Consequently he's been sentences to die so he can't do just that," she explained plainly while eyeing Terry and Terra. snapped Bruce impatiently at them over the radio. He actually smiled at her and seemed happy with it. But you've got a distinctive look. Now if you wish to redeem yourself I want you to see if you can track her down," Barbara commanded sternly to the lieutenant. A well built older looking man in an orange jumpsuit was laying on the bed. She looked up a split second before she was tackled to the ground. What would have happened if the Justice League had won that day? All of them turned around quickly and saw Barbara standing next to her old costume. He could still hear them all coughing and the vid link was very static so he couldn't tell what had happened once the battle started. Whoever did this must have want company, our company!" inquired Robin impatiently to her leader. Not only had they'd failed again, but she had almost broken her promise to Barbara. It's the greatest place ever!" Terry was upset that they'd failed to capture Curare yet again. He didn't know if he could handle all this estrogen, after all it had been hard enough when Terra had been on her period. ", "Well, Terry, I can only say this. I suggest you three get there as quick as possible. After that we can work together by attacking them from all angles. So if everyone ready you're gonna do the obstacle course all over again. It took a lot just for Interpol to get this one shot without being killed by her scimitar.". "Great! ", "Yes, Father, it would be. The two of them just stared at each other and the twins were wondering who'd win the contest. Both now were half naked with a lot of tattoos, though the son had a bit more clothing on then his father. A young woman that was so mysterious to everyone around her that would witness her walk on by them on any given day. ", "Regrettably it was way too easy. Sound good? So he raced inside and took off after her. The Batcave however, was never discovered until decades into the future (How they found it would be the question) by Terry, Melanie (who like in the previous idea has decided to run away from her parents and their lifestyle and perhaps came friends or BF/GF with Terry) + Max. So while their lasers and armaments were ineffective, it didn't mean necessarily that the thugs weren't armed. So it might be a good idea to split up.". The way she was looking at both of them made feel uneasy and again wished they could come clean, yet knew they never could. For the moment he seemed to be gazing at the glass display cases at Barbara's old uniform; he seemed to be remembering about his former partner. Batgirl Beyond fanfiction and other related art found here: [link] Base used for pose reference is found here: [link] Batman and Batman Beyond (c) DC Comics. So now a new player comes to protect the dark knight city, meet Terra, Batgirl Beyond! Paso de odiar a sus padres a desear regresar el tiempo y poder decir un ultimo "los amo" y lo mas importante, ahora es Batman. This is the hunt of a lifetime!". We understand the meaning of responsibility very well," Terry assured his mom. "I agree with, Robin, Batman. Batgirl threw her grenade into the air where a bullet hit it and blinded everyone else. ", "Well, if that all it takes, I'll do you one better. Let's do that! AU of Legacy, "I'm guessing you're not planning on leaving anytime soon.". demanded Bruce over the comlink. I've got a mask already! Terra didn't like it but agreed as they went inside a pet store. We need to shock them and that should stop them!". Very good, very good indeed.". She calmly retrieved her scimitar and left, as the sound of footsteps were heard rushing up the ruined staircase. asked Bruce as Terry stared at her in wonderment. Batgirl: One Of The Bats by CrystalWater26 75.7K 1.9K 68 Book One Batgirl: Break The Code Kara Mellani Gordon is Barbara's little sister who took the mantle of Batgirl when her big sister was paralyzed. "Yes, we did. "Now ain't the time to quarrel. The bellhop was annoyed when neither paid him for his services. "Look, you two, I want to make one thing perfectly clear. But I do believe. And it was more amazing how they both looked now. The father of the hunting duo was watching them walking away. That made the twins very happy. A strong nightly breeze blew and it took all of Terra's gymnastic training not to fall off the branch she was hiding on. We were lucky to be alive. "It's not gonna be that easy, Max. It's we wanted," Terry stated proudly. She tossed the smoke pellets and soon a hazy green gas filled the park. And now that there is a third prey, this 'robin' we've got the ultimate challenge ahead of us. You've been working way to hard lately. ", "As I said before we're interrupted, do you know who they were? "He's got a point, Batman. But He trailed off and Jason saw the terrible light of a Bad Idea in Dick Graysons eyes. Both of them broke the spell of love and looked into the nearby words and gasped. You've my word," Terra vowed solemnly to the Commissioner as she handed her the disk with information on Curare. So no, I don't regret this lifestyle. Bruce turned his bright blue eyes at the Twins and smiled. And I must say that I strongly disapprove of what you've done here, Bruce. Secondly I've heard this speech from you prior to coming to this reality, just so you know that too. Perhaps seeing how crime freely running rampant due to the extreme corruption of Gotham's PD, Terry and Melanie decide to take up the mantle of Batman + Batgirl themselves with Max acting as Oracle/Tech support/Mission Control for the two. But he cannot do it alone. ", "What does the Bat Twins have to do with anything? ", Sam looked at his wife curiously and said to her, "You know, Barbara for as long as I've known you, you always give the impression that you're happier at night. Yes, it would seem being a hero was just like a comic book. ", "I did. It was way too sloppy to be a normal theft. So if you want to continue Robin we need to make sure no-one can recognize you. In the Batcave the twins were busy listening to Bruce acquaint with them additional information on the subject of their opponent. She refused to be intimidated or be put down. They'd forget to get the milk and their mom wasn't happy with them. "We're involved in a hunting accident. Perhaps a small connection is all it will take for a young boy to have a fighting chance. Terra exclaimed heatedly "I'll just wash it till it's a clean! So I hope you're happy with it. Although, Commissioner, I also strongly know this as well, and that is it's not up to us to have the final verdict. The Twins had to step in too remind her joyrides weren't apart of being a hero. He wasn't even wearing his distinguished eyeglass. They hit you with a flash grenade that made you and everything you touch with a photospheres powder. So stay out of it," she warned them sternly and sharply as she turned to leave. You look like you just ran a marathon in Hell! Batgirl coughed over the comlink. The twins were trained in hand-to-hand combat and weaponry under Bruce's orders. "Look! So get too it!". It was extremely dark as well as spine-chilling with all primal artifacts. Login to review. And I'm pretty sure deep down you don't regret being Batgirl before me," Terra swiftly informed her. It appeared to both her mentor and brother that Barbara's visit had hit her hardest. As she tried to back Curare into a corner she slipped on some ice and nearly fell over herself. They ran faster then they did in the obstacle course. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Right at the moment the new trio of heroes was at a recycling plant. Batgirl. Terra was too shocked to say anything so Terry held up his hands and said defensibly. He had to act NOW. Hold your fire! Post Batman Beyond episode: Family Reunion. Terry struggled to get free from the energy cage but couldn't. Though before she could even take one step Terra did a flip in front of her and seemed to want to have the last word. Beyond the Bat 10 pages May 21, 2020 Kt DCU Batgirl | Bruce Wayne Oracle Stephanie Brown | Batman Dc Dc Comics Alfred Robin Joker Nightwing Two Face Catwoman Arkham Gotham She was itching to get some action, but she'd learned through the intense training, one needed patience as much as courage. Rip out my heart? "Nice speech, kid, I mean, Terra, but like I've said you've got one warning. She instead swiftly rushed towards the pair and tried to decapitate Sam. "Thank you, Bruce. ", "And what about you?" The tattooed hunter raced over to his injured partner and tasted the blood oozing from his mouth. So, even if he didn't show it on the outside, the twins were sure that he was a tiny bit unsettled by all this too. We're trying exceptionally hard. It wasn't hard to becom. So, Batman you head in first. It was incredibly dark in the room, but she could see a silhouette of a man. Taking this new information into consideration they hoped into the Batmobile and took off after the subway train. She quickly got him to his feet and they fled through an open window into the chilly night air. However, this particular Batgirl and her story are (c) ME! This is her final chance to kill Young. He had pulled up an incredibly blurry photograph of the assailant whom Bruce identified as Curare. They did hope he wasn't too scared or anything. It took Max ten minutes to finish. Batgirl Beyond By: WolveHulk Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Adventure - Bruce W., Maxine G., Melanie W. - Chapters: 14 - Words: 84,779 - Reviews: 79 - Favs: 61 - Follows: 50 - Updated: Sep 21, 2022 - Published: Feb 11, 2021 - id: 13816663 + - < Prev Spellbound At night in Gotham It would seem there was a lot more to this job then first thought. Matt exclaimed happily. And they had bungled up Barbara's clever trap. The woman was narrowing down on their location when a shadow loomed over her. It was puppy love though. # 1 The Bat and The Cat by beautyofdawn 36.6K 1K 50 A Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle lovestory. "You three okay?" Rule 2: You give me the best you got. It was more obvious that they're father and son. Mysterious because of her lifestyle. Stop! They manage to escape the lamppost and took off running. He smiled cordially and said in an almost affectionate tone, "You did a very good for your first try. So you better put that mask on. They're big game hunters who only go for the most creatures. Everyone stand down!" Batgirl, you go turn off the power so we'll have the advantage in the dark. 2/26/2022 - The Other Side of Paradise by Nergd. Is there anything else you two require?". Join the heroic adventures of Batman and his partner, Lady Moon (A.K.A Serena Pisces), as they work together to protect the denizens of Gotham City from the many evil super villains inhabiting it. So I hope you heed my advice, and not get involved with police business, capish?" Still think you can be the new Robin?" "Look, we can't stay on patrol long tonight. The girls ran through two intersections, a restaurant kitchen and a few rooftops. After battling the "Ten" inside of her, she sees a new persona that she can turn herself into. All the same Max's you're gonna need some extra protection. 65 parts Ongoing Mature . I want it done ASAP! A strange superhero has been popping up on the radar. She then began to use her gymnastic skills to maneuver as silently as a ghost to the fuse box. It seemed at that moment the pair realized that there're three heroes. (why won't you let me die?) So yes this is great exercise. Then he and his father painted a little ink on their chins. He was about to fire it at the bellhop when his father stopped him. I blinked and tried to raised a hand to my face. Hunter managed to break the bonds and smiled at her. "So, Batman? But what matter most to them at the moment was they finally won Barbara's respect and at least for Terra she had somewhat rekindle her friendship with Barb. Still we've got to go into it anyway. It was then a swarm of bats took to the air and began to fly throughout the cavern, and when they'd all gone by a single ray of moonlight shined on a small outcrop of rock. It was amazing that the fire system didn't go off from the giant fire that they'd cooked up. "Yes, Barb I do have something I want to share with you," she replied. Everyone left with a look of both disappointment and disgust. The coffee on me," she said as she withdrew her cred card from the slot and left. Even though it was Barbara's turn to sing them a story, Terra felt she had to at least explain why she was so determined to be Batgirl. The Bat Twins were needed, whether Barb approved or not. asked Batgirl as she jumped into a tree and tried to avoid the traps. But they've never had to kill a member before and Curare is the best there is. Terry spends a night out with the Dee Dees. Mr. Wayne just called us and Terra and I've got to go do an emergency!". Stop! And I will give you one more warning. "Sure, Terra. Curare broke through the lines as easy as if it was a game of red rover! Bruce, on the other hand, didn't seem as taken aback by Barbara's visit as his apprentices were. He watched fascinated as Stalker and Hunter did a ritual to prepare for their hunt. But it didn't stop her. BatBoys x Reader. "Is that the best picture you got of her, Bruce? For the newest member of the Batclan it was a lesson she had yet to fully comprehend. Neither knew however they're being watched. asked Terry as he sipped his drink. DC Comics Humor Supernatural Mystery Superheroes Genderbend Batman Beyond Join Teresa McGinnis-Wayne, as she tries to follow in Brenda Wayne footsteps, as the future Batwoman of Neo-Gotham and protect the city from new and/or . She still wanted to have her acceptance and blessing to be carrying on her legacy. Meanwhile her father, King, and an old enemy plot a way to finally get rid of Batman forever. It's just like the Batcave, antiques, relics and costumes. "Well, like I said before, if nothing else, this hero business could be really good for the cardio. You need a lot more experience along with teamwork before you go on a patrol by yourself. But both twins told Bruce that they respect Barb and didn't want to get in her way. More then I expected of a silly bird. Figured I'd share them here after all this time! We may protect the innocent, but we cannot punish the guilty in any shape or form, without thinking of the consequences for such acts. "Alright, I shall wear this from now on. The woman didn't say anything, nor did she drop her weapon. Even though she was fighting two of them she still seemed to have the upper hand. . I know I was a little sluggish, but it was only my first time. Max? Like any teenager once you had your license all you want to do was go for a joyride in the fastest vehicle possible. JavaScript is disabled. And his instincts were usually right on the money. The normal rules of honor, respect and humility had little value here in this game. You're merely bait. 2/17/2023 - Batgirl Beyond by Trent Wolf. It was then Robin suddenly got an idea after seeing their scars. Meanwhile another training exercise was going on. Come along D.A. He knew he'd be a dead man if he didn't get out. "Don't worry so much about me, Batgirl. "No, my husband is," spoke a voice behind them. Login to review. And I was thinking I need a weapon of my own. Someone get the damm lights back on!". What the hell is going on?" The twins then swiftly hightailed it back home, and barely made it home in time. It seems when the moon is out you seem to be more alive then in the day. However, kid just so you'll know, it will be more plentiful then first expected," Hunter explained as he licked his lips as if he could taste the sweet taste of their prey. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. She like her brother wanted the whole truth. To everyone around her that would witness her walk on by them any. So you know that too & # x27 ; s orders cred card from giant... Lamppost and took off after her apart of being a hero two of just... It took a lot just for Interpol to get free from the energy cage could. 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