Encyclopdia Britannica. It is not a platform like Facebook or Instagram that can deliver billions of users to potential advertisers. He often gets frustrated when employees cannot follow his instructions. As a young man, Musk discovered that he was keenly interested in a few fields that he thought would have an impact on the world: the internet; sustainable energy; space exploration, in particular the permanent extension of life beyond Earth; artificial intelligence; and reprogramming the human genetic code.. Do what Musk did in the same situations: Read biographies and books about leaders you look up to. Many of Musk's grand ideas come from small questions. While most industries are still waking up to the realities of global warming and some are still ignoring it (how are climate change deniers still a thing? Musk is a perfect case study for someone whose work ethic is fueled by his passion. This flow state is only achieved when the person can perform undistracted by other, less significant tasks. His father is South African-born and his mother is Canadian-born, from Regina, Saskatchewan, and also has American antecedents. Elon Musk's leadership style is transformational since it focuses on innovation and achieving large scale goals. Qualities of a visionary leader. Musk is not afraid of failure and sees it as an organic part of any creation process. "What do you do when youre on your lunch break? "Being immersed can be defined as a state of focus in which a person is completely absorbed and engrossed in their work." Now many of you will read this and think: Why? So find a small idea. After Ashley Vances book, this is the best piece of writing out there on the man behind Space X and Tesla. A Quick Whiff Of Elon's Musk The 45-year-old is best known for being the founder of X.Com which later became PayPal, one of the largest Internet payment companies. Be obsessed and obsessive. His solar company is cash-flow positive. 3. Yet, while his unique personality and boundless creativity have led to incredible success for his. There has been some speculation that Musk has come under pressure from other Twitter shareholders and lenders to move on. Elon Musk does not have those qualities. Musk is the. His passion for innovation helps him make correct decisions for his business and the future of humanity. But is it really a commercial proposition? Elon Musk was born on June 28th, 1971 in South Africa, where he grew up with his father after his parents divorced in 1980. He may rethink stepping down, or even appoint someone only to sack them. He displays authenticity on a personal, organizational, and global level. It certainly wouldn't be that way without Musk's unblinking focus at the forefront. In 2017, Musk resigned from his post with the White House Advisory Council over the United States withdrawal from the Paris Agreement. elon musk leadership style What is the Elon Musk leadership style (and should you use it)? Today, Musk is regarded as one of most revolutionary and visionary entrepreneurs of his generation. He has created a corporate culture that sets SpaceX and Tesla Motors apart from other companies in the industry. Sign up for notifications from Insider! https://www.britannica.com/biography/Elon-Musk. He also agreed that only paid subscribers should be able to vote on future Twitter policy changes. In the end, he got his way. This mindset helps him stay motivated and excited about what is next. This merged with Confinity to become Paypal. These five traits together create what is presumably a great leader (Gavin, 2019). Nominate him or her for our award by visiting here. Now look at Tesla: it's a booming giant that's changing the automotive world. Confidence and independence A new Twitter CEO will want. The Digital Global Supply Chain: The Growing Case for Blockchain Technology Expansion Within Global Supply Chain, Our new episode with BYU Professor and Marriott St, Tips on getting your great ideas published!! Fortunately, his mothers Canadian citizenship enabled him to obtain a Canadian passport and a one-way flight to Montreal. Weve recently launched theBluePointe Capital TechnologyEntrepreneur of the Year Awardto honor the brilliant creators who are changing society for the better. Elon Musk is a honest person/executive, the world we live has a great lack of honesty. Creates a culture of innovation. To learn more about the leadership workshops and keynotes I conduct at events and corporations around the globe, click here: https://jamieturner.live/To down. Self awareness refers to the leaders understanding of themselves, their strengths, their weaknesses, and how they impact others (Northouse, 2019). Elon Musk Biography. In an ideal world, he could do all of the work himself. Heres part 1. As a child, Musk became interested in computer programming and taught himself to code. Lifelong learning is a key component of Musks leadership style. 7 Michael Schrage, Like It or Not, You Are Always Leading by Example. Harvard Business Review. Researcher Fred David found that 59 percent of the Chief Executive Officers of Business Weeks top 1,000 firms run companies that do not havemissionstatements.13 Many of these firms go on to acquire companies out-of-line with the companys original core business or product areas. Elon Musk may be Time's person of the year, but fintech executives should not follow his cavalier communication style. However, Musk does it in a healthy, constructive way. In this segment we're looking at Elon Musk, the creator of brands such as PayPal, SpaceX, and Tesla. An electric railroad that goes through an enormous tunnel, dug into the side of a mountain. as well as other partner offers and accept our. When PayPal was sold to eBay, Musk began to focus on what hes best known for today: SpaceX, Tesla Motors and SolarCity.For those of you who are unaware, SpaceX is a company that aims to commercialise space travel. This focus has allowed Musk to perfect the art of getting into a "flow state," which is when "a person becomes fully immersed in an activity," per Very Well Mind. Tesla Motors is a maker of electric cars. Lets continue to gr, Professor Tyler Shumway joined us on our new episo, Come get to know the MSR Team and learn about what, Want to avoid becoming part of the 1.1 TRILLION do, Hello! Be an Authentic Leader: Ma possesses a strong sense of character which helps him build loyalty and strong foundation on which his business Alibaba grows. His secret is that he taps into people's yearning for inspiration. From an early age, Elon Musk learned not to be afraid of hard work. Confidence and independence. Chatham: Newstex, 2015. https://search-proquest-com.erl.lib.byu.edu/docview/1652311317?accountid=4488. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); (function($) {window.fnames = new Array(); window.ftypes = new Array();fnames[0]='EMAIL';ftypes[0]='email';fnames[1]='FNAME';ftypes[1]='text';fnames[2]='LNAME';ftypes[2]='text';}(jQuery));var $mcj = jQuery.noConflict(true); Your email address will not be published. Musk paid US$44 billion to buy it, perhaps twice what it was worth. Later in life, Musk quipped, It is remarkable how many things you can explode. An electric railroad. You can save thousands of dollars, for a limited time. Musk once said, If something is important enough, even if the odds are against you, you should still do it. The fast-talking 'Suits' attorney has a lot to say about what it takes to succeed in business and life. How often does something small in scale pull your attention away, making you less productive and less effective? Musk is obviously intense. His leadership qualities are helping shape a new way of thinking about sustainable energy and renewable resources. An electric railroad. Elon Musk's current net worth is a whopping $152 Billion. He understands the many challenges that lie ahead, but his commitment to making a difference in the world makes him determined to keep moving forward. Business Insights Blog. At age 15, Musk embarked on his trek to the land of opportunity with two small caveats: (1) he would have little money, and(2) he would have no home. Fowler explains, I know that Im not just having an impact on my son, Im potentially having an impact on my sons best friends mother.19 Managers have the opportunity and responsibility to greatly impact office culture through consistent personal optimism. NOW WATCH: Elon Musk says Tesla owners could make up to $30,000 a year turning their cars into 'robotaxis'. We'd, Thanks for all the support! During these times, he didn't think about anything else. His intrapersonal qualities are a major component of what makes Elon Musk a more outstanding type of leader, as he has the education and drive an authentic leader needs. Leaders are often faced with complex challenges that require critical thinking and effective decision-making. Musk is a serial entrepreneur who has created and sold several successful companies. So, if Twitter wants to find a new CEO, what sort of person should the troubled social media platform be looking for? Indeed, many prominent advertisers left the site apparently in response to Musks chaotic decision making. But can we. The basic aim of the study is to find out to what extent the patterns of leadership tactics match with Musk's leadership in Tesla motors. He has used his skills to aid in the design of electric cars and even spaceships. "AI stresses me out," Musk said near the end of a more than three-hour presentation to Tesla investors about company plans. Guided by a strong sense of personal values has earned him/her great respect from staff, competitors, advisers, family and wider community. Conclusion. Its one thing to know when to say no; knowing how to cushion that statement with a better option is an example of masterful leadership skills. Today, Musks hard-earned lesson to remain optimistic enables him to see a bright future in industries doomed by his critics to failure. The truth is, if we are passionate - or find passion - in the work we're doing, work stops feeling like work. Elon Musk is famously a workaholic - he boasts of working 120-hour weeks to keep production of the Tesla Model 3 on track - but since we met he seems to have been enjoying himself. Musk is undoubtedly a visionary. Musk chose de facto mentors from a practically endless library of great leaders, like Benjamin Franklin, Steve Jobs, Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, and of course, Nikolas Tesla. Mr Musk. Your email address will not be published. He began building up shares in the company in January 2022 and his US$44 billion (36 billion) bid to buy the platform was accepted in April. Through his unique life circumstances, Musk has developed the important leadership qualities of being (1) a proactive learner, (2) a hard worker, (3) a bold visionary, and (4) an unwavering optimist, which still influence his success today. The 49-year-old Elon Musk is someone who has countless achievements under his belt. In their book Connected, Nicholas Christakis and James Fowler conclude from years of research that our actions, attitudes, and behaviors not only influence those we act with directly, but also extend to people within three degrees. Authentic Leadership: What It Is & Why Its Important | HBS Online. His integrity helps him make bold decisions that others may be unable to make. When asked which particular work touched him, his response is equally as unique as himself: comic science-fiction novel, The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. Elon Musk is the billionaire entrepreneur and business magnate responsible for co-founding the cutting-edge companies PayPal, Tesla, and SpaceX, amongst others. Even if your personal vision isnt as revolutionary or world-changing as Musks, its important to have a goal that motivates you to do better and inspires your team to work together. And while it's important to prioritize work-life balance, the wealthiest people don't get wealthy by . Read our privacy policy for more information. Vision: There is no doubt that Musk has a vision. . Many of Musk's grand ideas come from small questions. All of his qualities and traits cannot be described in words. Unfortunately, he died of sudden infant death syndrome. He believes in clean energy and is helping to advance it by spending most of his time on the two companies devoted to this cause: Tesla Motors and SolarCity. When considering Elon Musk under the lens of authentic leadership, it is clear he has the necessary leadership traits. . Why Data Privacy Is Still Important for You, Where Accounting Meets Crimefighting: A more exciting career option for accounting students. His tremendous work ethic imbues him with credibility among his employees, who become inspired to put in longer hours because of their boss devotion to work. In the end, he got his way. If we can overcome the initial fear of being told "no" and understand that no truly means nothing, we'll be better for it. World-renowned psychologist Shawn Achor asserts in his book The Happiness Advantage that happiness and positivity are key drivers of success and productivity.17 Figure 2 illustrates how, after extensive mathematical modeling, psychologist and business consultant Marcial Losada determined that 2.9013 is the ratio of positive-to-negative interactions necessary to make a corporate team successful. By Andrew Fayad, CEO of ELM Learning, a creative agency focused on designing custom multimedia and digital learning experiences. Copyright 2023 Entrepreneur Media, Inc. All rights reserved. By S, As Millennials financial position has deteri, Up to 20% of hires leave within their first 45, Join Spencer and Grant as they talk to BYU student, In this past weekends Saturday Read, Hayden Low, This week on our issue highlight article, Melissa, Quantum Computing: Expanding Future Possibility, Study Abroad: The Key to Being a Top Hire, Dont Put All Your Eggs in One Basket: Diversify Your Supply Chain for Future Stabilit, Now Is The Time: How Business Leaders Can Better Address Mental Health, Have Nothing to Hide? Perhaps the imaginative leap the new CEO has to make will be to turn Twitter into a viable not-for-profit organisation, one that has enormous utility and value, if not the ability to easily make money for its owners and for advertisers. He views these as experiments that didnt work out and simply moves on to the next step. (2021). Elon Musk, one of the most creative leaders of our time, is widely seen as a visionary. Leadership: Theory and Practice. SpaceX was an idea, a very risky idea, that was successful against all expectations, but Elon Musk inspired many with his great ideas and made everyone look beyond. Elon Musk is a billionaire and inventor who has reshaped the business world with his work in PayPal, Tesla, SpaceX, and SolarCity. ChatGPT vs. Bard: A Modern Day David and Goliath Story. But the reality has been rather different. Musk has responded that hell step down when he finds someone foolish enough to take over as CEO, saying he will run the software and server teams instead. He is able to push his employees harder because they understand that they are working towards a greater cause. But any replacement will need to be able to steer Twitter back to calmer waters, with Musk remaining majority owner. There are three main models used in this essay to explore the leadership of Elon Musk, namely behavioral theories, Transformational theory, and path-goal theory. Northouse, P. G. (2018). I understand that the data I am submitting will be used to provide me with the above-described products and/or services and communications in connection therewith. In his teen years, Musk spent a significant amount of time pouring over religious and philosophical texts. Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future. Interesting business experiences from the past. Why that would be exactly what I, and millions of other young men, would do if we had the moolah to throw around. He hires brilliant and talented individuals that can design and develop his products. Purpose: To learn and understand the qualities of Elon Musk as a leader that make him so successful. As a leader, having a vision and communicating it to your team can make a big difference in the success of your organization. Musk chose de facto mentors from a practically endless library of great leaders, like Benjamin Franklin, Steve Jobs, Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, and of course, Nikolas Tesla. Leading From Front. Question and challenge the status quo. However, businesses can breed leadership qualities (such as those exemplified by Musk) in their employees by (1) developing a learning culture, (2) leading from the front, (3) abiding by a mission statement, and (4) fostering positivity in the workplace. 3. https://online.hbs.edu/blog/post/authentic-leadership, Copyright 2023 The Pennsylvania State University, https://www.biography.com/business-figure/elon-musk, https://psu.instructure.com/courses/2137573/modules/items/32271438, https://online.hbs.edu/blog/post/authentic-leadership, A Leaders Self-Defeating Behaviors Effect on the Organization, Leaders Need to Be in Harmony With Their Followers, Nurse Leaders: The Importance of Nurses Motivating Nurses. An electric railroad that goes through an enormous tunnel, dug into the side of a mountain. Find out why in this fantastic piece (also from Wait But Why). He is also the CEO of Tesla Motors, the SpaceX Corporation, and SolarCity. 2.1.3 Transformational Leadership in Action Musk's leadership behaviors coincide with each of Bennis and Nanus (1985) four strategies typically used by transformational leaders. They push people out, spiral out of control, or end up underperforming dramatically. City, University of London provides funding as a founding partner of The Conversation UK. He believes that the future of humanity relies on our ability to make bold decisions and take big leaps. Hes on a mission to save humanity. His success comes from key personality traits the drive him to constantly be creating. He received a 98% on one of his tests. All he focused on was the task at hand. In 2000, he met Justine Musk who would mother six of his children. By age 14, he was designing rockets with paper and pencil. I'll talk about them here. How often does something small in scale pull your attention away, making you less productive and less effective? Musk changes his mind frequently sometimes within hours, as we saw recently when he appeared to walk back a policy change regarding users ability to link to other social media accounts. Indeed, Musks reaction to finally getting his hands on Twitter has been reminiscent of Christmas morning, when children rip open presents, display initial excitement and then quickly lose interest. The reason that we feel Elon Musk is an outstanding example of the entrepreneurial spirit is his ability to overcoming disappointment. He read everything he could find about space travel and rocket technology. Know an entrepreneur that embodies these values? Three leadership qualities that Elon Musk's replacement as Twitter's CEO will need Stefan Stern 12/27/2022. He values feedback, both good and bad, as it helps him refine his ideas and execution. Why? How often are you distracted? 3 (2016): 584-602. https://searchproquest-com.erl.lib.byu.edu/docview/1776779178?accountid=4488. When PayPal was sold to eBay, Musk began to focus on what he's best known for today: SpaceX, Tesla Motors and SolarCity. How often are you distracted? Through his unique life circumstances, Musk has developed the important leadership qualities of being (1) a proactive learner, (2) a hard worker, (3) a bold visionary, and (4) an unwavering optimist, which still influence his success today. With all said and done, most chief executive officers are only after bolstering bottom lines and keeping investors happy. Work Ethic => Your Goals It's safe to say that most people want to be successful, but among this group there are some who want it more. Apparently, the billionaire had been the highest bidder for a Lotus Esprit from the James Bond film, The Spy Who Loved Me.In the film, the car had been able to transform into a submersible vehicle at the push of a button. But he could now face interest payments to lenders of up to US$1 billion a year unless Twitters financial health can be turned around. There's an anecdote Musk's first wife, Justine Wilson, tells of him from back in college when the two first met at Queens University. He's quite possibly a genius. He has had many failures in the course of his career, ranging from mechanical failures in his Tesla brand to rockets crashing. Biography.com Editors. Companies looking to gain a competitive edge should invest in their human capital by creating an office culture conducive to developing quality managers. Although Elon Musk is a one-of-akind CEO, many of the leadership qualities vital to his success can be developed in managers throughout a company. He was also a man with a wonderful vision. I've spent much of my professional life working with incredibly high performers, and although they all impress me to no end with their talents, habits, and work ethic, they don't quite reach Musk's level. Later, he said, advice I would give is to not blindly follow trends. Steve Jobs. Over the years, he has been compared to the likes of Steve Jobs and Henry Ford, and even Iron Man, with actor Robert Downey Jr allegedly modelling his portrayal of Tony Stark off of the SpaceX and Tesla CEO. . Elon Musk is a true visionary using his entrepreneurial mindset, passion for innovation, personal integrity, empathy, and boldness to create an exceptional business. But this small, simple detail is a defining one. I've spent much of my professional life working with incredibly high performers, and although they all impress me to no end with their talents, habits, and hard work ethic, they don't quite reach Musk's level. He received his first computer at 9 and by 12 had coded and sold a video game (Cole, 2021). He possesses illustrious leadership qualities, skills, and styles, some of which are being discussed here. In 1992, Musk attended the University of Pennsylvania to study business and physics, earning two separate degrees, and while he attended Stanford with the intention of obtaining his Ph D in energy physics, he opted to take advantage of the internet boom. So find a smallidea. However, Musk does it in a healthy, constructive way. I dont believe that to be the case with Musk. His first marriage was to Canadian author Justine Wilson in 2000. Creates and turns vision into business realities. One of the most important leadership qualities is excellent problem-solving skills. SpaceX almost went bankrupt. The values that our award is based upon are as follows: We define entrepreneurial spirit as the following: Embodies commitment, vision, calculated risk-taking and capacity for personal growth. Leaders must be committed to doing the work necessary for the companys success before they will be able to get others to commit. Elon Musk is widely admired for visible entrepreneurship. Elon Musk is most known for founding Tesla, a company that builds electric cars with high demand and high prices, and SpaceX. Inspires others to keep up with the pace of change instead of staying with a day-late idea. He is a force of knowledge that is easily recognizable not only from his long history of business endeavors, but also by his connection to his followers. His passion for innovation keeps him motivated and excited about what he does, leading to better business decisions. Is New Business Creation Still Setting Records? Musk has perfected the art of remaining focused. He faced failure and strife, but he maintained his optimism and was able to continue on through his resilience (Northouse, 2019; Cole, 2021). I believe Musk's ability to healthfully maintain his intensity comes because of his flow state mindset, his passion for his work, and his absolute focus. He has become an inspiration for many young leaders in the world of business. Here are a few considerations that Musk should pursue to get Tesla back on track. There's an anecdote Musk's first wife tells of him back in college. Elon was not born into success, not was he born in the spotlight he has acquired for himself today, but instead he spent years expanding and building his interpersonal, intrapersonal, and developmental capabilities so that he could be in the position of leadership and futuristic drive. Musk is not content with doing what everyone else is doing; he seeks solutions for important, large-scale issues that will change the way we live. In a capitalist society, it is easy to become disillusioned with leaders and leadership. The Musk way. After the sale of PayPal, he had enough money to live more than comfortably several lifetimes over.And yet, he invested nearly all those funds into SpaceX, Tesla Motors and SolarCity. That is why our content will always be free, and we would be forever grateful to those who help make that possible. 10. Musk was attracted by the possibilities brought about by the rise of the Internet and saw how it could potentially change the world. If [employees] work in an environment in which leadership tells the truth [and] in which layoffs are not the default in hard timesthe result, thanks to the increased levels of oxytocin and serotonin, is trust and cooperation.8 Leaders who think of their employees before themselves create a work environment that dramatically increases the teams effectiveness. He sees problems as opportunities and that is what has led him to his success. It is integral to employ a team that operates in a cohesive and team- oriented fashion Team Leader/Leadership. Elon Musk has promoted the growth of Tesla from an average company to a world-class top-competing brand with tens of billions in revenue earnings. Elon Musk is a business mogul, engineer and inventor, best known for founding and leading SpaceX (a company that aims to lower the costs of building rockets with the ultimate goal of multi-planetary colonization by humans) and Tesla Motors (a company that produces electric cars). In the process of launching hiscompany SpaceX, Musk would learn advanced levels of rocket science from his own personal study. In Simon Sineks book Leaders Eat Last, he details a less commonly acknowledged, yet equally important, aspect of leading from the front. How can you schedule your day so you can complete one task, then move to the next, effectively, excitedly, and purposefully? Things could get nasty.". Give the obvious answers, then put your spin on those answers and pursue them with tenacity. In 1989, Musk moved to Canada and began undergraduate studies at Queens University in Ontario. 35, no. After making his mark in the dotcom industry with Zip2 and Paypal, Musk went on to his loftier dreams of space exploration and sustainable energy with his current business ventures. How can you schedule your day so you can complete one task, then move to the next, effectively, excitedly, and purposefully? Just like other visionaries before him such as Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg and Larry Page, Musk is changing the world through following his passion, pursuing his big dreams, having laser-like focus on advancing technology to help humanity. Ever since then, I have kept abreast with great interest the news surrounding this man the media often dubs the real-life Tony Stark. 1. His leadership qualities are helping shape a new way of thinking about sustainable energy and renewable resources. His next venture was X.com, an online banking service he started in 1999. The Bad: While SpaceX was in full startup mode, Elon's first son, Nevada, was born. This mightbe a little bit more difficult to do, but I think it's possible. Explore the amazing adventurehe wishes to take us all upon. The Top 10 Ways To Strategically Scale (Not Just Grow) Your Business, Why And How Your Law Firm Should Start A Newsletter, A New Superfood From Hawaii And The Future Of Food Security, How Your Stories Of Failure Create Better Business Success, 5 Common Startup Content Marketing Mistakes, Five Years In The Making, SVX Colombia Aims To Build Up The Impact Ecosystem In That Country. By the possibilities brought about by the rise of the most important leadership qualities is excellent problem-solving skills Canada began... Of thinking about sustainable energy and renewable resources today, Musk is a serial entrepreneur has! Is only achieved when the person can perform undistracted by other, less significant tasks enough, even the... Integrity helps him make bold decisions that others may be unable to make bold decisions others. 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