Her masculinity is the most obvious in the entire zodiac. In astrology, the Moon is the planet of nurturing and emotions. What if dark humor isnt your thing? She is open minded and gets along with her guy friends extremely well. When they decide its time for that side of their personality to shine, it would be incredible if their partners could embrace it and match their energy. Sadly, a lot of Aquarius-Virgos examine themselves and everyone else straight out of existence. Friends are important to you. You support your child expressing his or her individuality and creativity. He could very well fall in love with you for being confident. Hazy beliefs of superiority might cause you to have a conceited or superior attitude. This aspect can bring intense emotions, profound personal growth, and the potential for both positive and negative experiences. Aquarius seeks out more than just mere romantic companionship with a romantic partner. She is fearless and non-judgmental of other peoples faults or bad behavior. Ruled by Uranus, she combines both air and water together. Aquarians pride themselves on their willingness to learn and think fast on the fly. Many lunar Aquarians are part of humanitarian organizations or they volunteer. This placement suggests that you are friendly and easygoing. Romance is not your thing in a relationship because your emotional reserve curbs intimacy. They are talented and full of ideas that for some may seem too eccentric and not at all in concordance with societys norms. It belongs to the group of air signs (the other two air signs are Gemini and Libra). The Aquarius man is a complex mix of unique traits and contradictory qualities. His partner will know which areas those are, because he will defend them with an uncompromising, matter-of-fact insistence. Air signs tend to rationalize emotions, and not every emotion is pleasant or desirable. When it comes to an Aquarius man and Sagittarius woman compatibility for marriage, it can be a match made in heaven; provided, they make continuous efforts to communicate and express their emotions. These synastry [], Sun in Aquarius Moon in Aquarius compatibility. In your groups of people, you often take up a central role and people see you as their mother. They really need someone who knows how to cheer them up when theyre having existential dread or experiencing some emotional setbacks. They like to study far-away cultures by living with the natives, to resolve puzzles or to observe things in detail. Gertrude Stein and James Joyce are two examples of Aquarius-Virgos. Please leave a comment below and let me know. Your Higher Journey is bursting with free guides and articles on Astrology, Numerology and more to help you decode your destiny, discover what was written in the stars at your birth and how it affects your personality and your life. Your powers of scrutiny and insight are matchless. Two celestial bodies are in conjunction when they are very close to each other, often in the same sign but never more than 8 degrees apart. He has no problem making his own moves, he just doesnt want to bother with anyone elses drama. You are prone to living in your head and you can be an overthinker. Even though Aquarians dont like to admit it, they can be a bit judgmental when it comes to clingy behavior. Your moon also describes you as a parent. People will appreciate the fact that they are focused and enthusiastic. Me: sag sun, Scorpio moon, cancer rising Him: aqua sun, aqua moon, gem rising (god help me) But it somehow works. This Sun Moon combination has a reputation for being a great cook, chef, nutritionist or any person who enjoys preparing food is likely to be born under this horoscope sign. They can fit in easily with most group activities because they are sincere, nonjudgmental and caring towards other people. Not to mention he encourages everyone to be independent and as adventurous as possible. Her masculinity is the most obvious in the entire zodiac. People with this placement dislike being emotionally involved on a deep level a water moon would want it. Hes always got the best interests of humanity at heart and aims to make the world a better placebut he isnt always sure how. Your combination has a lot of people who go through life feeling somewhat disaffected from those around them, but who are bright and creative. They are charming, social, but will not be someone who drops everything for you and your ideas at a moments notice. They are generally determined and stubborn. When these two planets align in a trine, it can create a unique blend of creativity and practicality. Deep down you crave love and commitment but it can be hard for you to make a relationship work (not impossible though, but it usually requires some conscious effort. The Moon in Aquarius Man: Get to Know Him Better, The Moon in Aquarius Woman: Get to Know Her Better, Aries Sun Aquarius Moon: A Convincing Personality, Taurus Sun Aquarius Moon: A Sociable Personality, Gemini Sun Aquarius Moon: A Captivating Personality, Cancer Sun Aquarius Moon: A Malleable Personality. They want someone who is kind-hearted and generous but also capable of upholding her firm boundaries. So if you want to know what it takes to get into his heart, you are in the right place. But yes, no matter how helpful she is, her emotions are not programmed to receive gratitude from others through communication. The Aquarius Sun Aquarius Moon people will get along with everyone because they cant hate. Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, which is known as one of the most erratic, unpredictable and eccentric planets in Astrology. Usually loyal but detached, these Aquarius Sun Aquarius Moon natives can be in a relationship they enjoy for a very long time. If you found this article helpful, maybe you want to save our site for later. She just needs to be in the right relationship in order for it to blossom. This post looks at the compatibility between the combination ofSun in Aquarius Moon in Aquarius. Whether it be bizarre talents, odd interests, funny hobbies, or even something as simple as unique clothing and music taste, show him what makes you so one-of-a-kind. If you have an Aries Sun or Rising in your birth chart, read on for the yearly overview and monthly in depth predictions for the first half of 2023! This lunar sign is the most comfortable with friendships. She can also be very persuasive, that works well if she enters into the sales profession. Aquarians are an intriguing variety of breed of men. You are curious, witty, likeable, and people are often drawn to you even though you are maybe socially awkward. Its difficult for an Aquarius Moon to do things just because theyve always been done that way, or to stay in a job that makes little use for its talents. Confidence really turns him on. Hence, you dont make many mistakes. This sign is described as original, unusual, independent, individualistic, freedom-loving. If he fails to remember this he will not be able to spend much time with her. She is not romantic in a corny way, actually she finds this repulsive. Aqua Moon people instinctively accept various responses, behaviors, and lifestyles. The ruler signifies the basic energies and characteristics of the sign it rules. Deep down, you are a lone wolf and you love it. He wants to be with someone who can look after herself, is financially secure, socially active, and comfortable in her own skin. Their charm never fades as they have a subtle sparkle in their eyes that can only be matched by their warm smile. Ruled by Uranus, this Moon position is ideal for the noncommittal revolutionary or scientific genius. Aquarius is also associated with brilliance, sudden discoveries, the divine spark.It prefers an intellectual connection to emotional bonds. Aquarius Moon Woman An Aquarius Moon woman will love to be surrounded by the other woman. She is friendly and knows how to make her way in a social circle but don't expect her to be open with everybody. It has a need for emotional independence. Buy polarity, Aquarius is a masculine or active sign. Shy around people but large capacity to love. This Aquarius man wants to be free in a relationship because he does not like being confined. Inwardly, the Aquarius person is whimsical and independent an unusually honest thinker. Very open-minded, receptive, and captivated by the latest, greatest inventions in the world, an Aquarius always have something new in mind. What does being a lunar Aquarius reveal about your personality? She loves to meet new people, but she does not want to be tied down by them. You are somewhat fastidious in your tastes, neat and orderly, and perhaps particular in dress. And despite the fact that she can be harsh in her words, she prefers peace over wars. Aquarius is sometimes described as the sign which loves humanity but not humans. If you're an Aquarius Sun with a Leo Moon, then hot diggity! He has to be her best friend before anything else. I get along with them very well as friends as well. But when they do, though, it can be hard to regulate themselves and reel in their excitement. It is connected with the eleventh house of hopes and dreams in the natural chart. Because you are so insightful you may become very critical, uptight, and easily disgruntled when things do not live up to your expectations. The thrill comes from new experiences and meeting new people. They're the best, in my opinion. As a leader, hes inspiring and able to bring a new energy to groups. . These same skills will make it much easier for you two to connect and create that first spark. Society wants women to be always traditional. Not to mention they rarely argue. Aquarius Sun Aquarius Moon people are friendly, energetic, and outgoing. Although not natural leaders, they can sometimes come across as pessimistic or negative. Thats why its possible they will start too many projects at once and finish none of them. The Astrology of Sex, Love and Relationships. Its essential they always keep their mind occupied and that theyre allowed to work independently. Well take a deep dive into the world of astrology to explore all the potential traits he finds most attractive in women. But when your fears are assuaged, you are loving, fair, trustworthy and loyal. If you ever catch him staring at you while youre happily chatting away with a group of interesting people, look over for a slight smile on his face because hes probably quietly admiring you. The lunar sign is often more visible in young children than the Sun sign. Because they think ahead and their ideas are always innovative, bosses will greatly appreciate them. Their mind is quick and sharp. They are like an alien or a scientist, sent here on the planet to study us: from how society works to what makes humans tick. These people keep a separate identity in every relationship. An Aquarius Sun Aquarius Moon woman is a unique person who has a certain amount of eccentricity and unpredictability. The Aquarius personality is complex. If you want your chance at capturing this unique mans heart, dont dim your light or quirky thoughts, be yourself and let your creative ideas loose. If she can find fun on her own, he can sigh a breath of relief (and freedom). This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Often, her wife is of a different social background than he himself. This can make it hard for them to fit in. A Moon in Aquarius is under the influence of Saturn and Uranus. A man with this sign has innate qualities such as deep thoughts, a powerful demeanor, practicality, controlled emotions, and a strong sense of willpower. A more broadminded and stress-free outlook needs developing or you will undergo a lot of stress. These cookies do not store any personal information. Sometimes, even Aquarians want to fit in. Nadia blogs regularly at Ruby Slipper Astrology. They are one of the more independent individuals out there. This is a highly analyzed and forward-thinking individual who dives into every new experience with a child-like sense of pure wonder. Aquarian moon woman reacts to pushiness and clinginess either through arguing or ignoring. Intuition, creativity and smartness are some of their best traits. Aquarius horoscope - daily, weekly and monthly Aquarius horoscopes. In return, he'll be a steadfast partner, lover and best friend. This luminary is a sensitive part of your birth chart. One of your biggest needs in a domestic relationship is the freedom to come and go without being restricted. Copyright Ryan Hart Publishing LLC - All Rights Reserved - Privacy Policy. With that said, there is an impulsive side of them that lies deep within their souls that they need to let bust out every once in a while. Your home is an ideal place for group activities with your many friends. Ryan Hart is a relationship science and technology writer. And this nature is acutely . At the same time, this moon sign feels comfortable when in a group. Mental Over Emotional Aquarius moons believe too much emotion gets in the way of daily living. These gents often get drawn toward women who can light up any room they enter. However, you are emotionally intuitive and have a wonderful capacity to empathize with the needs of the world. He wants someone who can be his best friend too. Expect life to speed up quite a . Share it with others who enjoy learning astrology! Recall that Aquarius is prone to getting crushes. The moon gets its way with women too. They feel drawn to the adrenaline rush that comes with venturing into unknown realms, ready to discover new things and broaden their horizons in a flurry of all-encompassing adventures. Even though they are interested in unique and different experiences, their improvisational skills help them to fit in with a social environment. Sun in Aquarius will commit to a partner who accepts his quirks and odd rules. RyanHart.org is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites. She can often be found traveling the world with her partner in the name of love and starting over with a fresh canvas. And while they will do this, they will most likely make great discoveries and become successful. This lady is a seeker of the Absolute Truth. He is a kind of person who does not want to be like everyone else in their actions and appearance, color scheme, interior decoration style. It is the sign of rebellion and revolution. People with their Sun and the Moon in Aquarius cant pay attention for too long to only one project because they always want to get involved in something new and to experience change. You are open-minded and like to try new things. If youre marching in tune with the status quo, he may get tired of the relationship pretty quickly. She is highly communicative, imaginative and creative. Yet, what she lacks in appearance she more than makes up for in intellect, charm and strength. View all the Sun-Moon combinations About Nadia Gilchrist If Aquarius is your moon sign, you are attracted to people who are intelligent and unique, just like you. If youre ever in an impossible pinch and dont know what to do, call an Aquarian. She is the only woman who breaks free from family tradition with such presentations. He will want all the elements of a hot romance without the commitments of yesteryear. The Moon is one of the essential building blocks of your personality. On the surface, they can easily connect with anyone, but they can be pretty lonely and have few close friends. He wants to do the pursuing. The chances are that your Aquarius man has already noticed something unique about you and is drawn in by it. If youre a good match for him, theres a high chance youll feel the same way. You insist on taking your time in the thought processes, and you rarely ever go off half-cocked. They have a strong desire to have fun. The Moon here can also suggest an unusual family background. Not to mention refined and open and almost the only people with a touch of the genius. From the very beginning of her life, Aquarian moon woman embarks on a mission to help the ones in need. She will have several great female friends, and so many more other people always hungry for new information. These two will experience a sense of belonging with each other, which can feel especially intense because theyre used to being on the outside. You have a great deal of potential in business because of your ability to marshal facts and important information relating to scientific matters, and apply your knowledge in a practical endeavor. The vase in which the water bearer carries the water(=emotions) separates it from directly dealing with water. 17 Ways the Aquarius moon woman beats to the rhythm of her own drum 1. He wants a woman who can intellectually stimulate him. While having a very active mind, they can also be the biggest procrastinators. However, dont forget that Aquarius is a fixed sign after all. You enjoy being a part of various groups. A dash of stubbornness tells him that you stand for something and know who you are. You are more than welcome to discuss your thoughts and feelings at whatever depths you want to dive into but come to him with a sense of stability and calmness. The very free-spirited Aquarius person thrives on change and breaking new grounds. Both signs are noted for producing intelligence, reason and logic. The Aquarius Sun Aquarius Moon man will always look to explore and to study. They will want a partner who is intellectual and curious, who can enjoy life as the take it! by Ryan Hart | Updated on July 1, 2021 | Post may contain affiliate links. Its easy to attract an Aquarius woman because she isnt just about herself: she wants to get to know the people around her, too. Aquarius Sun Scorpion Moon Man. However, the Moon in Aquarius doesnt know what to do with emotions. He is flamboyant in his dress and appearance, usually dressing in bright colors with wacky or unusual accessories. People with this placement can be wonderful counselors. That will keep you at his side through every crazy twist and turn that comes along the way. Trines are lucky charms in a synastry or a chart as they bring positive energy and light. Always wanting to live life at a fast pace, she is often seen as emotional, unpredictable and impulsive by others. She is smart and competent and easy to talk to and get along with. But in general, Aquarius is a good sign for the Moon to be in. They have the unique ability to see an unusual or unique solution to problems that seem unsolvable at first glance. These women are relatively easy-going but can be eccentric in a charming way. Only his wife will be a normal person because hes quite the snob when it comes to romance. It is the planetary ruler of Cancer, exalted in Taurus, in fall in Scorpio and in detriment in Capricorn. Just like the Aquarian man, she has very less connection with the feelings of love. This is a person who is attracted by the unusual and loves to explore new concepts, ideas, and philosophies. Wonderful creative expressions are possible from some individuals because of their intellectual prowess. They enjoy collaborating and working as part of a team. She is the Editor in Chief at The Horoscope. Hes not looking for an overly sensitive or moody partner. More efficient when working alone, he doesnt mind having colleagues either. You are self-willed and individualistic with your Moon in Aquarius. Aquarius Sun Scorpion Moon Woman. They can be detached from the world, or they can be completely absorbed by it like its a part of themselves. Aquarius sun Taurus moon woman and taurus sun virgo moon man in a relationship. They are very persistent and earnest and will devote much energy and time towards anything for which they are passionately invested. PISCES (Feb. 20 - Mar 20) From time to time, you like to isolate yourself from others. 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