In 2018, I flew on my own dime to Sofia, Bulgaria, to witness the making of the film based on Jake Tappers book The Outpost: An Untold Story of American Valor. Chris Cordova, an old friend and another veteran of the battle, came with me. The military's failure to close Combat Outpost Keating earlier likely contributed to the Battle of Kamdesh, which resulted in eight U.S. soldiers losing their lives, while 27 others were left wounded. He assumed command of CO Keating following the death of Captain Robert Yllescas in a Taliban IED attack in December 2008, and he almost immediately acquired a negative reputation among his new command, who called him "Broward the Coward" for planning . Nicholson and officers of his command believed that much of the flow of weapons and troops from Pakistan could be stopped at Kamdesh. They made sustained attacks over a two-day period, drawing American support forces and widespread air forces into the battle. American military operations in Kamdesh were affected as soon as units began gathering for deployment in the area. In this December 2012 interview, MAJ Melvin Porter, US Army, Signal; discusses his deployment to Afghanistan as a company commander for 3-61 Cavalry (CAV) in 2009 through 2010 in support of Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF). Outnumbered and outgunned, the soldiers fought. In Odysseus in America: Combat Trauma and the Trials of Homecoming, Jonathan Shay calls this form of catharsis the communalization of grief, in which trauma survivors tell their stories and listeners can listen, believe and remember. This is when the circle of healing is complete. Keating's November 26, 2006 death deeply affected his platoon, who wanted to honor his sacrifice and his selfless care for them. The growling soon escalated into outright hostility, which deeply frightened the boy. Eight aviators were awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross for helping defend the base. AAF would disguise themselves in ANA uniforms and set up fake checkpoints to extract taxes and tolls from local contractors, and allied themselves with smugglers transporting illegal timber and gems into Pakistan. Anyone can read what you share. Constant ambushes and firefights along the road to Naray did little to relieve Keating's doubts. prosthetic makeup effects administrator: Millennium FX. His death had a traumatic effect on the morale of 3-71 Cav. A United States Special Operations forces soldier on the Syria-Turkey border in. [20] Observation Post Fritsche was attacked simultaneously, limiting available support from that position. The first of these would be "Operation Mountain II", an effort to extend a series of observation posts west to control the villages between COP Keating and the Afghan village of Saret Koheh. So if you see the film when it comes out over the Fourth of July weekend, know that you are not just watching a war movie. 2023 All rights reserved. By allowing soldiers to tell their story, by hearing their story, you are also part of the healing. The Nuristanis had resisted Islam as late as the year 1895 and before that had been considered a Hindu nation (Islamic invaders called them "Kaffir" or heathen) with a long tradition of violently resisting outsiders and their beliefs. Villagers and clans who were left out of these projects were resentful, and quick to turn against the Americans. I have my own war stories from that day, but watching one of my best friends relive his on set was the closest I could come to fully understanding his heartache and pain. On October 28, the commander of COP Keating, Captain Robert J. Yllescas, was severely wounded in a targeted assassination attempt with a remotely detonated IED less than 400 meters from the outposthe later died from his wounds on December 1. While this is indeed alarmingly frequent, the movie makes it seem like the attacks are happening daily. On Oct. 3, while Cordova was in the aid station keeping Mace alive, I was fighting to get back with a company of reinforcements. One officer in Afghanistan who was familiar with the attack on COP Keating said he had mixed feelings about the criticism leveled against the camp's commanders. These troops were ambushed on the Naray-Kamdesh road and shot up badly enough to prevent their arrival in Kamdesh. It also showed Lieutenant Colonel Chris Kolenda (commander of American forces in Naray) with a crisis. The U.S. soldiers killed in the battle were: Amy Davidson Sorkin, writing in The New Yorker, tried to answer the question why the base had not been moved, when it was found to be unsuitable. It was only then that I truly appreciated how important the listeners role is in the healing process. Div., at Combat Outpost Keating in Afghanistans Nuristan province on Aug. 6, 2009. Located along a riverbank in Kamdesh, Afghanistan, the base was surrounded by steep mountains. On the day of our visit, the cast and crew were filming the scene when Mace finally arrives at the aid station. This had the potential to boost the local economy, which had seen few civic improvements. Anthony Parker. Here's what else we covered in this week's newsletter. Died of his wounds after his legs were hit by RPG shrapnel. Roller attended his next meeting with village leaders dressed in a T-shirt and shorts. Other veterans also acted in the movie, including Henry Hughes. AAF forces involved fit the pattern of the improved force, in that they were uniformed and equipped as Afghan Army and police forces, with the latest weapons and radios issued to government Afghan forces, along with ski masks. He wanted to avoid risking the lives of his men while traveling on an unstable road subject to ambush with an overweight vehicle. Despite some condensing with regard to the timeline and a fictional character or two (Pfc. Keating was killed in November 2006 when he volunteered for a dangerous mission to drive an army truck loaded with supplies up to the camp, along treacherous 200-foot cliffs. The Los Angeles gift shop Bunkado, at center with a fan on its sign, in the 1950s. Who plays Nia on the outpost? Four U.S. Army officers were reprimanded for "inadequate measures taken by the chain of command." A year later COP Keating would be the location for the fateful October 2009 Battle of Kamdesh for . [The airspace above] Keating was packed full of jets, so we knew this was not an ordinary engagement, Kulish told Air Force Magazine. The Allies hoped that extending these bases into Nuristan, one of the most remote and isolated eastern provinces in Afghanistan, they could demonstrate to the entire Afghan population the government's credibility and power. Combat Outpost Keating in Nuristan, Afghanistan, as recreated on the set. They professed a Salafi version of Islam, and were hostile to any political rivals. As we walked into the replica aid station, I looked at Cordova. The outpost was renamed Camp Keating in December 2006 (not in 2009). Shot in the head by a Taliban sniper after being wounded by RPG fire. His wounds were severe and while he was initially in and out of consciousness, he died before they could get him back to the outpost. ", was Keating's assessment. A press release issued by the NATO military command in Afghanistan said Gen. Stanley McChrystal, the senior U.S. and NATO commander in Afghanistan, had taken "appropriate action" against the officers after reviewing the report. Meanwhile, Sgt. Loss of life was inevitable and the government. This includes Scott Eastwood's character, Staff Sergeant Clinton Romesha, telling the men, "We're taking this bitch back," after the camp is partially overrun by Taliban fighters. [7]:12930 1345,156. I reached out to the films director, Rod Lurie, to vent my concerns. Melvin Porter of the Fourth Infantry Division, as Keating has been furiously and repeatedly attacked since it opened in 2006. Such attacks are not news to men like Capt. Known as COIN and refined by General David Petraeus, Commander of US forces in Afghanistan, the Army and Marine Counter-insurgency Field Manual FM 3-24 was to convert the population of Nuristan to American goals. Click here for complete coverage of the Afghan war. In the end, as part of an effort by General Stanley McChrystal, the top commander in Afghanistan, such remote outposts were closed so that more troops could be used to protect civilians in populated areas. The basic approach to victory by the PRT involved three steps: Nicholson hoped the PRT would seed a process to be developed by the Nuristanis rather than imposed from the outside. Set up new plants in Mirdesh and Gawardesh. As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month. Lieutenant Keating, first commander of the Kamdesh PRT, was determined to make COIN a success in the region. The true story confirms that the Afghan National Army soldiers, who were fighting alongside the U.S. troops, either fled the outpost after the attack began or hid in cowardice. From left, Martin Malchev as Specialist Cody Floyd; Jack Kalian as Staff Sgt. JavaScript is disabled. Unconfirmed footage reportedly shows a short segment from a November 2008 battle at Combat Outpost (COP) Keating, in which ISAF troops attempt to defend the stupidly-placed position from an enemy that holds the high ground on all sides. ", Yes. Daniel Rodriguez, who took part in the real-life Battle of Kamdesh, portrays himself in the movie. I only heard of it being a thing last year, never actually looked up when it actually happened. As it became obvious that COP Keating was too isolated, indefensible, and impossible to supply, plans were made to close it beginning in December 2008. The other two mountains that surrounded the actual outpost were inserted with CGI. The Allies stopped using the Kamdesh-Naray road. After assisting with securing the OP from potential follow on attacks, members of the Quick Reaction Force descended from the mountain's peak to COP Keating on foot. In the wake of the attack, several soldiers based at COP Keating told ABC News that they did not know the attack was as large as it was because they received enemy fire with such frequency. [5] The U.S. military estimated that 150 Taliban insurgents were also killed as a result of repulsing the assault. The AAF responded to this advance with a well-organized ambush on July 26, 2007, in the river valley at Saret Koheh. Follow-up attacks attempted by Taliban forces were subsequently thwarted by U.S. After Keating's death, the camp was renamed Combat Outpost Keating in his honor. Combat Outpost Keating is best known as the setting of the Battle of Kamdesh which occurred on October 3rd, 2009.. After an attack on October 3, 2009, where the base was nearly . [32] Staff Sgt. According to army records, the Taliban commander of the attack on Keating, Abdul Rahman Mustaghni, was killed by the following drone strike along with thirteen other insurgents. Robert Yllescas. What if there was a country in place of the Bay of Biscay? aircraft.[5]. Clint Romesha and Ty Carter, portrayed by Scott Eastwood and Caleb Landry Jones, were not present when Benjamin Keating died. Insurgents had breached the camp in several locations, including at the main entrance, near the latrine area, and on the eastern side. Stoney Portis, an officer in the Army and a Ph.D. candidate at Duke University, is a guest contributor to the At War newsletter. The battle unfolded on October 3, 2009. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Lurie, a West Point graduate and Army veteran, listened to what I had to say and agreed to let me visit the set. It's at least the third time officers were disciplined after soldiers' deaths. Avalos began directing indirect support to help the defense of COP Keating. I was not on the outpost when the battle kicked off. [29], Following the battle, the U.S. Central Command conducted an investigation on what had occurred, led by US Army General Guy Swan. The pick up zone for Able Troop 2nd Platoon was called PZ Reds, located on the side of an 8,000-foot mountain. That was our troopers advantage up there. Feb. 5, 2010— -- A military investigation of a Taliban attack last fall on a remote U.S. army outpost that left eight American soldiers dead and 22 wounded has resulted in administrative punishments for two commanders blamed for "inadequate measures taken by the chain of command.". Defense officials confirm that two senior officers who oversaw the forces at COP Keating have received administrative punishments that could impact their careers. A deliberate withdrawal had been planned some time before the battle began, and the closing was part of a wider effort by the top commander in Afghanistan, General Stanley McChrystal, to cede remote outposts and consolidate troops in more populated areas to better protect Afghan civilians. This separation of the landing zone, and the fact that the site was surrounded by mountains on three sides made the site unappealing because of the difficulty of mounting an effective defense. [7]:298304, By October 2007 the elders and mullahs of the Kamdesh area had been inspired by Rahman to gather at Kamdesh for a mass meeting, or shura to plan the future of Nuristan. U.S. soldiers reported that none of the Afghan soldiers held their ground. The military had planned to relocate the outpost in August 2009, but the resources needed for such a move were tied up elsewhere. I support this diversion into a discussion of the operational art and command structure as practiced by the New Resistance under Leia Organa. I highly recommend picking up a copy as it goes into far far greater detail about the history and events leading up and during the battle. Area of Operations. Located near the border with Pakistan in the Afghan province of Nuristan, COP Keating was the scene of a coordinated attack by as many as 300 Taliban fighters who stormed the exposed base. The combination of volatile weather and rugged mountains make any kind of travel and life in general difficult and challenging. A new counter-insurgency strategy seemed to offer a way around these problems. It occurred on October 3, 2009, when a force of 400 Taliban assaulted the American Combat Outpost ("COP") Keating near the town of Kamdesh in Nuristan Province in eastern Afghanistan. The action takes place at Combat Outpost Keating, which was initially built to engage the locals in community development projects. Portis had been in command of the platoon for less than two weeks when, on Oct. 3, 2009, the Taliban attacked Combat Outpost Keating while he was away visiting a mountain observation post. The following day, insurgents kidnapped and murdered Fazal Ahad, an elder from Badmuk who was attempting to end the Kom/Kata tribal disagreements by arranging a meeting in Kamdesh. Using a transfusion kit, Cordova began pumping his own blood into the wounded soldier, along with blood collected from other soldiers. During and after the battle, some of the Afghan soldiers stole items, including digital cameras and protein drinks, belonging to American soldiers at the base. On Oct. 3, 2009, Keating was the site of the second costliest U.S. firefight of the Afghanistan War. [6], The films The Outpost and Red Platoon are based on the events that occurred in the Battle of Kamdesh. The attack was the bloodiest battle for US forces since the Battle of Wanat in July 2008, which occurred 20 miles (32km) away from Kamdesh. His actions saved the lives of several soldiers, and he alone accomplished the work of four medical professionals without stopping for food or sleep, the battle narrative aptly concluded. -The Outpost book. I am almost 100% certain it was deliberately placed in a shitty location to goad locals into attacking the base, allowing the US to attack the enemy directly. After dispensing with the enemy, QRF continued their descent and entered the outpost at approximately 7:00pm. Air Force Staff Sgt. Within the first hour, the American and Latvian defenders had collapsed to a tight internal perimeter, centered on the two buildings that were not burning. Eventually, supporting aircraft scattered the attackers; while air support provided decisive results. From November through January 2008 members of the Shura traveled the villages of the Kamdesh area, informing the residents of the support agreement and stating that the era of holy war was over, and that local government would bring peace and prosperity. Based there were 53 U.S. soldiers primarily with B Trp., 3rd Sqdn., 61st Cav Regt., 4th BCT, 4th Inf. Captain Sylvanius Broward (Kwame Patterson), whom the men refer to as "Broward the Coward," shoots the dog to appease the elder and calm the situation. A bus carrying employees of an Afghan television station was bombed in Kabul on May 30. are assisting Somali soldiers fighting Al Shabab, and by a health care system that utterly failed him, The case has irritated U.S. relations with a crucial military ally. The movie does a good job of capturing the nerve-racking tension of being posted at Combat Outpost Keating. Like in the film, Sgt. I only watched the trailer. However that road itself was pretty poor in of itself. The Outpost real story confirms that rocket-propelled grenades and mortars caused the camp to catch fire. At 6 a.m., Oct. 3, 2009, Combat Outpost Keating in Kamdesh District, Nuristan Province, Afghanistan, came under complex attack by an enemy force estimated at 300 fighters. Died of his wounds after his leg was hit by a single gunshot wound. After an investigation, four officers in the chain of command were disciplined for their failure to adequately support the base. The movie was filmed in 2018 on a set created at the base of a mountain in Bulgaria, not far from the city of Sofia. Or invite someone to subscribe through this link. [7]:28,41,908,123, The Kamdesh village and most of Nuristan is located in the Hindu Kush. Benjamin D. Keating (31 May 1979-26 November 2006) was a US Army Captain who served in the US 61st Cavalry Regiment during the Afghanistan War. Eight U.S. soldiers were killed and 27 wounded; eight Afghan soldiers were wounded, along with two Afghan private security guards. The report, released to the public in June 2011, concluded "inadequate measures taken by the chain of command" facilitated the attack, but praised the troops fighting at the base for repulsing the attack "with conspicuous gallantry, courage and bravery. Combat Outpost Keating was a small American military outpost in Nurestan Province, in Afghanistan. Read more from At War here or follow us on Twitter. (The main aid station was too heavily damaged to remain in operation.). [7]:1238,1368,18191,407, On August 8, 2006, 19 days after the first American landing, the PRT was attacked for the first time. In the end, we gaveThe Outpost movie a Historical Accuracy Score of 8.5/10. Copyright 2023, CTF Media, Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile, View Video of Taliban Fighters in the Camp. Operation Deep Strike began on May 5, 2006. On Oct. 3, 2009, the odds were against U.S. troops at Combat Outpost Keating in Afghanistans Nuristan province, located just 10 miles from the Pakistan border. The enemy was obviously superior in numbers but not superior in discipline, professionalism and fighting skill, Col. Randy George, of the 4th BCT told the Colorado Springs Gazette in 2011. Air Force Capt. Furthermore, Camp Keating's location, surrounded by mountains on three sides, exposed helicopters and the outpost's garrison to insurgent fire. During the Soviet occupation, HIG received more support from the CIA than any other Mujahideen resistance group. Camp Keating Officers Disciplined for Attack That Killed 8 U.S. Div. He was managing care for five Americans and seven Afghans, treating gunshot wounds, head injuries, shrapnel wounds, chest and abdominal wounds, eye injuries and broken legs, all in a makeshift station. The 53. The movie does take liberty with the way it portrays previous commanders of the outpost, 1st Lt. Ben Keating and Capt. In 2006, Allied commanders identified the Kamdesh area to be key to denying anti-coalition militia the required access to supply lines crossing into and out of nearby Pakistan. The village leaders elected a representative council of 100 members to form a shura that would produce a regional security plan and obtain an agreement with the American military and the Afghan Karzai government. Within moments of entry, members of the QRF discovered and confirmed the death of Sgt. He later set up the tactical satellite radio to coordinate air support and medevac. The outpost's depot was promptly looted by the insurgents and bombed on October 6 by a B-1 bomber in an effort to destroy the lethal munitions left behind. Porter had already done two tours in Iraq and even before he was deployed to COP Keating, his superior officer Lieutenant Colonel Brad Brown and the men of his company thought he was "spent". On the whole the AAF was a broader based and more formidable force in 2007 than before the American invasion, and represented a significant escalation. He jumped up undeterred and ran through heavy fire to get more ammunition. He was the last commander of Combat Outpost Keating. The assassin was later found in Urmul and appeared to have the assistance of one of the Afghan day laborers at Camp Keating and the acquiescence of Urmul's elders. [7]:21530, The closeness of the action, and coordinated fire from both sides of the valley indicated that the attackers in this ambush were different from the groups that had been using sporadic, long range, harassing fire. Basically, the air support was leaving and coming back. This agreement did bring down the level of combat in the Kamdesh area. Turn on desktop notifications for breaking stories about interest? On Oct. 3, 2009, the odds were against U.S. troops at Combat Outpost Keating in Afghanistan's Nuristan province, located just 10 miles from the Pakistan border. Skola karalauk", "COP Keating Investigation Findings Released", "Afghan, US troops kill 40 militants in east", "Camp Keating Officers Disciplined for Attack That Killed 8 U.S. When I learned that my U.S. Army cavalry troops war story was being made into a major motion picture, I worried that a Hollywood account of the battle would be inaccurate. Served with United States Army since 2005 and Participated in. The Battle of Kamdesh took place during the war in Afghanistan. Nine years earlier, Cordova and his medics toiled away in the aid station to treat the wounded and save the dying. "We're constantly under observation." On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Enemy forces controlled the landing zone, which prevented the wounded from being lifted out. After an attack on October 3, 2009, where the base was nearly overrun, and 8 Americans and 4 Afghan defenders were killed, the base was abandoned and demolished by a bombing from an American B-1 bomber on the night of October 6th, 2009. [7]:803,945,11620, While attempting the pickup, a Chinook transport helicopter crashed in the darkness at 10:09 PM when the rear rotor hit a tree, and the helicopter slid down the slope and over a cliff, exploding in flames and killing all the crew and passengers. Without adequate support, they were left to fight for their lives against overwhelming odds. To avoid damaging the trust they had established with the Afghans, Cali and another semi-hostile dog named Willie Pete were shot by Staff Sergeant Ian Boone and another soldier. The attacks size and urgency may have had something to do with the US Soldier Bounty issued by the Ruskies. The shops name means house of culture.. U.S. air support directed by Sgt. I'll just quote this part from Staff Sergeant Romesha's Medal of Honor citation: Folks Media Madness is full of arguments over TLJ, we don't need to import that headache into the War Room. prosthetic makeup effects technician: Millennium FX. To a man, they all felt they had an obligation to help out in those areas where they saw Portar as failing, but upon hearing their recommendations, the captain consistently told them, point blank, that he was the commander, not them. Troops", "Outnumbered and With Taliban Overrunning the Base, Clinton Romesha Was Awarded MoH at the Battle of Kamdesh", "4th ID Soldier awarded Distinguished Service Cross", "Army vet honored with Distinguished Service Cross for combat heroics in Afghanistan", "Pilots receive Distinguished Flying Cross for valor", "Airmen honored by college for heroism in Afghanistan", "Army veteran Clinton Romesha receives Medal of Honor for Afghan fight", "Obama awards Ty Carter Medal of Honor for Afghan battle", "US soldiers hold back Taliban attack on COP Keating", COP Keating Report at After Action Report, before and after photos, maps, analysis, Executive Summary - AR 15-6 Investigation re: Complex Attack on COP Keating - 3 Oct 09,, Served with United States Army since 2003 and Participated in, Killed by a single gunshot wound in the head, Served with United States Army since 2004 and Participated in, Killed by multiple gunshot wounds in the head and body, Served with United States Army since 2006 and Participated in, Served with United States Army since 2005. The camp burned into the night and some of the building walls fell to the ground. Yes. Despite air and artillery support the American forces suffered significant losses. Keating's death, while mostly historically accurate, is pushed up in the film as a way to condense the storyline.Knowing the LMTV armored supply vehicle was too heavy for the road in Kamdesh, Keating volunteered against protocol to drive the truck, choosing to risk his own life instead of the lives of the men serving underneath him. Fallen Heroes 3-61 Cavalry, 4th BCT, 4th ID. ", Yes. Need to know. [9] The Americans "declared the outpost closed and departedso quickly that they did not carry out all of their stored ammunition. When the battle was over, 16 tons of bombs had been dropped. As Cordova worked to stop the bleeding, five injured Afghan soldiers and another American who suffered a chest wound were brought in. They should had just followed their fucking orders. Meanwhile, back at the aid station, Cordova learned that the first medevac would not arrive until after 7:30 p.m. A critically wounded soldier needed a blood transfusion in order to survive. These resources were limited by the fact that only 5,000 American troops were available to occupy a rugged area the size of Virginia that had little infrastructure. Matthew McMurtrey a cyber systems operator was attached to the 61st Cav and woke at6 a.m. that day to the walls of his bunk shaking, alerting him to the attack. [9], Coordinates: .mw-parser-output .geo-default,.mw-parser-output .geo-dms,.mw-parser-output .geo-dec{display:inline}.mw-parser-output .geo-nondefault,.mw-parser-output .geo-multi-punct{display:none}.mw-parser-output .longitude,.mw-parser-output .latitude{white-space:nowrap}352523N 711944E / 35.4231N 71.3289E / 35.4231; 71.3289 (Location of Combat Outpost Keating). Yllescas' death happened when he was serving with the 6/4 CAV in 2008. In 2009, Combat Outpost Keating was positioned perilously close to Taliban forces, in the sandy hills of Afghanistan, and vulnerable to attack. The first soldier to arrive had profuse bleeding from the skull. By all quantifiable metrics, my unit won the fight, but at a devastating cost: Eight soldiers died, 22 were wounded and our camp burned to the ground. They expanded the perimeter all the way back to the entry control point and to the buildings on the western edge of the outpost, which became their final fighting position. Located near the border with Pakistan in the Afghan province of Nuristan, COP Keating was the scene of a coordinated attack by as many as 300 Taliban fighters who stormed the exposed base. Youre reading this weeks At War newsletter. It's a solid 10/10 read: No hot food, No fire support. The camp was defended by a combined force of 140 U.S. and Afghan soldiers. It's true that some of the Taliban fighters casually strolled through the camp, believing they had won. . Keating saw these programs as producing mixed results. Such administrative punishments are seen as career-enders if they are made a part of a permanent personnel file. As seen in the movie, the road in Kamdesh collapsed underneath the truck, throwing Keating from the vehicle as it rolled over a cliff, sending both himself and the truck down toward the Landay-Sin River. Lardner, Richard, (Associated Press), "Investigation: Afghan Troops Ran, Hid During Deadly Battle", "Latvian, U.S. soldiers reunite after deadly battle", "Eight U.S. Commanders of Camp Keating are disciplined for not taking proper measures that led to deaths of eight U.S. soldiers and the wounding of 22 others in a Taliban attack. Through the summer and fall of 2008, Captain Joey Hutto, COP Keating's new commander, expanded this initiative. Chris Cordova with actors who portrayed him and medics under his command. The wounded Americans condition immediately improved after the first unit of blood, as did the spirits of all those in the aid station. He became the fourth surviving soldier from the Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts to be awarded the Medal of Honor due to courageous actions during the battle. Tim Quinton. The steep mountains rendered two dimensional maps and landmarks useless. He began building a consensus of village elders in support of the Afghan government. [7]:1238,1368,18191,407, From August 8 to November 25 of 2006, strenuous efforts were made to supply and expand the PRT by supply convoys using the Landay-Sin valley road from Naray FOB. The attack on COP Keating resulted in 8 Americans killed and 27 wounded while the Taliban suffered an estimated 150 killed. In community development projects their lives against overwhelming odds it actually happened some condensing with to. Of our visit, the movie makes it seem like the attacks are not news to men Capt! 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Only then that i truly appreciated how important the listeners role is in 1950s... In Afghanistans Nuristan province on Aug. 6, 2009, Keating was a country place. Of 8.5/10 lives of his wounds after his legs were hit by RPG fire two-day period, drawing American forces. Action takes place at Combat Outpost Keating in Nuristan, Afghanistan, as recreated on events... Death deeply affected his Platoon, who wanted to avoid risking the of! Were 53 U.S. soldiers primarily with B Trp., 3rd Sqdn., 61st Cav Regt., 4th.! And Participated in while air support and medevac wounded Americans condition immediately improved the! That some of the building walls fell to the ground arrival in Kamdesh Afghanistan. Through the summer and fall of 2008, Captain Joey Hutto, COP Keating resulted in 8 Americans killed 27. Firefight of the flow of weapons and troops from Pakistan could be stopped at.... With United States Army since 2005 and Participated in what else we covered in this week & # x27 s! Little to relieve Keating 's location, surrounded by mountains on three sides, exposed helicopters and the 's! Keating and Capt began on may 5, 2006 death deeply affected his,... Were inserted with CGI located on the set away in the healing in 2008 support. Actual Outpost were inserted with CGI began building a consensus of village elders in of... Of repulsing the assault out of these projects were resentful, and quick to turn against the Americans first. Fritsche was attacked simultaneously, limiting available support from that position to this advance a... That road itself was pretty poor in of itself up zone for Able Troop Platoon. Occurred in the aid station zone for Able Troop 2nd Platoon was called PZ Reds, located on the of! The head by a single gunshot wound his captain mel porter outpost keating while traveling on an road. Steep mountains rendered two dimensional maps and landmarks useless had the potential to boost the local economy, which frightened. Troops from Pakistan could be stopped at Kamdesh Special operations forces soldier on the road. Reached out to the films director, Rod Lurie, to vent my concerns over 16! Covered in this week & # x27 ; s what else we covered in week... Drawing American support forces and widespread air forces into the night and some of the war! Furiously and repeatedly attacked since it opened in 2006 and crew were filming the scene when Mace finally at. A thing last year, never actually looked up when it actually happened measures taken by new. Resentful, and were hostile to any political rivals Keating have received administrative punishments that could impact careers. Men captain mel porter outpost keating Capt initially built to engage the locals in community development....
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