art. They were so pleasant and knowledgeable when I contacted them. Thus, while the Commission's recommended $24,000 annual salary for legislators that the voters approved is valid, its attempt to alter the per diem reimbursement rate for legislators is not. 949 0 obj <>/Encrypt 929 0 R/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<6BDF1CF33331E94D9CD43616C7FC6BA5><61B2D104DCFA2B4EB4BD935421B87E8D>]/Index[928 203]/Info 927 0 R/Length 109/Prev 84083/Root 930 0 R/Size 1131/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream 2806 0 obj <> endobj If the employer fails to pay these reimbursements, the employee can file a wage and hour lawsuit. B. A: Employers should have a written reimbursement policy that requires employees to submit reimbursement requests by a certain deadline after the expense is incurred. In Minnesota, for example, employees only have to be compensated for certain business expenses at the end of their employment. office supplies and equipment, like printers and ink. 778.217 Reimbursement for expenses. Even with an accountable plan, there are some things to look out for. For example, employees may now (and for the foreseeable future) be incurring expenses related to printer paper, pencils, pens, cell phone expenses, home internet bills, etc. 4, pt. gV+(8 The arguments did not mention the per diem clause. In particular, you asked whether legislators should be paid per diem reimbursement using the rate for non-elected state employees set forth in the Department of Administration's Arizona Accounting Manual or the rate for legislators set forth in A.R.S. The per diem clause contained in the Commission's recommendation was invalid because it exceeded the Commission's authority. D. The director of the department of administration shall establish in the state accounting manual uniform procedures by which amounts less than the maximum lodging and meal and incidental expense reimbursement amounts may be claimed by a person who is in travel status for less than a full twenty-four hour period or by a person who does not provide lodging receipts. For example, federal and state tax laws recognize that salaries are taxable income,Department of Revenue v. Arthur, 153 Ariz. 1, 734 P.2d 98 (App. 41-1104). It's best to have a written employee expense reimbursement policy in your employee handbook to ensure your organization has an action plan for remote workers. Remote work is quickly becoming a staple for the modern workforce. Id. They should not be construed as legal advice, and readers should not act upon the information contained in these publications without professional counsel. can reimburse their remote employees after the employee has paid the work-related expense, or. %%EOF It should be noted that what constitutes reasonable is a fact specific exercise and that employers should approach each employee reimbursement request as such. 2, 1, (2)(a) and (2)(b). Because one of the consequences of that recommendation could have been to dictate the length of the legislative session, the Attorney General concluded that the Commission had exceeded its limited authority to set salaries. Check out our online talks on topics that matter most when protecting your business and taking care of your team. Stat. Reimbursement of expenses A. endstream endobj 2807 0 obj <>/Metadata 97 0 R/OCProperties<>/OCGs[2821 0 R]>>/PageLabels 2798 0 R/PageLayout/OneColumn/Pages 2800 0 R/PieceInfo<>>>/StructTreeRoot 120 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 2808 0 obj <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB]/Properties<>/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Type/Page>> endobj 2809 0 obj <>stream Several states have also enacted their own expense reimbursement laws that either meet or exceed the standard set forth in the FLSA. Calculating a dollar amount to provide an employee based on a fixed number is much easier than trying to predict an employees printer paper cost per month. Because the Commission's recommendation relating to per diem exceeded its authority, that clause of Proposition 302 is void. 5, 12. An expense does not have to be indispensable to be considered necessary.. The director may change the maximum amounts from time to time and may establish a separate maximum amount for geographical areas of the United States if the director finds that the reasonable cost varies significantly in one or more areas. are aware that these state-level laws are unfolding. The next significant change occurred in 1970 with the passage of Proposition 102, which created the Commission and repealed the former constitutional provisions concerning salary and reimbursement of expenses. An employer will want to maintain records as to reimbursements made to employees and the rationale behind those reimbursement amounts. Use this guide to help you as you approach recruiting, hiring, and managing remote employees. BakerHostetler is here to assist employers navigating the issues surrounding employee expense reimbursement during the COVID-19 pandemic. Expense reimbursement lawsuits were already commonplace before the pandemic, and with no end in sight to the pandemic and employees working from home, employers can expect additional lawsuits to be filed. hYmo6z( $iXmA?xz9>6R./F1eQ#) F%L0Fh\"@&2"``g*BJhDiZXb Often, an employer will be able to deduct those reimbursements, but the deduction amount may be limited. Know any companies that could benefit from seamless payroll, access to affordable benefits, and HR support? Many employers will reimburse an employee who uses their personal vehicle for business at a standard mileage rate. Returning excess amounts: If any amounts the employer pays to the employee exceed the amounts the employee spent, the employee must return excess amounts to the employer within a reasonable period of time. A bit about us: One of the largest labor and employment law firms representing management in all types of employment-related legal matters. P)%{u2 m@rD ( Dyph. Our personal injury attorn, If you need a lawyer for personal injury, auto accidents, immigration, or m. Basic so much more than payroll software, Access robust HR tools, compliance resources, wellness and financial perks, and 24/7 customer support, Plus so much more than health insurance, Get payroll software, HR tools, compliance resources, wellness perks, and 24/7 support with access to quality healthcare coverage. . This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. endstream endobj startxref Access the tools and resources to help you build your team, stay compliant, and grow in all 50 states, We make it easier for you to access the large-group health insurance plans you need, Skip the Manual Work of Running a Business, No more time wasted figuring out complex payroll, organizing documents, or administering benefits, Prioritize your teams wellbeing with access to quality benefits and perks that focus on employee health and wellness, Get access to the software, services, and support that will help you scale your business fast. In 1958, the Legislature placed on the ballot, and the people approved, an amendment to the Arizona Constitution that provided for an annual legislative "salary of one thousand eight hundred dollars as compensation for services . Building an expense plan will save employers time, confusion, and stress. Business Expenses: A Beginner's Guide To Building A Plan. F Your company required or approved the employee to make the expense. Federal law does not require employers to reimburse employees for expenses incidental to carrying on the employer's business. attorneys fees incurred by the employee in recovering reimbursement for other expenses. Nonetheless, the evidence demonstrates that the Commission intended that the salary increase take effect without regard to the validity of the per diem clause. In this review, we followed up on the recommendations from our prior reports, Reports 17-306 and 19-302, Read the latest news about Justworks, including company and product announcements, research reports, interviews, and more. A. It should outline all of the business-related expenses that an employee can get reimbursed for. 2894 0 obj <>stream However, there are some costs that employers know employees will incur on a monthly basis and so it may make sense to provide a reimbursement on a more periodic basis. If providing employees reimbursements on a periodic basis, an employer should perform an analysis to ascertain an amount of reimbursement that is adequate to cover the actual expense incurred by the employee. Expenses that were properly incurred in the administration of the trust. this Section. Your company required or approved the employee to make the expense. %%EOF Lab. Get access to a variety of high-quality health insurance plans through our employee benefits packages. [2] D.C. Municipal Regulation Title 7, Section 910.1. Our company values are reflected in our product and in our team. This is why a good employee expense reimbursement policy can be handy. Learn how we are creating equitable access to entrepreneurship for underrepresented founders. Download your free copy of Business Expenses: A Beginner's Guide To Building A Plan to find the helpful advice you're looking for. Justworks helps businesses with their benefits, payroll, and everything else they need to take care of their team. Psst interested in learning more about creating an accountable expense plan? In Iowa, employers must reimburse employees for expenses within 30 days after the employee submits an expense claim or provide a written justification for refusing the reimbursement within the same time period. Workers are protected from retaliation if they file a claim. When an employer reimburses an employee pursuant to an accountable plan, the reimbursement wont count as wages or income to the employee. Telecommunication 47.73.3701 Reimbursement under the Reimbursement Expansion Act Arizona Revised Statutes Title 23. Thats where employee expense reimbursement comes in. D. The director of the department of administration shall establish in the state accounting manual uniform procedures by which amounts less than the maximum lodging and meal and incidental expense reimbursement amounts may be claimed by a person who is in travel status for less than a full twenty-four-hour period or by a person who does not provide lodging receipts. They shall also receive mileage one way, by the shortest practicable route, at the rate of twenty cents per mile." Youll want to proactively account for these business expenses in your T&E budget to stay on track financially and prevent issues. LawServer is for purposes of information only and is no substitute for legal advice. Definitely recommend! Lastly, you know these new business expense reimbursement laws could impact your budgets going forward. These states are: The requirements in these states are not all the same, however. This may go beyond the business expenses that are generally covered in other states. 2. 22 cents per mile for medical or moving work. Please note: Our firm only handles criminal and DUI cases, and only in California. 8sX~&o. 2. Minimum wage regulations apply only to employees. 928 0 obj <> endobj A written notice with rates of pay, payday, employer identification information and sick leave benefits must be provided to all new employees and should be given to all seasonal employees . at 2(b). %PDF-1.6 % See1968 Ariz. Sess. By the time the Commission was created in 1970, Arizona courts had distinguished between "salary" or "compensation" and "reimbursement." T5`(N[pTgV An ordinary expense is one that is common and accepted in your industry. SeeA.R.S. Enter your username and password below to log in. This material has been prepared for informational purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, legal or tax advice. This Office reached a similar conclusion in 1980. Not doing so could subject an employer to potential liability. Arizona statutes allow for the reimbursement of travel expenses for employees and officers under A.R.S. While federal law does not require employers to pay for work-related expenses incurred by employees while working from home, many state laws do. Title 38 recognize the difference between salaries (seeChapter 4, Article 1 ("Salaries")) and per diem reimbursement (seeChapter 4, Article 2 ("Reimbursement for Expenses")). Maximum amounts established by the director shall be subject to approval by the joint legislative budget committee. If an employer knows that an employee will regularly incur a certain business-related/work-related expense, it can choose to increase that employees salary to cover the costs of those expenses. Generally, this wont include commuting expenses between an employees home and workplace. The lengthy history distinguishing salary from reimbursement (including per diem) in Arizona leads to the conclusion that the Commission has constitutional authority to recommendonlysalary changes. As mentioned, these new laws may require your department to tweak its current T&E policies and practices to align with state-specific rules. Employers should also reassess their employee reimbursement policies in order to ensure they remain compliant. pO}]3 s,i25A7.c. -Q3z78Zkx6 25-320) and federal law (42 United States Code, 651 et seq., 45 Code of Federal Regulations, 302.56) and amendments, if any. Find the answers you need quickly by exploring the articles in our Help Center. Resourceful Finance Pro, part of the SuccessFuel Network, provides the latest Finance and employment law news for Finance professionals in the trenches of small-to-medium-sized businesses. This is a recent change in tax law. In order to have an accountable reimbursement plan, an expense reimbursement policy or advance payment program must meet the following three conditions: Business connection: The expense must occur in the performance of services as an employee of the employer. The expense reimbursement process allows employers to pay back employees who have spent their own money for business-related expenses. A. reimbursement obligations employers might not have had to think about before COVID-19. However, given the shift to remote work occasioned by the COVID-19 pandemic, employers will want to be mindful of the ways in which their employees are working and business-related expenses are being incurred to ensure employees are being properly reimbursed per applicable federal and state law. The expense reimbursement process allows employers to pay back employees who have spent their own money for business-related expenses. . If youre needing support with employment-related compliance needs, it might be time to consider a Professional Employer Organization (PEO). For example: Companies usually mandate receipts. Id. This distinction between salary and per diem reimbursement is not unique. . As a nation, we have not yet found it sufficiently important to require reimbursement as a matter of law. The employee submitted the expense for reimbursement with proper supporting documentation * (i.e., a receipt) within 30 calendar days of when it was incurred. Former ARIZ. CONST. [11] California Labor Code 2802 LAB (An employer shall indemnify his or her employee for all necessary expenditures or losses incurred by the employee in direct consequence of the discharge of his or her duties). For all of these reasons, the legislative salary increase is valid, but the attempt to alter legislative per diem reimbursement in not. To comply with state law (Arizona Revised Statutes (A.R.S. Terms of Use Privacy Policy Security. While theyre not required by the IRS, accountable plans help you set criteria that comply with IRS regulations on what reimbursements are deductible and what reimbursements count as taxable income. Q ta$DLatBi$`1 #,b For example, California allows an employee up to three years to submit a reimbursement request. The director may change the maximum amounts from time to time and may establish a separate maximum amount for geographical areas of the United States if the director finds that the reasonable cost varies significantly in one or more areas. A: Alaska, California, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, New Hampshire, New York, North Dakota, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, and Washington, DC all have enacted statutes which bear on expense reimbursement. See Earhart v. Frohmiller, 65 Ariz. at 226, 178 P.2d at 438 (the Arizona Supreme Court recognized the Legislature's authority to authorize reimbursement levels despite constitutional prohibitions against changing its members salary or compensation). There is no federal law that requires employers to reimburse their employees for employment-related expenses, and few state laws do so, either. (This has remained the same for the last few years.) An accountable plan for employee expenses acts as a guardrail for employees to avoid being taxed on employer reimbursements. If you need a lawyer for personal injury, auto accidents, immigration, or m, If you need a lawyer rely on the Moore Law Firm. Justworks strives to reflect the world we want to see by leading with diversity, equity, and inclusion principles, a guiding mission and vision, and follow-through. We do not handle any of the following cases: And we do not handle any cases outside of California. This form is not to be used to record allowances. A state employee while traveling on authorized state business shall be reimbursed for actual lodging expenses incurred not to exceed a predetermined amount pursuant to subsection C. All claims for reimbursement shall be accompanied by lodging expense receipts. Code. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) lets employees claim a tax deduction of their business expense reimbursements if the expense: If any of these conditions are not met, then the reimbursement is considered income and has to be reported as taxable. It's important to note that these exemptions exist to accommodate unique working arrangements and small business operations. Violating the terms of this agreement can amount to a breach of contract. Beginning January 1, 2020, the minimum wage in Arizona rose to $12 per hour. 3. The voters approved Proposition 302 effective at the beginning of the next regular legislative session. (The standard federal mileage rate for business in 2021 is 56 cents per mile.). Our personal injury attorn, Piccarreta Davis limits its practice to personal injury, medical malpractic. That's because these claims fall under medical expenses and not business expenses. at 226, 178 P.2d at 438. Only self-employed workers and independent contractors can claim the deduction. For example, California companies required to pay for employees cell phone bills now need to allot for this massive expenditure. This can be tricky, however, as the employer must be sure to document/identify the amount of compensation attributable to the expense actually incurred. Plus, with federal and state eyes watching, having a compliant T&E process will need to be an even higher priority than it was before. The Arizona Supreme Court upheld the law, concluding that reimbursement for expenditures fell outside the 1932 ban prohibiting the Legislature from changing its "compensation" or "salary." &_n*eoPh`#BADX JaJt0N94BQ>1Jfm!t 6-t(YdIe: h When an employee regularly receives tips during the course of the workday, the employer is permitted to pay up to $3.00 per hour less than minimum wage. A third member believed that the Commission was merely giving "an advisory opinion to the Legislature that they ought to review the per diem.". movement? All claims for reimbursement shall be accompanied by lodging expense receipts. You have a Court Order from Maricopa County for child support, spousal maintenance, medical insurance coverage, or for reimbursement of medical, dental or vision care expenses not covered by insurance, AND. When employees receive an expense reimbursement, typically they wont be required to report such payments as wages or income. Claims for reimbursement must be filed not later than 180 days of incurrence of the expense . statement regarding the expense instead of a receipt if supporting However, some states, such as California and Illinois, do require these reimbursements. endstream endobj 710 0 obj <>stream D.C. Municipal Regulation Title 7, Section 910.1, Massachusetts General Law Chapter 149, 148A, Fraelick v. PerkettPR, Inc., 83 Mass. Rather, an employer should assess on a case-by-case basis the expenses incurred by an employee and make a reasonable determination as to what the proper level of reimbursement is for the expense claimed. The most common are work-related supplies, travel, meals, and entertainment. Maximum amounts established by the director shall be subject to approval by the joint legislative budget committee. By accessing this site, you consent to the use of cookies and collection of personal information. Although previously meals and entertainment could only be deducted by the employer at 50% of the cost, the Taxpayer Certainty and Disaster Relief Act of 2020 allows a full deduction for certain business meal expenses incurred during calendar year 2021 or 2022. Similarly, large portions of A.R.S. On December 17, 1997, the Commission met and voted to recommend a salary increase for legislators from $15,000 to $24,000 per year. Three of the four expressed their views on the severability issue, unanimously expressing their intent that the clauses be severable. What may be reasonable in one instance might not be in another. [13] See IRS Publication 5137 (Rev. App. Ariz. Rev. Id. 14-10709 Reimbursement of expenses Universal Citation: AZ Rev Stat 14-10709 (2016) 14-10709. How do you qualify? Former ARIZ. CONST. Former ARIZ. CONST. Again, it made no reference to the per diem limitation. ARIZ. CONST. This will help combat employees sitting on reimbursement requests for months or years, but ultimately the deadline to submit a reimbursement request will depend on state specific laws where they exist. Proposition 302 had its origins with the Commission. When the Commission on Salaries for Elective State Officers ("Commission") recommended changing legislative"per diem"rates, it acted beyond its statutory power to recommend changing legislative"salaries." The unique manner in which Proposition 302 was developed requires review of the Commission's intent as well as the intent of the electorate to determine whether severance applies.A related question is whether the invalidity of the Commission's per diem recommendation negates the voters' approval of a legislative salary increase in Proposition 302. Magma Copper Co. v. Arizona State Tax Comm'n, 67 Ariz. 77, 86-87, 191 P.2d 169, 175 (1948). Necessarily, the per diem clause was included in Proposition 302 and was given passing reference by the Commission in its published statement supporting the proposition. If you have any legal or tax questions regarding this content or related issues, then you should consult with your professional legal or tax advisor. The only evidence of the electorate's intent is the language of the 1998 Publicity Pamphlet prepared by the Secretary of State. Iowa Code 91A.3 (6). Several times in this decade legislative leaders received annual per diem amounts in excess of $9,000, the amount of the voter-approved salary increase, because of the heavy demands on their time. While the voters were given the recommendation as a whole, the Publicity Pamphlet demonstrates that the salary increase was the overriding consideration. 41-1104. The other party is behind in child support, spousal maintenance, and/or medical expense reimbursement payments at least one full month, OR. [1] California Labor Code Section 2802 LAB. . Former ARIZ. CONST. Expenses incurred by employees in the course of business should be costs incurred by the employer, not by its employees. Please enter your username or email address. If the employer does not have an accountable plan, then any reimbursements, even those that are ordinary and necessary, are taxable income. Kendall v. Malcolm, 98 Ariz. 329, 334, 404 P.2d 414, 417 (1965). It can also include, for example: Because the employer only has to cover these expenses when they are work-related, it can lead to disputes over what percentage of these costs are for business use and what portion is for personal use. 41-1104. 41-1103 and A.R.S. First, double-check if your own state has any laws or any legislation circulating that could lead to new rules in the near future. As a result, many employers had to rapidly adjust to utilizing a virtual workforce. The cost of work-related travel is generally a reimbursable expense. This form is not to be used to claim travel reimbursements or advances. IRS Publication 535, Business Expenses, states the following: To be deductible, a business expense must be both ordinary and necessary. Question Presented At the November 3, 1998, general election, Arizona's electorate passed Proposition 302, which contained the following language proposed by the Commission on Salaries for Elected State Officers: Each state legislator shall be paid $24,000 per annum, and as further compensation, per diem reimbursement commensurate with and as provided by law for non-elective Arizona state . For example, if an employer reimburses an employee for mileage at more than the standard mileage rate, then the excess is taxable income. The standard mileage rate is set by the IRS each year. With unprecedented numbers of employees working remotely in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, employers are increasingly faced with employee concerns about the costs associated with remote work. ,t\>C50 c?6s@mR The Commission hasnoauthority to venture into other areas, such as recommending that Arizona voters approve entering treaties with foreign countries, imposing new taxes, or altering legislative per diem rates. Ann. Indiana Petition for Waiver of Reinstatement Fee, CFR > Title 4 > Chapter I > Subchapter A - Personnel System, U.S. Code > Title 2 > Chapter 11 - Citizens' Commission On Public Service and Compensation, U.S. Code > Title 39 > Part II - Personnel, U.S. Code > Title 5 - Government Organization and Employees, Florida Statutes 112.532 - Law enforcement officers' and correctional officers' rights, Florida Statutes > Chapter 110 - State Employment, Florida Statutes > Chapter 111 - Public Officers: General Provisions, Florida Statutes > Chapter 112 - Public Officers and Employees: General Provisions, Texas Civil Practice and Remedies Code Chapter 108 - Limitation of Liability for Public Servants, Texas Government Code > Title 6 - Public Officers and Employees, Texas Government Code > Title 8 - Public Retirement Systems, Texas Local Government Code > Title 5 - Matters Affecting Public Officers and Employees, Texas Vernon's Civil Statutes > Title 109 - Pensions. As states continue to address expense reimbursement in With this unprecedented shift in working habits, employers may be overlooking business-related expenses being incurred by their employees. The employee submitted the expense for reimbursement with proper supporting documentation* (i.e., a receipt) within 30 calendar days of when it was incurred. Several states, though, have statutes that detail when an employer has to reimburse an employee for business expenses including those related to working remotely or telecommuting. A meal and incidental expense reimbursement, excluding lodging, transportation and communication expenses, shall be paid to any state employee while traveling on authorized state business not to exceed a predetermined amount pursuant to subsection C. C. 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