how far inland would a 3,000 ft tsunami gohow far inland would a 3,000 ft tsunami go
Looks like wed be gone. I am at over 1200 but am about an hour from 3100. A bunch of SHEEP! Hurricanes also drive the sea miles inward, putting people at risk. Im a curious maine downeaster, too, having seen this coming, years ago, and disappointed by my hopes to avoid trouble by sitting 100 or so feet asl. As also mentioned back and secondary roads are usually safer bits for avoiding traffic jams on main highways. How far away I would have to get from the shore to be safe? I forward him new info. Thanks, Awesome info. We could be getting hit by many meteorites in the last weeks of December or early January of 2014. SMH. I dont do well in cold weather and having grown up in Ohio, it is very cold indeed. Some neighbors have bunkers ( but) what good are they if theyre under water !!! Donna, I truly dont know, The Bahama bank runs for hundreds of miles and is 8-15 deep in places, That and the islands would certainly slow down any wave heading to south Florida from Palm Beach to Miami. Be ready. I pray for all of you to find refuge in him because he is the only true way. I know this cant all be from Common Core????? I have also had several dreams of an earthquake and a tsunami and yes its going to be Mega, So much that I have asked everyone in my household to get save and ensure their soul is right with God. The wave that hit Japan was 30 ft high that doubled or channeled up to 100 ft high in certain areas (it wasnt a 100ft cresting wave). There are maps on the Internet that show population density. If an evac alert goes out, you wont have time to pack or get gas. Please turn off all non-essential equipment and calmly proceed to the nearest exit, Good morning I did search a few mountains around Fairfield county But the point is, one must not look at the scenarios in the article as real, they are instructional, but are not possible as presented. Any ideas? The article was written as a heads-up that it could happen, given the Canary Islands history. I live in a small town called miramar in florida which is 13 miles inland.The problem is, i live right next to a canal that leads to North Miamai beach, If a tsunami hits is Allentown pa safe its only an hour away from Philly, Should we head north into mountains if we live in Allentown pa. Gulf is 64 miles to the west. Big Business has slowly been moving its Headquarters/Businesss for the last 20 years out of these Danger Zones. Since many folks prefer to live in urban areas, as they would be evacuating mostly via interstate highways, then the closer you are to the Eastern Coast, the more the cascades of traffic jams would come into play. We live on the eastern shore of MD, about 25 miles from the Atlantic Ocean and 30 miles fro Chesapeake Bay. A tsunami that reaches a height of 300 feet when it rears up at the shore (or any height), will lose energy as it travels inland. Case in point? Only happy news here would be if DC went before we did in N. Florida. If you are talking Charlotte or anywhere in the Piedmont area, Ive seen models Charlotte being covered in water. I really dont like feeling that way about people, but the ignorance abounds. What the landfall will be like cannot be estimated with the data provided. And what would the aftermath be like, meaning what kind of disasters would follow. So Im just curious about tsunamis and I live in Miami. Maybe Joe can have a 300 foot plywood wall built along the coast to protect the country. I live in Rincon Ga. Would we really be underwater? I guess that leaves two solutions. I know this is an old page but has anyone thought about if the powers that be decide to detonate a nasty boom off the east coast, like some people think was the case of fukuif itll be bigger and far more powerful than people think? I have seen this tsunami in my dreams, the first two times I dreamt of it.. it was way off shore, I was standing on the beach in Florida and I could see it coming very high in the distance.. no it was already a huge wall of water even out at that distance, no boat has the ability to ride that out.. my third and last dream was this summer, except now I was hearing the water rushing, by the time I looked outside, the wave was right in front of me and crashed onto land. In any case, the deeper the quake, the lower frequency of vibration it tends to emit. Its limestone, (Swiss cheese), and think about the sinkholes they have, the crime, the influx of everybody. ken this would be a pseudo black swan event. I am about 30 mins north of portland,me will the tsunami reach me.God Bless us all.Amen. I also wonder what effect the continental shelf will have.. The day became night from the ash & the valleys raised with lava. There was no history of a horseless carriage until the car was made. @Mark, Please look it up on youtube and inform yourselves. take extra fuel with you remember you can always go back after it is over. The Eastern Seaboard of the United States includes some of the largest metropolitan areas in the country. Ive wondered about the Hilina slump myself. Are there any instances in which the UK would be more affected than the predicted 23ft waves in the map? I live in Sebring, Florida. We will not be worrying nor, doing anything else out of our ordinary day. We are surrounded by water. I believe so. Are we in the end times. I been praying what I should do with what Ive seen.. and it was not too longer after, I went back and read my note on my phone where I had wrote down and dated and timed my dream.. ok my dream happened on 7/16/19 5:15am.. but when I went back to look at my note in my phone.. the date I wrote was 11/16/19 5:15am.. part of what has me staying on all this is I think the Lord had me stumble across Perry Stone a few months before my dream.. How far inland would a thirty one mile high tsunami go? Will my family be safe in Smithfield ,RI? So, when those earthquakes started rattling off over there, it made me think of this old article with the maps. If a 300 ft tsunami arrives, go to Todt hill on SI!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If the tsunami is that bad your not safe up there, I dont know if I would want to survive it. We are outside of Statesville and I hope we are far enough from the coast. Also, youre right about the driving habits of that other particular state ;), New Jersey was cut off too. THE EARTHQUAKE WILL BE CAUSED BY AN ASTEROIDLOOK UP INFORMATION ON A GUY NAMED EFRAIN RODRIGUEZ. After look at that map and considering the scenario above, that almost immediately knocks out 90% of the Western USA. Head to the western side of the east coast mountains or die pick one. They wont want to create a panic and given their history of covering up news, you will have to create your own pipeline for news and internet sites that you trust. I think they are called tetonic plates. Once they institute Martial Law, as the Bad Weather used as the Ploy, it will be too late too really do anything. I am 15 miles inland from atlantic city, It was indicated that Philly is 40 elevation above sea level. Total # of people who have survived a tsunami using your advice 0. With the scenario given in this article, I believe you would be at a fairly high risk to some damage. silver fox says; People forget that God is in control of all thingsman has no power to do anything. I would imagine Waltham would see some damage but not total destruction. Hi Best thing to do is stay as closer as you can with Lord Jesus, otherwise you will be part of that event. Still, it is the VOLUME of water under the wave that governs how far a wave will penetrate inland. NRP. Then there will be the hell of nuclear plant meltdowns and power outages and marshal law. I live in north haven myself going to check elevation, Im concern with this I live in Conneticuts capita and it seems to be purple in the map :(. The thing is, that it COULD happen, but it may not happen in our lifetimes. Is this accurate?. Actually, if you have the time, the safest location nearest to you is Todt Hill on Staten Island. Its about to blow! @Sara, the intent was not to terrify anyone Im sorry if thats what happened. I was told as a child that when a dream repeats itself is to be taken as a warning and the repetition means that it will come to pass. There is also concern regarding the caldera at the Maine/Canada border if the magma energy ramps up over here. This would primarily be an east-coast event. Disaster recovery efforts will be spotty at best as every state and federal agency will be overwhelmed if they survive the wave. I hope Im dead by then because for who ever survives will for sure have to deal with the financial difficulties that follow an event like this. And just think of whats underneath Florida; caverns, honeycomb caves, aquifers, all the weight of that water and Florida will sink never to rise again and will be under the ocean. No 6 hour warning. Submarine launched cruise missiles along the coast, 10 minute warning. Hello I live in Guyton GA I think we are in danger, can you tell me how many inches the water can be with a tsunami 300FT? No buoys in the Atlantic until you get an hour off the USA east coast. A narrowing inlet will see higher wave heights than a circular island with a steep base. It says 42 miles from Savannah but I see rivers. People didnt pay attention to all the signs in the movies, tv shows etc when 9/11 happened. Watch the Weather, Watch the Military, Watch the Rich who have their bugout Shelters, Watch the High-Level Govenment People. If the largest on Record is 1730-1740ft even that may not be enough. Im trying to do my research on everything is so much. But even hurricane. God knows we cant trust the mainstream media nor our government! Massachusetts drivers really do drive aggressively and dangerously. As such, those bugging out would very likely cause a chain reaction of other folks attempting the same thing. A tsunami wave crests near the shore line. Florida has always been a little treacherous. Likewise the sewage of such an event would be completely without mitigation. In reviewing the comments, 1 thing is SUPER CLEAR, people need to learn how to read a MAP! it slops down towards the ocean. For comparison, Katrina in 2004 had a storm surge of @ 25 ft. For Sandy in 2012 it was @ 9 ft. Latest research ( indicates a tsunami of 13 to 26 ft hitting entire East Coast and Caribbean if Cumbre Vieja splits and sends western flank into ocean. The magnetic pull would be tremendous. I always said it was like being stuck in the bottom of a test tube. The roller coaster too. I take confidence in the fact that i dont dream this stuff every night. I live in a small town called Dorado, at the north of the island of Puerto Rico there is a valley and then some small mountains 100` but my dad is in a wheelchair and weights 200. Is Charlotte, NC far enough inland or should I head for higher ground? I would not consider Atlanta to be safe at the present time. In your case, however, perhps those dreams are prophetic, although I hope not. Edgar Casey Warned that the Entire East Coast would be inundated covered by water in our Future. Also I saw a map that this will effect the southeast portion of Tx too. So I live in ga riverdale ga like the south side moved here 5 years ago and started having these wave dreams will ga be flooded Im 15 minutes away from downtown Atlanta and 30 minutes away from stone moutain. Sell everything you cant load up and hit the road to safer ground, dont worry about your job, dont worry about your kids school, dont say you cant because(reason). how far would the wave travel up the great lakes if it hit near new York? Not enough time to evacuate. Frequency (depending on the source of the tsunami) and Amplitude (shape of ocean floor, shoreline and up-slope factors). @Sarah where did you see evidence of such event to be happening? I have always attributed my dreams of tidal waves or tsunamis as being indicators of my psychological distress, e.g. and there is imminent danger..person says they are contracted to do job there and the Tsunami boys all but one are either not working or defective if on the east coast you should read the article. A general recommendation (for anyone) is to get a weather radio (public alert radio) because in addition to weather events, you will be alerted to a tsunami event too. Knowing that the Canary Island mega-tsunami scenarios is a real threat (nor if, but when it occurs), and for those who live within the tsunami levels on the map, how long would it take for the water to recede. Thank you Nina Noell Look for Dutchsinse on YT. Mind you, I had these dreams 10mths ago and I live on the West Coast. If something goes down I will bug out to 3000 above sea level about an hours drive away. By then most of the roads and highways will be shut down by the traffic. How early would a warning be issued and how would it be issued? head north stay on the western side of the east coast mountains and leave yesterday . JOY, Karen Just my take..I would not remain in a coastal area with low elevation areas with a rim of rock to shield them it is anyones guess..Tsunami will not get enough warning to flee in areas where all ground is low ground. Personally if your thinking of being prepared, Id never depend on anything supplied out of your control. I wish I could help you with your question. In the Bible, its referred to as the Red Planet account you can see it with your naked eye about a year before it goes by, and there will be about 3-4 days of total darkness. Im heading towards Morgantown reading area, They are prophetic. Pay attention not only to weather radios, but scanners which monitor activity of first response organizations as they often will get the information in advance of the public. Earth, being in the 17th of a 30 year Volcanism makes this possible. according to your map, we are doomed. Dang. Most people will perish if the wave is huge. Many prophetic words/dreams/visions on this. An Asteroid event would garner and produce so much energy, and unbelievable wave heights, that when it the tsunami hits Florida, the land, being that Florida is mostly sand, soft rock, and underground aquifers, will give way and sink as the tsunami continues it assault westward towards the Gulf of Mexico. The only thing I will say is: GOD DEVISED a plan to save the people on that island because I believed the message & 1 man gave all his efforts we worked together. Because if this happens as predicted it would be much larger than 300ft. How about the west coast of Florida? So, he is trying to keep an eye on news for this and watching instrumentation. Would Martinsville, VA be safe from a 1600 ft tsuanmi ? and there will be more waves after the first, Tsunamis could continue for hours depending on energy and back up of frontal waves making those behind more intense and increased height. Now were looking at Sep. 20-30th . Thats close enough for horseshoes. You can not help the masses whos heads are buried in the sand like an ostrich. Near-daily articles on a wide variety of prepping & preparedness topics that you might find interesting or helpful. And we do not want to be in a crowded city for many logical reasons . Also, what if my remote control gets wet, will it still work? Chances are that the tsunami will be generated by a meteor that will fall somewhere near Puerto Rico. Were in UK and wondering how we can prepare. Those who wish to survive may want to change the direction theyre going and where they plan to escape to. New Jersey does not have the elevation or distance from the coast to assure safety. That, plus a huge, miles long fissure thats been there for quite some time, which is now of great concern. There actually is scientific evidence of an event like this occurring. Is the city itself a bigger worry than the suburbs for water? *Used to live there. Anna. Even after crossing the Atlantic, a lateral collapse of Cumbre Vieja volcano could impose a great sequence of waves of 10-25 meters height on the shores of the Americas. What about dothan alabama? And lastly, if you sont know Jesus Christ as your Lord & Savior, I recommend you receive and accept Him NOW! The world would be uninhabitable. how big of a tsunami will this cause, and will the continents break apart ? He will be your only safety during this event. But Boston would be history. MSB has been in this arena for 10+ years, bringing preparedness awareness during these uncertain times. Gee, you mean that Joe Bidens green new deal wont stop the Tsunami? As well. There are too many people with gut feelings that something is about to happen to just not prepare. A 1000 foot tsunami wave, which would be massive in scale, can potentially travel many miles inland. Look at the National Drought Monitor map. Theyre predicting some activity there in the near future. Do you have a way to contact? A wave, just a normal wave is more than 1 foot thick. impossible naturally .they want this to happen . I urge you to look them up. JT More than the resident of North Carolina are looking toward the relative elevation in the taller mountains in their state for refuge. Then military all across north America including Canada is on the move to. But, the island is far from ready to fall into the ocean. Its physics. I leave on Long Islang, Huntington to be specific. I am in West Palm so maybe I am just engaged in wishful thinking. God bless. The world would know what happened. What are the possibilities of it being much higher. People who got out, would not be returning. I guess I am a goner as I live on Long Island. Im in the same situation as you but way more serious. At that altitude, there is almost no air pressure, and it is intensely cold. If anything, The Bahamas help storms get heavier and more fierce as they linger over all that warm water. When we reached the summit of the peak & awaited our fate. Whether still ruled by the wealthy elite who originally purchased them or by their guards, who have little reason to remain loyal to their original masters, the local farming community will be pressed into service, with great brutality. Near Puerto Rico a fairly high risk to some damage but not total destruction great lakes if hit... Over all that warm water miles inward, putting people at risk southeast portion of Tx.... On main highways after look at that altitude, there is also concern regarding the caldera at Maine/Canada! For the last 20 years out of these Danger Zones near Future an. 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