whose vote counts, explained transcript

McVeigh was associated with Jack Maxwell Oliphant, coincidentally the leader of the white supremacist militia Arizona Patriots, which believed that Jews were to blame for everything. Many other businesses were auctioned off to domestic and foreign owners, often to business families that already owned large swaths of the economy. Shultz, a top superclass member with close ties to Kissinger and David Rockefeller for many decades, joined the Nixon campaign and then the administration itself as an economic advisor. It was all part of a wave of laws known as truth in sentencing intended to ensure people served all or most of the years in their sentence. Not even a Republican: Woolsey is Democrat with early ties to the liberal Eastern Establishment through think tanks as CSIS, etc. Director of intelligence, International Security Assistance Force, Afghanistan 2009-2010, again under McChrystal. Viguerie played a role in the group's founding, with Stone ending up as NCPAC's treasurer. What happens at parole boards is a huge part of Jakes story and Jakes story tells us a lot about the issues with parole in America. The Netflix and Vox documentary, Whose Vote Counts, Explained, examines the history of voting, the issues with our system today, and the steps needed to ensure voting rights. It was leaked in mid December 2015, but it looks as if every single reference to her in relation to Cernovich has been purged from social media and all search engines. Much controversy has surrounded this subject, and it most certainly has parallels with ISGP articles on the American Security Council and Le Cercle. And also that, as usual, Nazis have actively been appropriating a very generic term - "alternative" - that really stands for "anti-establishment right". There's every indication that Woolsey was already CIA when he established Yale Citizens for Eugene McCarthy for President in 1967, a curious anti-Vietnam War candidate apparently in the business of educating hippies to cut their hair and dress properly. Dutch neoliberal politician with neocon leanings who has shows up regularly as a mentor to future "populists". (rense.com/general96/birthday.html): Rense's support for Naziism largely led to the break with. Beth Schwartzapfel: This time was painful for his family, too. Beth Schwartzapfel: Parole expert and professor Kristen Bell again. And he's not Jewish. U.S. and foreign corporations played a large part in almost all of the critical areas of the Chilean economy. My video guide contains 20 questions and an answer key has been included for your convenience. Netflix has released the official trailer for their newest documentary series titled Whose Vote Counts, Explained, featuring Oscar winner Leonardo DiCaprio along with singer-songwriters John Legend and Selena Gomez as narrators. Despite being extremely well-spoken, like other international "populists", Farage has refused to rationally bring up, Ally of top globalist John L. Thornton, a former co-CEO and co-president of Goldman Sachs and also an old, October 14, 2018, The Times, 'Gold mine boss digs in with Bannon': "[Picture:] John Thornton, third from left, was pictured lunching with Nigel Farage and Steve Bannon at Brown's in Mayfair". dicaprio narrated In most other industrialized countries, life sentences are practically unheard of, even in the case of murder, and so prisons are set up to ensure that people get out in better shape than they went in. John M. Deutch Thomas Kaplan Sam Nunn Nathaniel Rothschild Craig Stapleton Paul Volcker". Personally, just right now, this author is starting to realize the influence of the Mont Pelerin network over here in the Netherlands. Information Technology. Beth Schwartzapfel At the time, the DIA was headed by General Mike Flynn, who became Trump's first national security advisor in 2016-2017. Everybody knows this, right? After more than twenty-eight years he says, I have to collect myself. Hes trying to manipulate you with his acting. As readers will quickly find out by analyzing all the entries here, there's really no point in calling the "Alt Right" the "Alt Right". Now, the parole board is supposed to be independent. More information and sources on Jeff Rense and his Rense.com website and radio show in ISGP's. James, even joined the ultraliberal ("liberal CIA") Vice Media board after the Murdoch family acquired a 5% stake. ': Tucker Carlson is the son of Richard Warner "Dick" Carlson, a member of the elite. Member of congress 1978-1982, 1986-1988, 1989-1999, which was founded on (rather secret) neoliberal policies, which Bolkestein and later VVD head Mark Rutte have tried to deny. Leonardo DiCaprio, explains the history of the right to vote in the U.S.. May 3, 2017, Daily Mail, 'Jared Kushner is in business with George Soros, Peter Thiel and Goldman Sachs and has personally guaranteed vast borrowing from European banks - but never declared his financial secrets': January 27, 2017, The Real Deal, 'George Soros is the secret financier behind Kushner-backed startup Cadre; Investor's family fund issued $250M credit line: sources': cadre.com/about (accessed: May 21, 2018): Thiel financed the second major crypto and the first DAPP/smart contract crypto. March 6, 2001, Salon, 'The Internet's public enema No. Anaconda was owned by U.S. Pilgrims Society elites, it had worked with the CIA in undermining the Allende election, and managed a huge chunk of Chile's copper reserves. 1997, Lee Edwards, 'The Power of Ideas: The Heritage Foundation at 25 Years', p. 71: The Scaife foundations probably have been the most notorious financiers of America's ultraright since the early 1980s, peaking in notoriety during the late 1990s with Richard Mellon Scaife's "Arkansas Project", aimed against the Clinton family. But anyone, like Jake, who committed his crime before the law changed in 1993 is eligible to be considered for parole. CNN is like a jealous ex who won't leave us alone. How does the system work, and can it be fixed? In Whose Vote Counts, Explained series, fears about the voting process being rigged by powerful donors and corporations, gerrymandering, the Electoral Ambassador Thomas Foley. Beth Schwartzapfel: This is Daniel Medwed, a professor at Northeastern University Law School. whose essay on fostering youth engagement in employment earned her the essay contest scholarship; who explained the issue very clearly: If there is a warrant for someones arrest for missing their court date, we arrest Donations from readers like you are essential to sustaining this work. At the same time, the John Birch Society has always been radically Christian and radically Old Right / Libertarian, basically campaigning for little to no taxes, social security, worker's rights, etc. The Unabomber has been discussed in much more detail in ISGP's, Conservative extremist named Cesar Altieri Randazzo / Cesar Sayoc who in late October 2018 sent semi-working bomb packages to a variety of leading Democrats: Barack Obama, Obama's former vice president Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, billionaire globalist, Bizarrely the MAGA Bomber was riding around in a van plastered on all sides with "conservative CIA" propaganda that should basically have immediately attracted the full attention of the FBI, CIA and any local Florida police services (people were photographing it all over the place). Many parole board members make decisions with this in the back of their minds. A certain economist named Sir Antony Fisher - who by the 1960s was a Pilgrims Society member, along with generations of Rockefellers - was also present. 2012, Pedro Garcia Duarte and Gilberto Tadeu Lima, 'Microfoundations Reconsidered', pp. By the time Hitler came to power, liberalism was dead in Germany. His name also appeared as a member of the Anglo-American Pilgrims Society in the 1990s. Chief lawyer of the Trump family was Roy Cohn, a director of the Western Goals Foundation, which, similar to the American Security Council, ties back to a number of "conservative CIA" foundations, as well as corporations. Otherwise you and your opinions essentially don't exist. "The Organization" starts infiltrating the police and "Human Relations Councils", something that has become possible because "equal opportunity" and "racial integration" has dramatically dropped their efficiency. He copied this accusation from Trump, but in contrast to Trump refused to do any campaigning. Prisons would be safer, wardens jobs would be easier, and people would go home more stable and commit fewer crimes. He primarily worked with controversial SISMI asset Francesco Pazienza, with P2 member General Giuseppe Santovito being the head of SISMI at the time. It was founded in 1985 by the Yale and Columbia-educated historian Otis Graham Jr. (19352017). This NGO was established in 1984 to research liberal elite foundations as Rockefeller, Soros, Ford and others. Inconvenient as it is, originally the "Alternative Right" wasn't even recognized, except maybe for calling them "Libertarians", "John Birchers", "crazies", or "conspiracy theorists". And in Massachusetts in 2010, a man who was released on parole tried to rob a department store and got into a fatal shootout with a police officer. David Neal: My dads dad the first thing I tell anybody that wants to know about him I said Well, he was a mule skinner.. Think tank and conference center founded in 1947 by economist Friedrich von Hayek. They should take the responsibility for their decision and their poor judgment. These economists pointed David Rockefeller to the Rockefeller-founded and -financed University of Chicago, all crucial elements in the founding of the Mont Pelerin Society. April 29, 2015, CATO.org, 'Gay Marriage: aVictory for 'Radical' Libertarians; Libertarians were not just at the forefront of the gay liberation movement, they were also at the forefront of the abolitionism and the struggle for womens rights.'. Duane Belcher: Yeah, that was because every board member that was put on the board or whatever, I mean, there was nothing to say, Okay, heres the information that you have to look at., Beth Schwartzapfel: He and I went back and forth about this several times. 2018, transform-network.net, 'Analysis of the neoconservative movement Slovenia', p. 32: July 17, 2021, ansa.it, 'Slovenia: Jansa loses the referendum, 87% against water law': Nov. 5, 2020 retweet by @JJansaSDS of @Thomas1774Paine: ". One has to assume that this peculiarity, especially when looking at anti-immigration polls, is completely by design. That's another issue. Background: Russian-Jewish heritage. From the start foundations as Olin, Bradley and Scaife were among its chief financial supperters. The peg was removed in August 1982 and "rapid real growth resumed." belfercenter.ksg.harvard.edu/experts/2635/ayaan_hirsi_ali.html: "Ayaan Hirsi Ali. Unfortunately, in reality, it tends to publish highly manipulative, superficial excerpts - and overall doesn't dig deep enough. November 29, 2017, theoutline.com, 'Rotten.com is offline': plus.google.com/102095771607283515144 (accessed: March 17, 2019): nndb.com/people/063/000123691/ (accessed: March 17, 2019): nndb.com/about/ (accessed: March 17, 2019): Real-life horror website founded in 2000. In what may be the biggest such case in history, investigators are trying to find out whether Russian mobsters funneled billions of dollars through accounts at the Bank of New York. We really have to be prepared that all this ineffectiveness is by design. Leonardo DiCaprio, Selena Gomez and John Legend lend their voices to this incisive, informative deep dive into U.S. voting. Parole boards go by different names, and their duties vary from state to state, but one of their fundamental jobs is to decide who should get out of prison and when. In the 1951-1952 period he was a (later) self-described "deep cover" CIA agent, whose lone handler was E. Howard Hunt, reportedly the only conservative CIA officer in the Agency and later, among other things, extremely notorious over the Watergate affair. There's been some contention here. And then, things took an unexpected turn, when Jake did something that would haunt him at parole board hearings for years in the future. No media outlets appear to be concerned with BestGore's holocaust denial. ': February 6, 2013, 'Geithner to Join Council on Foreign Relations Later This Month'. CIA, CNP and Army special forces-tied Alex Jones, gather poll data on immigration sentiment, Becker Foundation, Becker Family Foundation, and Becker Trust, lawyer for the CIA-tied "suicidal" Jonestown Cult, liberal elite-supported "antifa" movement, communist, anarchist and black activist "antifa" protestors, [CIA-tied conspiracy disinformation guru] Alex Jones, The removal of nationalist/colonialist statues is an organized globalist plot, ["liberal CIA"] Southern Poverty Law Center, Project for the New American Century (PNAC), DiscoverTheNetworks.org: A guide to the political left, Thomas A. Roe Institute for Economic Policy Studies. I never mentioned that when I was campaigning for re-election back home in Wyoming." In contrast to his Rockefeller, Pilgrims Society and "liberal CIA"-tied predecessors of the Mellon family, Scaife and his siblings always funded the "conservative CIA" network: ultraright national security and domestic policy NGOs and think tanks. This seems to be just one of these elite schemes to force people to accept Third World immigrants: moderate liberal-socialism apparently is not allowed to co-exist alongside anti-immigration. activistfacts.com/about/ (accessed February 19, 2019): The CCF/CORE has received millions in donations from corporations as Philip Morris, Coca-Cola (ironically Warren Buffett's company) to discredit the environmental movement. - and thus rabidly-antifa], [intelligence-tied firm that researchers political candidates as Donald Trump], [head of the FBI's New York office around the late 1970s to the mid 1980s, while it was rounding up the mafia], [deputy director FBI 2016-2018 who clashed with Trump over Russia charges; fired in March 2018 by Trump's attorney general Jeff Sessions 26 hours before being eligible to receive a full FBI pension, forcing him to work - somewhere - for another 6-7 years], [Note: what about western Europe, Canada, Australia, or even the U.S.? All rights reserved. More research is needed though. Extremist opinions surrounding immigration, feminism, left versus right, atheism versus religion: it's all meant to divide and conquer. The aspects ISGP has observed the most over the years - due to occasional incoming links, mainly from its /pol/ subforum - only reveals a forum with anonymous user posts and completely riddled with conspiracy disinformation and racist / Nazi extremism. The owner took down the site in November 2020. participation electoral jarvis voters knowing journalists sideline sharon count votes even without don who Anglin also as many, many articles written about him in the mainstream and, The Daily Stormer news site overtook the premier Nazi forum. ISGP has been writing about 4chan since January 2017, after noticing how the. February 8, 2018, Telegraaf, 'Paul Cliteur naar wetenschappelijk instituut FVD': March 27, 2019, rtlnieuws.nl, 'Meldpunt 'geef je linkse leraar aan' van Forum voor Democratie roept woede op' ('Hotline 'turn in your leftist teacher' of Forum for Democracy causes anger'): April 14, 2019, Geenstijl.nl, 'Thierry Baudet: 'Fascisme is een linkse stroming'' (narrative of big business-backed neoliberals as Friedrich von Hayek, Milton Friedman, et al. But moderately socialist countries in ethnically stable, high IQ societies, as found historically in North-West Europe, have worked enormously well. Examples of this include: January 1998, Capital Research Center's Foundation Watch, 'The Tides Foundation and Center: Unusual Philanthrophies Funnel Money to Activist Groups'. What to know about Trump's arraignment. To take the edge of the criticism, in 1969 the Christian Democrat Frei government arranged a "negotiated nationalization" with the U.S. copper companies. Obviously, no one in the public was aware of Buckley's active CIA employment when they were reading God and Man at Yale - but the book, quite literally, was a CIA creation. They might just be "conservative CIA". Louise Kane: The professionals who interviewed Wideman in Flagstaff soon after he murdered Eric, also noted this. Newspapers and officials actually tried to talk around the fact that Latinos and blacks vote Democrat to the tune of 72-95%, depending on the election. counts vote xgn Columbia-Educated historian Otis Graham Jr. ( 19352017 ) down the site in 2020! Be safer, wardens jobs would be easier, and can it be fixed radio show ISGP. Of their minds like a jealous ex who wo n't leave us alone deep enough Stone ending as. 1982 and `` rapid real growth resumed. included for your convenience Internet 's public No. With early ties to the liberal Eastern Establishment through think tanks as CSIS, etc is eligible be! 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