, analysis etc. Dr Yes opacity: 1; Best Cancer Care Hospital in Whitefield, Bangalore Mr He also performs procedures like Peripheral Angioplasty,Carotid Angioplasty, Renal Angioplasty and Balloon Mitral Commisurotomy, Aortic Valvuloplasty, Alcohol septal ablation, LA Appendage Closure } items: 2, .step-vc-1-booking{ var json = $.parseJSON(result); Col. display:flex; COCOS (KEELING) ISLANDS document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => { padding-top: 3px; Chileans font-size: 10px; // data += 'NEXT AVAILABILITY ON '; color: #fff; })(window,document,'script','dataLayer','GTM-KD3BLPX'); } } { RUSSIAN FEDERATION Book an appointment for Consultation margin-top: 5px; I agree to follow all the rules and regulations of Hospital and clear all the expenses incurred for My/Patient treatment on time as per the Terms and Conditions of Manipal Hospital, CHILE }, var x = 1; function getdateslots(val,doctor_id,count_id){ He also performs procedures like Peripheral Angioplasty,Carotid Angioplasty, Renal Angioplasty and Balloon Mitral Commisurotomy, Aortic Valvuloplasty, Alcohol septal ablation, LA Appendage Closure border: 0px solid rgb(2, 89, 188); }else{ console.log('**************doctor code*****************'); Maltese Sarjapur Road - Bengaluru I hereby give my consent and authorize Manipal Hospitals to process, store,use,disclose my personal or sensitive information/data collected as per Manipal Privacy Policy Chadians CHRISTMAS ISLAND }); singleItem : true, $(".payment-details-registration").hide(); $('#newToHospitalNo').attr('checked', true); $('.doc_disign').html(json.designation); Goa } #faq .slick-next { $(".prime").css('background', '#00B7AC'); $("#hospital_id").change(function () { Interventional Cardiologist Self-employed View Pradip's full profile See who you know in common Get . data:'district_id='+val, "logo": "", All slots are booked for the doctor today. Thais Centre of Excellence margin-bottom: 0px; $(function() padding: 25px; Ethiopian } border: 1px solid #00B7AC !important; Whitefield - Bengaluru dots: false, Employee .opd-color{ Book Now Hondurans Total Amount Payable margin-bottom: 20px; var w = 0; Spine Care Gastrointestinal Science var slot_date = $("input[name=slot_date]:checked").val(); Orthopaedics if(json.details1!='' && json.details1!=null){ Manipal Clinic - Jayanagar - Bengaluru data: {"selected_city_code": $(this).val()}, Czechs Separated #faq .faqSlider .slick-list { .add-br-rd{ Doctor Consultation Charges (Video Consultation) - Rs. Dr Kosovo Albanians Gabonese } sum_hv += ( parseInt( sum_hv )+ parseInt(1)); Manipal hospital Whitefield conducted a live interaction in Kolar district for Heart Attacks are common in winter season with Dr. Pradeep Haranahalli, Consultant Interventional Cardiology, Manipal Hospitals, Whitefield. margin-top: 5px !important; Uncle Consultant Cardiac Sciences and Interventional Cardiology, Manipal Hospitals WhiteField Foster mother }); Mrs top: -8%; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; if(json.details2!='' && json.details2!=null){ } Brother 600: { Grandson .re-reg-popup h3{ var todaydate = new Date(json.nextdate); Netbanking margin-left: 0; data += '


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