is a high-intensity cartridge, with a MAP (Maximum Average Pressure) of 60,000 psi (52,000 CUP). See target groups and more information on this 105 A-Max load. .223 WSSM (Winchester Super Short Magnum) - Manufacturer Loading Data Pistol Rifle Cowboy GR. has been on several Missouri deer and one Utah pronghorn antelope, and I have never had to use more than one bullet per critter. Subscribe to the free newsletter and do not miss any news or promotions. Check everything and keep good records. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Incorrectly reloaded ammunition can cause serious personal injury and damage to the firearm due to excessive pressure. Buy IMR 4350 directly from IMR. Case capacities have been found to vary by over 4.0 grains of water from one manufacturer to the next, which is enough to change the pressures with a given load and is a substantial case capacity percentage change with the .243s modest powder charge weights. Real world results coal of 3.24" = group 1 /2 or less. Sierra 117 SBTs and IMR 4350 give excellent accuracy in that rifle. Same 55 Gr. I bought ten pounds of it very cheap with the understanding its a staple in 30-06. I am not responsible for injury and/or death resulting from data posted or referred to on this Website. I am very comfortable with this 80g TSX bullet on elk out to 350 yards. The .243 was initially offered with 80-grain bullets intended primarily for varmints, while the 100-grain softpoint was designed for deer. I got several "ERR" messages from my Chrony as the sun was low and shining under the shades. As a result, the NRA is forced to restrict the sending of certain materials and information into California. Awesome Accuracy! The load information on this page is for my personal use in my personal firearms and is posted for entertainment purposes only. In fact, in the late 1950s and early 1960s, it was a widely held belief that powder selection spurred the popularity of the .243 Win. 243 WSSM Handloads Details Written by The DIY Hunter Category: Reloading Published: 09 April 2010 Hits: 9631 Some of my favorite loads left to right: 80g Tipped Triple Shock, Handload 75g Hornady V-Max, Handload 55g Ballistic Tip, Winchester Factory Load WARNING: By viewing this page you accept the terms listed herewith. im in the finishing stages of building my 243 wssm on a 28" 1-8" twist barrel. Consistant and accurate. up-to-date data. After trying 6 various powders for my Rem 700 6mm Creedmoor and Ruger rpr .243 my tightest groups and most consistent loads are all from using imr 4350, Real good rifle powder for all brands of rifles, This stuff will shoot a wood bee hole in 3 shots @ 70 yds. View my target groups and information about this load and Hodgdon Superformance powder. JavaScript is disabled. I haven't loaded the 90gr ELD-x, but I've shot hundreds of 87gr VMAXs in my .243 Varmint rifle. ORDER PROCESSING. Ill describe two of my favorite deer loads that I use in my Browning A-Bolt because they have worked so well. (Ret.) Reviews can only be submitted while being logged in. The first IMR reloading powders included ever popular favorites IMR3031 (1934), IMR4064 (1935) and IMR4350 (1940). Working up loads with H4831SC and H4350. However, if a fellow had to rely on just one powder to do it all (a depressing thought, I admit), Varget would be it. In the accompanying chart, I have listed as examples a few selected loads that have worked well for me in four of my .243 Win. One uses the Nosler 95-grain Ballistic Tip over 41.2 grains of Reloder 19. I was born and live in Colo. since 1960. I like to keep my loads away from the highest pressures possible. IMR 4350 $52.99 - $344.99 4.58 50 reviews IMR 4350 is a medium- to slow-burn rate propellant and is the number one choice for the new short magnums, both Remington and Winchester versions. These RCBS dies include a neck-sizing die, and a Lee universal decapping die is in place at left. This has to be one of, if not the fastest shooting factory rifles with factory ammunition in the world. * All prices incl. As a reminder, any changes in components will change the pressures, which is especially true when substituting bullets that are of the same weight, changing primers or changing cases. We place limited powder inventory for sale on a regular basis on our website. The .243 Win. : 3,617 3,991 Press. accredited Proof Houses. For this reason, the IMR brand powders truly are Legendary products. In the 6.5creedmoor and 120-123's it runs 2910 and plain shoots well. This load is designed specifically for my single-shot Model 1885 thus the COAL is longer than would fit in a magazine. Varget is our powder of choice with bullets from 40 to 60 grains, and IMR 4350 gave the best results with the 68 & 75 grain match bullets. .090" to .100" is the jump to the lands. 70 degrees farenheit. To be able to use the full range of Shopware 6, we recommend activating Javascript in your browser. As of 2015, its members are the national governments of 14 countries, of which 11 are European Union member states. Also, IMR and H are slightly different. A pet load with the Sierra 80-grain Spitzer Boattail uses 38.5 grains of IMR 4064 for a velocity of 3,097 fps. Temperature was recorded at 24 degrees below zero. Using bullets from Hornady V-Max, Barnes VG FB, Nosler BR, Sierra BTSP, Swift Scirocco, Speer BTSP. Browning High Power Safari Grade (Sako medium length action) I have read that RL17 and IMR4350 (and H4350) had close to the same burning rate. Users assume all risk, responsibility and liability for any and all injuries (including death), losses or damages to persons or property (including consequential damages), arising from the use of any data posted on this site. Loads less than the laboratory tested minimum loads shown in loading manuals are not recommended, as unexpected pressure excursions have been reported. Wolfe Publishing Company | 2180 Gulfstream Suite A | Prescott, AZ 86301. Some handloaders full-length resize new cases, and that really isnt a bad idea. Bullet weights from 55 to 110 grains are available, and crafting specialty loads for almost any shooting purpose is possible. * All prices incl. As with many commercial cartridges, it sprang from a wildcat cooked up by an inveterate handloader. Consistently accurate from all three of my 243 WSSM rifles. Once you go down the rabbit hole, theres no getting out. Using 43 grains of IMR 4350, Hornady 100 grain Interlock (BTSP). Joseph Von Benedikt is with Jorge Spat to learn all about it. I had a Winchester Model 70 Featherweight action custom built with a 2612-inch No. So why do so many people use CCI 450s when it comes to the 6BR? The round shines on the range and in the game fields on varmints and deer-size big game. Does anybody have a recipe for this in 6.5x47? Good to know. No reviews found. In fact, both IMR 4831 and H4831 both work just dandy in the .243 Win. Around 1982. rifles. Have some rounds loaded up ranging from 40.2g to 42g. Please help us to improve and report any suggestions via our contact form. The Mossberg 500 Pump Action Shotgun is one of the most popular home defense shotguns on the market. Whatever you "saw several places" about IMR4350 being a poor choice for the .243 is pure BS. The 243 should respond well to some of the new IMR powders. For magnums with light- to medium-bullet weights, IMR 4350 is the best choice. We are engineers, reloading enthusiasts and operate one of the most powerful ballistics calculators. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. This was one of my first test loads and it shot so well that I didn't mess with it any more. Also, IMR and H are slightly different. (These figures were pretty optimistic, but the companies didnt worry about that, as few shooters in those days had chronographs. get 1/2 minute groups at 100 yards. is 0.242 in diameter. Most companies offer kits that include just about all one needs to get started, and this cuts down the confusion factor and the cost of equipment. for varmints, or push a 105-gr. Wow! We are very pleased with the repeatability for our experimental data. Having observed the .243s terminal performance in the field on a variety of game, without question it takes varmints with authority even at long ranges, but some hunters consider it marginal as a deer cartridge. Improvement over Remington Hyper 180's which only gave 2740 fps. With my Winchester Model 1885, with a 28" barrel, shooting the 55g Ballistic Tip Winchester factory load on a 65-degree day has an average velocity was 4240 fps. Will post up my velocities in the near future. Address:, Gartenweg 9, 83661 Lenggries, Germany. is a dependable round with modest recoil and sufficient accuracy for almost any shooting task. Find load data for IMR 4350 propellant by clicking the button "Loads for this Powder".More about this powder:IMR 4350 is a m. im in the finishing stages of building my 243 wssm on a 28" 1-8" twist barrel. after checking it on paper it was easily covered with a quarter. For example, in studying loads from Winchester, Hornady, Remington, Federal, NoslerCustom, Norma and others, it is currently offered with bullet weights that include 55, 58, 75, 85, 87, 90 and 95 grains, in addition to the traditional 80- and 100-grain weights. : 51,800 61,800 Hodgdon 35 gr LF (NOS) 0.224" WIN WLR CFE 223 (Hodgdon) 2.105 hornady a-max molys. As always, caution is the watchword. My results last evening showed differently in my Browning/Sako. New powders significantly changed the future of this smallbore cartridge. This isn't your grandpa's muzzleloading system. The loads here are my goto sub minute-of-angle accurate hunting loads. It can work in cases as large as .25-06 though slower powders work much better. Very accurate at 100 yards. T/T on bull Elk. The Nosler 85- and 95-grain Partitions, Speer 105-grain Hot-Cor, and Hornady 90-grain GMX and ELD-X are among the many good choices. It also consistently shoots this load under an inch at 100 yards. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. Velocities run from 3300-3450 FPS with mild pressure. IMR 4350 is a rather "dated" powder that still works well in a lot of cartridges. While many factory loads are usually available, legions of dedicated handloaders diligently craft their own ammo for their shooting pursuits. not that to say someone else wont. Starting Max Source 35 gr LF (NOS) 0.224" WIN WLR BL-C (2) (Hodgdon) WIN 1.660" 2.200" Powder: 43.0 gr 47.5 gr Vel. With the lack of supplies and our recent communist takeover I have been in a pissy mood. However, this word of caution on .243 Win. If its varmints youre after, the 55- and 58-grain bullets can be driven at warp speeds that will vaporize a prairie dog. 149 IMR Powders IMR 4955 End. We continue to prioritize our shipments to our traditional sales channels to maximize powder availability at retailers. The .25 WSSM is primarily a fine medium-game cartridge, and here it shines with 100- to 120-grain bullets. Some manuals, however, recommend magnum primers, especially for hunting in cold weather or when using spherical powders. Also, keep track of the number of times your cases have been reloaded and periodically check their lengths. Pushes a 140 VLD at 3250 out my Charlie Robertson 280 Ackley Improved. cases is appropriate. The POI is somewhat lower than a full-power load, so a zero-check is indicated. : .243" Be Alert: Publisher cannot be responsible for errors in published load data. IMR recommends always consulting for the most accurate, up-to-date data. Theyre a little more expensive than a single-stage press, but having one is like having more than one press. Best loads found so far for 70 gn bullets: IMR 4895 and CFE 223. The Speer Hot-Cor with 47.0 grains of H-4350 was barely shy of the 3,000 fps mark and turned in 1 -inch groups. pressure specifications at the ammunition manufacturing plants and at C.I.P. Bullets for deer loads abound. Virtually all .243 Win. Great results steady pressure and burn rate no problem out to 1500. On the other hand, every load I tried with the 75-grain Hornady V-Max shot well. Federal has created a safer, easier and more reliable way to shoot a muzzleloader. Rifle has a long throat ( max chamber with this bullet measures 2.91", magazine measures 2.86") which means I must load to about 2.82" max. In my first three trips to the range with the 95g Nosler Partition I am getting mediocre accuracy and a little higher pressures than I would like so now I'm now looking to try a really, really slow burning powder. : 4,188 4,488 Press. 22-250, 243, 257 Roberts, 6.5-284, 270, 280, 30-06, 300 WM. Chron. This rifle is a 0.25MOA rifle when I can do my part. Get very good accuracy of 1/2 moa or better with very good aggregate groups. i already have a box of each of these bullets and need some load data if anybody has any. 44.5 grains under 123 sst is my load in 3 creeds,puts the smackdown on deer. Who knew wild turkey's were so stupid!? I've used it for years in both the .243 and the 6mm Remington without one problem, and that includes shooting at the Anchorage range is below zero temperatures. I had to replace the Tapered Expander-Decapping Assembly during load development. My only guess is that Interbonds don't stabilize well with the faster velocities that come from the 243 WSSM and 270 WSM. #1. It includes loads for several bullet choices. Accuracy was excellent, and hunters quickly made the .243 Win. Three-shot groups fired at 100 yards. Used this for years in my .243, 6mm. Bullet Type Primer Powder Case Trim Length C.O.L. This just barely engages the first ring on the rear of the bullet. Many long-range varminters recommend H414 with the 87gr V-Max. Love this powder. . Velocity is 2,818 fps, and groups easily stay within one inch. Just loaded up 6.5Creedmore. Accurate 5744 powder is the choice for reduced loads in many cartridges, including the .243 Win., and a charge of 21.0 grains of this powder with the Speer 90-grain bullet produces 2,104 fps and sub-MOA groups. All boils down to CCI 400 not being up to the job. Address:, Gartenweg 9, 83661 Lenggries, Germany. It's possible that H4350 is the single most versatile powder to ever be created. For deer and elk I currently really like the 80-grain Barnes Triple shock. This demand lead to an incredible 2.5 billion pounds of smokeless propellants being manufactured by DuPont for Allied Forces in World War II. using 41grains of 4350 and a 95 bullet is the combo for my 243 winchester. As for dies, well, there are lots, so take your pick. Reloading data for .243 WSSM cartridges and specifications for cases and loads in this caliber. Winchester quickly recognized the value of Pages cartridge and the obvious caliber void in its line of sporting cartridges. IMR 4350 is My go to for 25-06 . Its a little slow to use in a semi-auto. 09-14-16., Small rifle primers CCI 450s vs CCI 400s for a 6BR. 1.115 berger moly VLDs. I have been using IMR 4350 for my 243 custom loads for a long time. always cheaper and eaiser to find than H powder. The .243 Winchester thrives on powders with a burn rate that approximates 4350, so the selection of top-notch extruded and spherical (Ball) powders is extensive, with many offering excellent accuracy. 1. We use IMR4350 for our scientific experimental shots at the Institute for Shock Physics. Usually, about 0.010 inch or 0.015 inch off the lands is a good place to start. Available in different sizes and red dot ready, it'll fit your needs, whatever they are. In 2003, Hodgdon Powder Company acquired the IMR brand bringing these prestigious powders under the umbrella that also includes Hodgdon, Winchester and GOEX. To handload, of course, one must have empty cases, and new or once-fired cases are best. This type of performance is typical when the .243 Winchester is stoked with great hunting bullets. Custom Mossberg 500 at the Range and Live Turkey!. New customer? I would think it was a bad batch of bullets if it wasn't for the fact that I had the same horrible accuracy problems with the 130g InterBond out of my Model 1885 in 270 WSM. Ive got 2k CCI 400s and wondering what all the fuss is about using the 450s? The handload contained a Hornady 87-grain V-MAX bullet. to the late Warren Page, the gun editor for Field & Stream. Later supplies were labeled with the H. H4350 is not the same as 4350. WARNING: This product contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. was created, and it was a rare cartridge case that didnt get shortened, blown out, or necked up or down. You can read about that in Dallen's First Elk, Taken with a 243 WSSMand the 2009 cow elk journal entry. Find load data for IMR 4350 propellant by clicking the button "Loads for this Powder". Do not reduce the starting charge weights, especially when loading spherical (Ball) powders, and never begin with maximum powder charges. 30-06, .243 Win. Two of the most common mistakes when assembling .243 Winchester handloads includes mixing cases and using load data that was developed with a different brand of case. IMR gives a maximum load of 42.0 grains IMR4350 with the Speer 100-grain BT bullet. I had a good, accurate load using IMR 4350 for my 260 Rem launching the 142-SMKs. accurate load using IMR 4350 . So much for the history lesson. A tumbler is handy for cleaning cases so that defects are easier to spot. IMR 4320 is a great .243 / 6mm powder . Sub MOA. 75.2 77.6 80.0 . Just got gear, now what.. Snipers Hide is a community of Snipers of all kinds, focusing on long range shooting, accuracy, and ballistics. You find load data for cartridges in caliber .243 WSSM with all common powders and bullets by clicking the "Loads in this ca. The C.I.P. The Commission internationale permanente pour l'preuve des armes feu portatives ("Permanent International Commission for the Proof of Small Arms" commonly abbreviated as C.I.P.) I shoot at lot, mostly long range and my favorite caliber is the 6MM Creedmoor. The .243 Winchester (right) is based on a necked-down .308 Winchester case (left). I spent many hours and several trips to the range trying to get that bullet to shoot. First used in battle in 1805 by United States naval forces against pirates off the coast of Algiers, DuPont supplied more than 80% of Allied Forces powder needs in World War I. Sep 15, 2016. 243 Win Super Short Magnum (WSSM) Load Data. LOAD / POWDER # . Find load data for IMR 4350 propellant by clicking the button "Loads for this Powder". What's the Perfect Trigger Pull Weight for a Hunting Rifle? Most are offered in factory loads but are also available as a component to handloaders. I clocked multiple groups at or slightly less than .40 at 100 yards. My favorite deer loads that i did n't mess with it any more incredible 2.5 billion pounds smokeless... Cases so that defects are easier to spot see target groups and information into California and i... To on this 105 A-Max load & Stream for almost any shooting task ( these were! Continue to prioritize our shipments to our traditional sales channels to maximize powder availability at retailers the... Very pleased with the faster velocities that come from the highest pressures possible 3,000 fps mark turned! Place limited powder inventory for sale on a regular basis on our Website and at C.I.P easier and information. A result, the 55- and 58-grain bullets can be driven at warp speeds that will vaporize prairie! 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